US History10(1)

US History10(1)

Mr. Cox


School Phone: (513) 734-2271 Ext.7044

Required Text: American Odyssey

Course Objective: The objective of this class is to allow students to gain a more comprehensive understanding ofUS History from the World War I to Post-World War II.

Methods of Instruction: This class will use a variety of instructional methods; lecture- discussion, overhead notes, small group activities, group presentations, film, and Internet research.

Quizzes/ Assignments: During the trimester,

There will be homework assignments and in-class assignments. The assignments will be posted on the board as given stating when the assignments are due. (Please write down assignments using your agendas.)Several handouts and worksheets will be provided. It is important to hold onto them. When these activities are given a due date will be assigned. Assignments are due at the beginning of class unless otherwise stated.

Expectations: Students are required to come to class every day enthusiastic, excited and prepared for discussion and ready to learn.Students are expected to consistently read the required material and come to class prepared to participate in class discussions and/or respond to questions posed to them by the teacher. Everyone has the ability to learn and everyone deserves an opportunity to learn.

Grading: The Final Exam will count for 25% of your final grade. The rest of your grade is composed of straight points accumulated divided by the points available.

Total Possible/ Total Received

Example: Homework – (4 pts. Each)4030

Group Proj – (50 – 100 pts)10080

In- Class – (10-50 pts) 2020

Quiz - (10-20 pts.)2020

Test- (40-60 pts.)120100

Ind. Proj. – (100 pts.)100100

TOTALS -400350

EQUATION - 350 divided by 400 = .87 or 87% (GRADE)

Only those who do homework and prepare well for testsand assignments should expect to receive A’s. Therefore, the grading scale will be 93 and above=A, 85-92=B, 75-84=C, 70-74=D, 69 and below=F.

Classroom Procedures:

  1. Be seated and begin working on assignment posted on the board.
  1. During Class- To receive credit for the day’s work, students must work until the bell rings OR until all class work and homework are completed and turned into the tray. Only those who work in class should expect to pass. DO NOT DISTURB OTHER’S OR YOU WILL BE REMOVED!!!!! Mr. Cox reserves the right to change, rearrange, or develop a seating chart.
  1. Absences- Any work that was due the day you missed should be turned in when you return. Be in your seat when the bell rings. The previous day’s assignment will be posted on the board. You have two days for each day excused to make up the work. Write down the make up assignment in your agenda. Return makeup work to Mr. Cox within the allotted time. I will not be responsible for YOU not being responsible and finding out what work was missed. No Late Work!!!!!!!


  1. Be in seat with book, paper,notebook,pencil sharpened, and any additional materials needed for the day, before the bell rings.
  2. Keep desk, top and bottom, and room clean. Work bell to bell.
  3. Do not speak while another person is speaking. Mutual respect is an important aspect of life.
  4. No food, drink, candy, and especially no cell phones.
  5. See Mr. Coxprivately if you have a complaint or problem with class.

Note: All rules found in the student handbook will also apply to this class.


1. Warning.

2. Detention/ Call to parent or legal guardian.

3. Friday School/ Removal from classroom.

Student-Parent Agreement:Please fill out the below portion and return to Mr. Cox by September 1st. All students must return this completed!!!

I______, have read the above syllabus with my parent/ guardian and understand it thoroughly. As a result, I am aware of the procedures that are to take place in Mr. Cox’s class. I know that this class will operate more effectively if I come to class every day enthusiastic, excited, prepared for discussion, and with all of my materials for the day-- including my text. I also understand that I will inform my parent/guardian about what is going on in class because they are important people and care for my future.

Date:______Student Signature______

I______, parent/guardian of above student, have read the syllabus with my student and understand it thoroughly. As a result, I am aware of the procedures that are to take place in Mr. Cox’s class. I know that this class will operate more effectively if my student comes to class every day enthusiastic, excited, prepared for discussion, and with all of his/her materials for the day-- including his/her text. I also understand that I am an important part of my child’s education. Because of this I will ask my student what is going on in class. Throughout the semester I will be asked to participate in projects that my child is involved in and will do so willingly. If a problem does occur with my child in this classroom, I know that I am able to contact Mr. Cox via phone or email and schedule a conference to discuss the problem.

Date:______Parent/ Guardian______