Technical Arts Request Form

Our Technical Arts team is eager to help you with your event. Please complete the following form expressing your sound, lighting, and video needs and submit it at least 2 weeks prior to the date of your event. Contact our Technical Arts Director with any questions. Thank you!

Group or Organization: ______

Contact Person: ______Address: ______

Telephone: ______E-Mail:______

Date/s of Event: ______Time/s of Event: ______Est. Duration: ______

Rehearsal (Y/N) Date of Rehearsal/s:______Time of Rehearsal/s:______


·  We prefer to use presentation software called MediaShout for all digital media.

·  Our screens have a resolution of 1280x720. We can display media of other resolutions via scaling, but that may change the quality of your media or require letter boxing to maintain proper aspect ratio.

·  We do not offer support of Blu-Ray media

o  (some classrooms are Blu-Ray capable, please ask)

·  Standard CDs and MP3s will be imported into MediaShout for playback

·  Digital video files can be used for playback, but we cannot guarantee support for all media due to the tremendous number of available codecs. MP4 is our preferred file format. MP4s will be imported into MediaShout for playback.

We require that all media be submitted at least one week in advance of the event so we can assemble any presentations (if necessary) and verify proper display and playback on our system. This allows us time to troubleshoot and work with you to correct any problems that might arise. Also, if one or more performers/bands are part of the event, and require their lyrics to be displayed, we require a set list and/or lyrics in text format at least one week in advance.

Please plan for a rehearsal so that we may work together in making things run as smoothly as possible.

General Description – (Please provide a general description of the event including what room/s your event will be held in; e.g. Sanctuary, MMC, room number…):

Sound needs – (please explain):

Please mark the number needed next to the item requested.

_____ corded microphone *suggested for a vocalist

_____ headset/lapel microphone *suggested for a speaker

_____ wireless handheld microphone

_____ CD will be played

_____ MP3 will be played

_____ Monitor/s

Projection needs- (please explain):

Please mark the technology requested.

_____ DVD will be played

_____ Power Point presentation

_____ Digital Video File (Type:_____)

Lighting needs (please explain):

Please mark the technology requested.

_____ house lights

_____ stage lights

You may be asked to arrive prior to the day of your event to see possible lighting options and make a decision as to how you would like the lights set.

While every effort to meet your request will be made, due to our limited amount of equipment, capabilities, and other resources, we cannot guarantee that your request will be fully met.

Please submit this completed form to the church office at least two weeks before the date of your event.

Date form was submitted:______