Requirements for the Certification of
Altar Servers:
· Certified Altar Servers must know the “Candle Bearers Job” and the “Cross Bearer Job” well.
· Certified Altar Servers must be able to direct the other altar servers in case they need help. This must be done kindly.
· Certified Altar Servers must be an example to the other Altar Servers in that they follow every procedure exactly as it is supposed to be done.
§ This includes the correct hand posture.
§ This includes hanging and zipping up robes.
New Procedures:
· All servers and now required to hold their hands in a prayerful manner if there is nothing in their hands. They may not fold their fingers over one another, but instead have “pointy” fingers with thumbs locked; right thumb over left; pointing upward—not out—not down. They may relax their hands while sitting, but not while kneeling.
· Candle Bearers must stay together. One should not be ahead of the other. When holding the candle their “Outside Hand” should be at the top of the candle holder and inside hand lower. When they turn, they will have to switch hands.
· After the Gospel, the Candle Bearers take the candles back to their holders. Candle Bearers should walk behind the altar on their way to the candle stand. Please do not walk in front of the altar.
· After the Petitions the servers are to set up the altar. The Candle Bearers are the only servers allowed to walk to the Credence Table. The Cross Bearer picks up the Sacramentary and faces forward. The Candle Bearers are to go to the Credence Table and bring the Priest’s Chalice and the metal stand for the Sacramentary. The server on the priest’s left brings the metal Sacramentary Stand. The Server on the Priest’s right brings the Chalice.
As the Candle Bearers set these items on the altar, they are to look straight ahead down the aisle; not wander around; but then go directly down the steps each coming from opposite sides of the altar; turning to face the altar once they reach the tile floor and bowing toward the altar; then turning to walk down the center aisle toward the gift bearers. (Always turning toward their partner.)
We want the left Candle Bearing bringing the item that goes on the left of the altar (metal book stand) and the right Candle Bearer bringing the item that goes on the right of the altar (Chalice). Otherwise the two have crisscrossed and have found themselves on the wrong side of the altar.
The Cross Bearer should place the Sacramentary on the metal stand and then pick up the clear plastic holder for the Book of Gospels. The Cross Bearer then takes this plastic book stand to the Credence Table and returns to his/her seat to wait for the priest.
· Candle Bearers must always turn toward their partner, never away. This take place many times during the Mass: After the Gospel: when they go down the steps at the Offertory; when they finish holding the pitcher, tray, and towel for the priest to purify his hands; and when we process out.
· At the Offertory, the Cross Bearer is now required to handle the cruets. The Deacons are not to take the cruets from the Cross Bearer and begin taking the lids off of them themselves. The Cross Bearer is required to do this now. The Cross Bearer should immediately take the lids off of both cruets as soon as it is placed on the altar. The Cross Bearer then picks up the wine cruet and holds it in his/her hand, handle facing the priest or deacon. As soon as the Deacon or Priest takes the wine cruet from the Cross Bearer, he/she is to pick up the water cruet and hold it handle facing the Deacon or Priest. The Cross Bearer then places the lids on both cruets and takes them away. (You may hold out your free hand to receive the used cruet from the priest or deacon or you may allow the priest or deacon to return each cruet to the tray.)
§ The problem in the past has been that the deacons have handled the cruets and the servers have stood back out of the way. Because of this, the servers have learned to simply stand back out of the way. Then, when there is no deacon, they still stand back out of the way and do not help the priest. Father Mike wants the Cross Bearer to handle this now, so that it is consistent and the Cross Bearer does not have to think about whether to do it or not.
§ Cross Bearers, I cannot certify you until you follow this procedure exactly.
· The altar may not be cleared during communion! The servers have been walking to the altar and picking up the Sacramentary and the metal stand that it sits upon, while communion was going on. They have then put them away. When the priest and deacon returned to the altar after communion, the book and stand would already be gone.
§ Servers, you may not do this anymore. We are not allowed to touch the altar until the Blessed Sacrament and all Sacred Vessels have been taken away.
§ Instead, Candle Bearers are to get up while the priest walks to his seat and then pick up the Sacramentary and the metal stand. This is done as the Cross Bearer carries the tray full of Sacred Vessels to the Credence Table. If one of the Candle Bearers needs to carry an extra bowl or Ciborium to the table, the other Candle Bearer will clear the altar by himself/herself.
§ The Candle Bearer who carried the metal book stand to the altar should carry it back to the Credence Table. The Candle Bearer who carried the Chalice to the altar, should take the Sacramentary away. Again, one server may do both.
· After communion all servers are to carry the Patens differently. After Communion the patens could have particles of the Body of Christ on them. Servers are to place one hand under the plate while using the other hand to hold on to the handle. Hold the patens completely flat so that no particles fall to the ground and carefully place them on the Credence Table.
· Altar Server Robes MUST be hung up and ZIPPED. Servers are here to serve. We no longer want to find robes on the floor and hung up sloppily. Please take the time to hang up your robe and zip it up. Take pride in the job you are doing for the Church.