Research Excursions Program Projects (398H/Y)
PROJECT ApplicationSummer 2018

Supervisor: Department:

Project Title:

Eligibility: As a St. George Campus, Arts and Science, Degree student you must have completed at least 9 full course equivalents, but no more than 16,by May 2018and be in good standing.You should also check that you have completed any course prerequisites stated for the 399Y course for which you are applying. Email this application form to the Project Faculty Supervisor no later than SundayFebruary 4, 2018. In an effort to provide as many opportunities as possible, priority will be given to those students who have not already received funding for a Faculty of Arts & Science international opportunity including 398 REP, ICM, or DFIII – formerly known as DIIF –.

Last Name:First Name:

Student Number:College:

Email Address:Phone Number:

*Phone Number if changing after May 1st 2018

List all courses to be completed by May 2018 (include grades)

TOTAL Number of courses to be completed by May 2018:

Major/Specialist Program(s) you are enrolled in:

Please state your qualifications for and interest in this project.

This page is to provide further relevant information, use 12 point font only and the complete application must not exceed two (2) pages.

Please Note: Signing a contract with a Professor represents a serious commitment to the 398Research Excursion Program. Students who are chosen for a 398H/Y course, but fail to enroll, not only keep another student out of the program, but also can compromise a pFaculty Supervisor‘s research plan.

Please describe your most relevant work experience i.e., lab work, field work, computer experience, etc. (Please limit description to 10 lines)

Please list at most three (3) awards that you have received that are relevant to this project.

Please email your completed application to the Project Faculty Supervisor.

You will be notified by the Project Faculty Supervisor of your acceptance (please see eligibility at the top of this form) into the course in March and will be registered by the Undergraduate Teaching and Learning Office later in March 2018.