Ministry of Higher Education Ministry of Public Health Registration No. 3342 of August 31, 2011 Registration No. 4042 of August 31, 2011

Research Center for Analytic Diagnosis and Imaging Trends (RECEADIT)

School of Health, Biomedical and Computer Sciences (SHBCS) Belo-Kom, Cameroon

Email: . Website:

RECEADIT Kitchu Community Water Project

1) Project Title: Kitchu Community Water Project

2) URL:; Email: ;

3) Project Summary

The Kitchu Community Water Project is designed to provide clean water to the Kitchu Community within which the Research Center for Analytic Diagnosis and Imaging Trends (RECEADIT), its CEMADIT Clinic and School of Health, Biomedical and Computer Sciences are located. The Kitchu Community has a total population of 3,000 people and is in Belo Sub-Division, Boyo Division in the North-West Region of the Republic of Cameroon, West Africa. Specifically, this project is designed to provide this Community with dependable, clean water throughout the whole year. It is important to note very clearly that there is one Water Supply Project in this region: The Belo Valley Water Project whose water supply is obviously inadequate, insufficient and not dependable for its population of over seventy thousand people. As a result, the Kitchu Village Community has struggled and gotten its own small Water Project which is obviously not able to provide water to members of this community either. Obviously water supply is a major problem. As the pictures and videos demonstrate, members of this Community struggle to get water during the Rainy season (April to October) and in the Dry Season (November to March) there is simply no water at all. In order to assist members of this Community with access to dependable, clean water supply throughout the whole year, a very deep well is needed and so we shall: 1) Purchase a very powerful water pump from a Water supply Company; 2) Pay this Company to: a) Drill and construct a deep well; b) Construct and big water storage tank; and c) Connect plastic pipes from the water storage tank to four main water supply points within the Community using labor force from this community itself.

4) Requested Funding Amount


5) Donations Options

·  $10 Will purchase two plastic pipes

·  $20 Will purchase two bags of cement

·  $30 Will purchase five plastic water pipes

·  $60 Will pay the labor cost for digging one trench for connecting plastic pipes

·  $100 Will purchase one trip of gravel

·  $200 Will purchase one trip of stones

·  $400 Will pay for one trip of sand

·  $3,000 Will pay for the construction of the big water storage tank

·  $5,000 Will purchase the water pump and pay for the technical connection of the water pump


Donate using a credit card, payPal, or gift card

We also accept donations by check, mobile phone, wire transfers, money order and more.

6) What is the issue, problem, or challenge?

Members of the Kitchu Community have no access to clean water supply. In the Rainy Season, which begins in April and ends in October, they depend on rain water as the videos and pictures demonstrate. This rain water is not even reliable because it does not rain everyday and sometimes it does not rain for weeks. It is even worst during the Dry Season, which begins in November and ends in March, when it does not rain at all and springs, nearby streams and rivers dry up as the videos and pictures demonstrate. The main problem is access to dependable, clean water supply. For many of us who are blessed with easily accessible clean water, we do not really know the seriousness of this problem or challenge until we actually visit communities such as Kitchu and interact with its members about their horrible experiences.

7) How will this project solve this problem?

This project is designed to solve this problem through: 1) The drilling and construction of a very deep well; which is capable of supplying water all year round; 2) Purchasing and installing a powerful water pump; 3) Building a big storage tank; and 4) Connecting plastic pipes from storage tank to the four main supply points in Kitchu Community. A Community Water Committee will be elected to be in charge of collecting a minimal water levy from Community members and overseeing the management and maintenance of the Water Project.

8) Potential Long Term Impact

Your donation to this project will: 1) Ensure access to dependable water supply all year round for members of Kitchu Community, including our patients and students at the RECEADIT/CEMADIT Clinic and the School of Health, Biomedical and Computer Sciences; 2) Provide employment opportunities for Kitchu Community members; and 3) Eliminate water-related illnesses or diseases and improve the health of Kitchu Community members. A healthy population ensures increased farming activity, an improved rural economy and much more improved health and life.

9) Project Message

Access to clean water all year round and improved health for the members of Kitchu Community is our main goal. Water is God Almighty’s free Gift to all mankind. Together we shall ensure this Gift for members of Kitchu Community.

Jilly M. Ngwainmbi, Director, Research Center for Analytic Diagnosis and Imaging Trends (RECEADIT) / School of Health, Biomedical and Computer Sciences (SHBCS).

10) Key Words

RECEADIT; Kitchu Community Water Project; Kitchu Clean Water; Water Project Workers; Kitchu Community

11) Additional Documentation

Additional documentation of this project has been provided in a PDF file (Microsoft ward).->Provide exact file name.

12) Primary Photo and Photo Gallery

13) Web Resources

Video 069: RECEADIT/CEMADIT Spring Water Supply Site ->

Children fetching water from the RECEADIT/CEMADIT Spring Water Supply Site during the Rainy Season.

Video 070: RECEADIT/CEMADIT Spring Water Supply Site ->

Close up view of one child fetching water from the RECEADIT/CEMADIT Spring Water Supply Site during the Rainy Season.

Video 071: RECEADIT/CEMADIT Spring Water Supply Site ->

Children fetching water from the RECEADIT/CEMADIT Spring Water Supply Site during the Rainy Season.

Facebook page:

Twitter page:

14) Organization: Research Center for Analytic Diagnosis and Imaging Trends (RECEADIT)

Belo-Kom, North-West Region, Republic of Cameroon

15) Project Leader

Dr. Jilly M. Ngwainmbi /Dr. Tembon Divine Tende



15) Where is this Project located?

Belo-Kom, North-West Region, Republic of Cameroon, West Africa

Dr. Jilly M. Ngwainmbi, President, Board of Directors

Research Center for Analytic Diagnosis and

Imaging Trends Inc. (RECEADIT),

906 Southview Circle

Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311

Tel: (910) 482-3462

Email Address: