3430 A Street, Atwater, CA 95301 ● Mailing: PO Box 2147 Merced, CA 95344
www.muhsd.org ● 209.325.2000 ● Fax 209.385.6442
Alan Peterson / Board of Trustees
Dave Honey
Richard Lopez
John Medearis
Greg Opinski
Julio Valadez
Deputy Superintendent
Ralph Calderon / Assistant Superintendents
Constantino Aguilar
Scott Weimer
Note: there are always unusual circumstances that arise, but these will be the basic guidelines.
Requisition Approvals and Timelines:
● Requisitions should not stay in any persons que for more than 24 hours.
● You will be contacted if something needs to be “fixed.” The req will not be returned, but if certain parts of the account number change, the system will automatically reroute to the start of the approval tree for the new number.
● Do not allow someone to login as you to approve reqs in your que!! If you will be gone, you can set it to Out of Office and designate an alternate approver (see end of update for details).
Summer Requisition Issues:
● Replacement textbook orders- we are going to look at moving the time for ordering replacement textbooks up to April/May so that librarians/techs see the PO and can take care of any issues before the end of the school year.
● Summer Out of Pocket reqs- Out of Pocket and travel reqs for the summer should be entered into QSS by May 1. This allows for everything to be processed while everyone is still at work and any issues can be identified and resolved prior to school getting out. This includes travel through grant funds.
Contracts Entered Into QSS:
● Only MOUs and multi-year contracts need to be entered into QSS for approval prior to the requisition.
● Routine expenses like guest speakers or software that have a sheet/contract to sign along with the quote should be signed by the principal/director and must be attached to the req as backup. The signed quote should be sent back to the vendor WITH the Purchase Order. Without a PO, the person who signed is personally responsible for the expense.
Pay for Service Contracts:
● Pay for Service contracts must be approved PRIOR to any work taking place. PFS for a specific date or event should be submitted at least two weeks prior to ensure time for approval.
● PFS that cover the fall or the entire year should be submitted to Heidi Wilson by Sept 29.
● Non Schedule B (coaches/HR) PFS need to submit the contract AND a cover sheet. The link can be found on Business Services homepage.
Out of Pocket Travel Confirming Purchases:
● Requisitions for Out of Pocket travel expenses MUST be entered into QSS PRIOR to the travel. Use the conference/travel form to estimate costs and attach as backup to the req. All requisitions for travel that are entered after the event will need a letter from the principal on why/how this was allowed to happen and what is being done to ensure it does not happen in the future. The travel/conference form link can be found on the Business Services homepage.
For Out Of Office alternate approval for reqs- ensure that Sonia Garcia knows who your alternate is (this must be entered by DO) and then follow these directions when you will be gone:
A Relevant Education for All