Request for Qualifications or Proposal
Facilities Condition Assement

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[ School District ]

[ Address ]

[ City, State, Zip ]



[Note: RFP will provide fee or cost basis and if RFQ will provide for qualifications where the District will make initial selection and then negotiate the fee perameters and final agreement terms, and agreement with best qualified firm are not reached then will negotiate with the next best qualified firm.]

The Request for Proposals includes the following sections.





All questions and inquiries regarding this RFQ/RFP should only be addressed to:

[ insert name]


Phone #: [ insert phone #]

E-mail: [ insert e-mail ]


1. The [District name] will not be liable for any cost incurred in the preparation of this Request for Qualifications.

2. The [District name]reserves the right to conduct interviews, should it choose, of any or all firms.

3. The [District name]reserves the right to reject any and all Requests for Qualifications.

4. The [District name] will hold an [optional or mandatory] site visit on [insert date]at [insert time]


Building Name, Room #


City, State, Zip

Send an e-mail with your name and company to [insert email] to confirm your attendance at meeting.

Proposed Scope of Work:


[Give brief history/scope of project and deliverables]

Example: The [District name] is seeking the services of qualified firms to complete an inventory of the condition of all building assets. The services to be provided are intended to allow the [District name] to qualify and quantify the condition of its real property and the probable cost for condition repair and or correction. This information will be used to prepare its Ten Year Facilities Maintenance and Repair Plan (1o Yr FM Plan. The scope of this work will not include the assessment and evaluation of educational or related functional adequacy of these facilities. Theinventory will identify all of the assets associated with the listed district property and describe by property and or building, each real property improvement to the detail level reflected in the attached database worksheet. The firm will be responsible for completing this assessment and reporting the results to the [District name] in a report that will include the listing of each asset,in an Excel worksheet, to include information in the data cells shown on the attached example. The assessment and project deliverables will be completed by [insert date. The properties to be included in this work scope are:

-Listthe #/names of buildings, square footage, location, age/year of building


-Assessment of District facilities

-Draft copy of report for review and comment by District committee

-Final copy (hard copy and electronic form) to District

-Presentation to School Board


  • [insert date]; Issuance of RFQ/RFP
  • [insert date]; Last date to contact the School District with any questions by 4:00pm
  • [insert date]; RFQ responses are due no later than [insert time]
  • [insert date]; Review of RFQs by selection committee
  • [insert date]; If necessary, interviews
  • [insert date]; Committee recommends firm to School Boardto enter into negotiations


Failing to submit information in accordance with the requirements set forth herein will be considered non-responsive and may be disqualified.

A.Firm Background and History

  1. List Legal firm name, office location(s)/address(s).
  2. Yearfirm was established/# of years in business
  3. Person’s name, title, phone # and e-mail who will be main point of contact for School District.
  4. List professional services your firm provides in-house.
  5. List number of employees in your firm. Provide a table with breakdown by position/title.
  6. Briefly explain firm’s experience performing similar building assessments, managing, planning or designing K-12 buildings or properties.
  7. Financial. Provide a brief financial profile of the firm. Include financial/bank reference.
  8. Insurance. Include a copy of firm’s current certificate of general and professional liability insurance.
  9. Litigation. Has your firm ever been terminated or released from its contract in the past 10 years? Or currently in litigation or binding arbitration? If so, explain.
  10. Sub-consultants. For any sub-consultant firm(s) you plan to use, include the company’s name, contact person, office location(s)/address(s), the service(s) that will be provided and brief company history. List expected function and specific services to be provided by the sub-consultant and your previous project collaborations with sub-consultant(s).

B.Project Team

  1. Include an organizational chart illustrating your project team. List the following roles:
  • Project Principal/Executive
  • Project Manager
  • Architect
  • Interior Designer
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Electrical Engineer
  • Structural Engineer
  • Civil Engineer
  • ADA
  • Cost Estimator
  • Any other relevant Team Members
  1. The District wishes to work with a Project Manager who exhibits a strong understanding and experience in assessing K-12 facilities. For your proposed Project Manager, provide the following information:
  • Name
  • Years of relevant experience
  • List educational degree, professional licenses, certifications
  • Provide three past project references (name, title, organization, phone # and e-mail)
  1. For the other project team members provide the following information:
  • Name
  • Firm Name
  • Project Role
  • Years of Experience
  • List educational degree, professional licenses, certifications or designations
  • List relevant project experience

C.Project Approach

Describe your approach and include a proposed schedule to conductthe Long Range Facilities Condition Assessment. Include how[District name]stakeholders are intended to be involved in the process.

D.Project Experience

Provide detailed project descriptions for three (3) similar/relevant projects. For each project, describe the project’s scope including # of buildings/square footage, completion date, and owner contact information. (name, title, address, phone # and e-mail).

E.Distinguishing Qualities

Why should the [District name] hire your firm?

F.Additional Information (optional)

Include any other relevant information you would like the selection committee to see.

Submissions are limited to no more than thirty (30) single-sided pages or 15 double-sided pages. Page count does not include front and back covers, table of contents, or one-page cover letter. Failure to meet page limit requirements may result in disqualification.


Deliver[ insert # ]hard copies and a PDF version of your submittal on a CD or USB drive in a sealed package clearly marked “RFQ forFacilities Condition Assessment Services” by x:xxpm on xx/xx/xxxx to:

District Name

Contact Person Name, Title


City, State, Zip

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