City of Whittlesea Contract Number 2015-203


Contract No. 2015-203

Lump Sum Price

In accordance with the Request for Tender,


(insert company name and ACN number and ABN number)


(insert address, post box address not acceptable)

hereby tender to execute and perform the Works referred to in the Request for Tender of the City of Whittlesea and to complete the Works in accordance with the Request for Tender for the fixed lump sum (exclusive of GST) of:

(Excl. GST) $ (Excl. GST)

(Amount in Words) (Amount in figures)

Rate for excavation and removal of rock (including all allowances for the storage and transportation of rock):

·  Rippable Rock $...... per cubic metre (Excl. GST)

·  Non-Rippable Rock $...... per cubic metre (Excl. GST)

Alternative Price - Not Applicable To This Contract

In addition, I/we also tender an Alternative Price for the execution of the Works in accordance with paragraph 9.2 of the Request for Tender as follows:

(Excl. GST) $ (Excl. GST)

(Amount in Words) (Amount in figures)

The pricing shall be exclusive of GST but inclusive of all expenses, insurances, duties and imposts.

Time to Completion

I/we submit that the time for completion of work under the Contract would be……………….Working Days.

Execution of the Contract

It is acknowledged that, in the event of acceptance of this tender by the Council, we may be required to execute the Contract which forms part of the Tender Documents.

Supplementary Information

It is acknowledged and agreed that the Supplementary Information to tenderers (if any) was provided for the convenience of tenderers and will not form any part of the contract between the Council and the tenderer. It is further acknowledged that the Council does not warrant or guarantee, and has not made any representations as to the accuracy, completeness or currency of the Supplementary Information.


DATED: ……/……../20…….

Execution clause to be used where the tenderer is a company using a company seal:



was duly affixed in accordance with its )

constitution in the presence of: )

Signature of Director

Name of Director

Signature of Company Secretary/Director

Name of Company Secretary/Director

Execution clause to be used where the tenderer is a company not using a company seal:

SIGNED for and on behalf of )


ACN by: )

Signature of Director

Name of Director

Signature of Company Secretary/Director

Name of Company Secretary/Director

If the tenderer is a body corporate other than a company, the appropriate sealing clause should be inserted.

Execution clause to be used where the tenderer is a partnership (add extra execution clauses as necessary):

SIGNED for and on behalf of ………………………………………….. )

Signature of Partner

Name of Partner

Signature of Witness

Name of Witness


Tenderers shall provide a breakdown of their quoted pricing for the specified works for this Contract in the table below.

The pricing shall be exclusive of GST but inclusive of all expenses, insurances, duties and imposts.

(exclusive of GST)
1. / Preliminaries / $
2 / Site Preparation / $
3 / Demolition and Alterations / $
4 / Civil Works and Storm Water Drainage / $
5 / Ground Slab Inc Footings and Bored Piers / $
6.1 / Columns / $
6.2 / Structural Roof Framing / $
6.3 / Roofing & Roof Plumbing / $
6.4 / Walls / $
6.5 / Doors / $
6.6 / Windows and Glazing / $
7.1 / Floor Finishes / $
7.2 / Wall Finishes / $
7.3 / Ceiling Finishes / $
7.4 / Joinery – cupboards, shelves, / $
8 / Fittings and Fixtures / $
9.1 / Plumbing – Hydraulic Services & Fire Protection / $
9.3 / Plumbing – Sanitary Services / $
9.4 / Electrical – Power & Lighting Services (including fit-off) / $
9.5 / Electrical – Communications & Security / $
9.6 / Mechanical Services (incl. rangehood, etc) / $
10.1 / Superintendent Directions
·  Items as directed and approved by the Superintendent / $30,000.00
10.2 / Signage
·  Supply and installation of signage(not otherwise specified) / $10,000.00
10.3 / Security (Alarm system) / $ 5,000.00
10.4 / Roof Safety System – Extension to new areas / $10,000.00
11 / Other, please specify / $
Total: (Ex GST) / $
Rates provided in this table shall be used as a measurement for increases, decreases or additional services to the required Works during the Contract period should a variation be required. Tenderers shall provide an hourly rate for each category of personnel listed and any other personnel nominated that may provide works or services under this contract together with the hourly rate that may apply.
Item / Description / Unit / Rate
(Excl GST)
1. / Labourer (including Concreter, Bricklayer & Carpenter) / Per Hour / $
2. / Foreman / Per Hour / $
3. / Steelworker(fabricator, erector) / Per Hour / $
4. / Plasterer / Per Hour / $
5. / Joiner / Per Hour / $
6. / Electrician / Per Hour / $
7. / Plumber / Per Hour / $
8. / Painter / Per Hour / $
9. / Vinyl & Carpet Layer / Per Hour / $
10. / Other, please specify / Per Hour / $


I, of

do solemnly and sincerely declare that:


In this Statutory Declaration:

Bidders means any tenderers for the Contract and includes the tenderer;

Contract means the Contract that the tender to which this Statutory Declaration is annexed pertains;

Industry Association means any organisation of which Bidders are members;

Tenderer means [insert name of company, other body corporate, firm, or individual]

; and

Tender Price means the amount indicated by a Bidder as the amount for which that Bidder is prepared to perform the Contract.


I am the tenderer and make this declaration on my own behalf.


I hold the position of [insert Managing Director or other title] and

I am duly authorised by the tenderer to make this declaration on its behalf; and

I make this declaration on behalf of the tenderer and on behalf of myself.

[*Delete alternative which is not applicable.]

No Knowledge of Tender Prices

Prior to the tenderer submitting its tender for the Contract, neither the tenderer, nor any of its employees or agents, had knowledge of the Tender Price or proposed Tender Price of any other Bidder who submitted, or of any person, company, other body corporate or firm that proposed to submit, a tender for the Contract.

Disclosure of Tender Price

Prior to the close of tenders for the Contract, neither the tenderer, nor any of its employees or agents, disclosed the tenderer’s Tender Price to:

(a)  any other Bidder who submitted a tender for the Contract; or

(b)  any person, company, other body corporate or firm proposing to submit a tender for the Contract.

Provision of Information

Neither the tenderer, nor any of its employees or agents, has provided information to:

(a)  any other Bidder who submitted a tender for the Contract; or

(b)  any person, company, other body corporate or firm proposing to submit a tender for the Contract.

Genuine Competition

The tenderer is genuinely competing for the Contract and that the tenderer intends to carry out the work under the Contract if successful.

Industry Association Agreements

Neither the tenderer, nor any of its employees, agents or subcontractors, has entered into any contract, agreement, arrangement or understanding, other than as disclosed to the Council in the tenderer's tender, that the successful Bidder for the Contract will pay any money to, or provide any other benefit or other financial advantage to, an Industry Association in respect of the Contract.

Unsuccessful Tenderers' Fees

Neither the tenderer, nor any of its employees, agents or subcontractors, has entered into any contract, agreement, arrangement or understanding that the successful Bidder for the Contract will pay any money to, or provide any other benefit or other financial advantage to, any other Bidder who unsuccessfully tendered for the Contract.

Qualifications to Tenders

Neither the tenderer, nor any of its employees or agents, has entered into any contract, agreement, arrangement or understanding that Bidders for the Contract would include an identical or similar condition or qualification in their tenders for the Contract.

Conflict of Interest

Neither the tenderer, nor any of its employees or agents has a potential or actual conflict of interest between performing the Contract and any other interest.

I acknowledge that this declaration is true and correct and I make it in the belief that a person making a false declaration is liable to the penalties of perjury.

DECLARED at in the State of Victoria this day of / )

Before Me:


Full Name:



[For details on who is entitled to witness a Statutory Declaration see section 107A(1) of the Evidence Act 1958.]


Tenderers are required to submit such information as is necessary to enable the Council to assess their ability to carry out the Works. This questionnaire has been prepared to assist tenderers in supplying this information.

Complete one of the following:
1.1 / If a Sole Trader; (if a person; provide full name)
1.2 / If a Firm or Partnership; (Name and address of members of Firm or Partnership)
(a) / Partner 1
Address /
(b) / Partner 2
Address /
(Attach extra sheet if required)
1.3 / If a Company
Registered Company Name:
Trading Name:
Address of Registered Office: /
ABN: / …….. / ACN: / ……..
2.1 / Trading Address - Trading address for the purposes of this Tender / Contract including the Service of Notices (Do not provide a Post Office Box number.)
Primary Contact for this tender
Name: / …….. / Position: / ……..
Telephone No. / …….. / Facsimile No. / ……..
Email address:
2.2 / Local Business – Do you have an operational business premises within the municipal boundary of the City of Whittlesea? / Yes / No
q / q
Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
How many years have you been conducting business under the present business name?
4.1 / Name of the organisation:
Name: / …….. / Position Held: / ……..
Telephone No. / …….. / Facsimile No. / ……..
4.2 / Name of the organisation:
Name: / …….. / Position Held: / ……..
Telephone No. / …….. / Facsimile No. / ……..
4.3 / Name of the organisation:
Name: / …….. / Position Held: / ……..
Telephone No. / …….. / Facsimile No. / ……..

5.1 Experience of Company of Past and Current Contracts

What past and current contracts have you completed that are similar in size and scope to the Works described in this tender?

Please note that if you provide details of a contact person for any previous or current contracts it will be deemed that you are giving us permission to contact that person for a reference in relation to your performance under that contract.

Location / Description of Work / Contract Value / Client Address / Contact Person & Telephone No. /
Past Contracts
Current Contracts *

* state expected completion date.

5.2 Experience of Nominated Representatives

The Nominated Representatives should be the proposed site manager and/or other similar position proposed for carrying out the Works.

Name of Nominated Representatives and positions within your organisation:

Please attach resumes of the Nominated Representatives confirming years of service with your organisation, present and past duties, responsibilities and qualifications.

Provide details in the table below of past and current Contracts completed by the Nominated Representatives that are similar in size and scope to the Works described in this tender.

Name of Project and Brief Description of Work Undertaken / Name of Client / Amount of Contract / Completion Date / Name of Client Representative and Contact Number /
Past Contracts
Current Contracts

5.3 Availability of Nominated Representatives/Personnel

Please outline the true availability of the Nominated Representatives and other personnel to carry out the Works when measured against current and expected workloads.

6.1 / Insurance of the Works (Refer to General Conditions of Contract Clause 16 and Annexure Item 20). / Yes / No /
Do you have, or will you take out, a current Construction Insurance Policy that provides cover for both the Contract Works and also Public Liability? / q / q
If Yes, will the Insurer provide coverage under the policy in joint names with the City of Whittlesea for this Contract? / q / q
Has the Insurer confirmed that the Public Liability cover under the policy extends to cover the activities of sub-contractors that you engage? / q / q
If No, do you require that sub-contractors have the specified level of public liability cover before you engage them? / q / q
Do you have or will you take out a stand-alone Contract Works Insurance Policy that provides cover for these Contract Works? / q / q
If Yes, will the Insurer provide coverage under the policy in joint names with the City of Whittlesea for this Contract? / q / q
Does (or will) your Construction or Contract Works Insurance policy provide extended cover for a defects liability period of at least 12 months? / q / q

(Note: An “Interested Party” endorsement or a “Principal’s Indemnity” endorsement ARE NOT “Joint Named” insurance and DO NOT meet the requirements in the General Conditions of Contract).