Request for Qualifications for
Central Library Building Architectural Services
Introductory Statement
Franklin County is seeking an architectural firm to provide comprehensive planning and design services for a proposed addition to the Central Library and its parking capacity located at 906 N. Main Street, Louisburg, North Carolina. Currently, the building houses ten employees and serves an average of 115 library visitors during the course of a business day and these employees and the services provided in the existing structure may need to remain housed there during the design, construction and finishing phases of the addition.
The County hereby solicits interested and qualified firms experienced in construction design to submit qualifications for professional architectural and engineering services. Submissions should be specific and complete. They should be practical and provide a straight forward, concise delineation of capabilities to perform the services sought. Additional requirements are listed in Section V. In addition to the services outlined in this document, the submitter may outline any additional services that the submitter deems necessary to the successful accomplishment of this project.
The firm desiring to propose services will submit three (3) copies of its qualifications and mark same “Central Library Architectural Services Proposal” and mail or deliver same to the Franklin County Library, 906 N. Main Street, Louisburg, North Carolina 27549, attention Holt Kornegay, by 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, March, 12, 2015. Proposals received after the due date and time specified will not be considered.
All inquiries concerning information contained herein shall be e-mailed, addressed or faxed to:
Holt Kornegay
Director of Library Services
906 N. Main Street
Louisburg, North Carolina 27549
(919)-496-2111 work telephone)
The County will accept faxed or emailed proposals. The County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals.
I. Project Overview (Background)
Franklin County Library plans to expand the footprint of the Central Library, Louisburg NC 27549. The expansion will be compliant with the existing Historic District mandates established by the Town of Louisburg, a copy will be available per your request via e-mail or Fax by contacting the Director of County Library services. The approximately six thousand square foot existing structure is deemed inadequate for collection expansion, flexibility in space usage and maintenance of special collections.
II. Overview of Service Requested
The Franklin County Board of Commissioners requests the services of a qualified and experienced architectural firm to provide design services for the proposed library addition. Reference information; a building needs assessment and a building plan are extant and will be shared with the successful candidate. Firms responding must be able to demonstrate their qualifications and experience in management function building projects that are completed within owner budget and schedule.
III. Project Title
Central Library building expansion
The first phase of the project will be to develop conceptual plans and total project estimates for the most viable option or options to meet the need.
The County desires the design to include features that will maximize the energy efficiency of operation of the structure.
The scope of work shall include but not be limited to the following:
1. Basic existing building assessment and recommendation as to incorporating the existing physical plant into an expanded footprint that is practical, aesthetically pleasing and compliant with all local ordinances.
2. Recommendation on roof design relative to the existing physical plant, needed interior light penetration and evaluation of cost effective construction alternatives.
3. Provide construction/renovation cost estimates.
4. Architectural/engineering design and preparation of construction plans and specifications.
5. Coordination of bidding/contract documents.
6. Construction administration and oversight.
IV. Project Timeline
It is the County’s intention that a contract would be set into place with the secured architectural firm prior to April 1, 2015.
V. Qualification and Proposal Submission Requirements
Proposals must include the following information that will be used in evaluating firms:
· Key principal and associate staff; identification of any associate firms involved and responsibilities; identification of Team Project Manager. Provide a project organization chart.
· Firm history and statement of qualifications.
· Detailed resumes of team proposed and experience in relevant projects.
· Three to five (3-5) client references from relevant, county or municipal management building projects. Include contact information.
· Description of the work plan, proposed meetings, schedule, and approach to scope of work and reporting. Include any additional analysis or service that may be pertinent to this type of project.
· Other relevant information that demonstrates the team’s qualifications for conducting the study.