City of Seattle



Vendor Contracting

2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate

Procurement Schedule

Table 1: Procurement Schedule
Schedule of Events / Date / Time
RFP Release / 8/15/2012
Deadline for Questions / 12/10/12
Sealed Proposals Due to the City / Rolling
Announcement of Successful Proposer(s) / Rolling
Anticipated Negotiation Schedule / Rolling
Contract Execution / Rolling
RFP Closed / 12/15/12

The City reserves the right to modify this schedule at the City’s discretion.

Notification of changes will be posted on the City website or as otherwise stated herein.

Procurement Contact/City Project Manager

Brian Geller, Seattle 2030 District, , (206) 877-2400

Table 2: Delivery Address
Use for US Post Office, USPS, Fed Ex and/or Hand Delivery
Brian Geller
Executive Director
Seattle 2030 District
1402 3rd Ave, Suite 301
Seattle WA 98101

Unless authorized by the City Project Manager, Brian Geller, no other City official, City employee, or program representative may speak for the City with respect to this solicitation. Any Proposer seeking information, clarification, or interpretations from any other City official, City employee, or program representative is advised that such material is used at the Proposer’s own risk. The City will not be bound by any such information, clarification, or interpretation. Following the Proposal submittal deadline, Proposers shall continue to direct communications to only the City Project Manager. The City Project Manager will send out information to responding companies as decisions are concluded.

Table of Contents

1. Purpose and Background. 3

2. Period of Performance. 4

3. Solicitation Objectives. 4

4. Minimum Qualifications. 4

5. Scope of Work. 4

6. Contract Modifications. 5

7. Instructions, Procedures and Requirements. 5

8. Response Format. 11

9. Selection Process. 12

10. Award and Contract Execution 12

11. Attachment 1: 2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate Application 15

12. Attachment 2: Insurance Requirements 19

13. Attachment 3: Vendor Contract 20

14. Attachment 4: ARRA Terms and Conditions 21

15. Attachment 5: 2030 District Member Information……………………………………………...... 22

1.  Purpose and Background.

1.1 Introduction

Community Power Works is excited to partner with Seattle 2030 District on an exclusive offer to 2030 District Property Owner and Property Manager Members: competitive grants for building improvements that result in at least 15% reduction of energy use.

Seattle 2030 District and Community Power Works are requesting proposals for Energy Efficiency Projects from 2030 District Members to participate in the City of Seattle’s Community Power Works program and its 2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate.

1.2 The 2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate

The 2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate provides up to $500,000 in incentive dollars to support cost-effective energy efficiency retrofits that reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere identified by an investment grade audit. For each kilowatt hour of electricity, each therm of natural gas, or unit of steam saved, a corresponding amount of carbon emissions into the atmosphere is reduced. The 2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate program is designed to reward institutions for these carbon reduction projects.

The 2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate provides $15 per metric ton of Carbon dioxide (MtCO2e) reduced by the project.

Proposed projects must realize at least 15% energy savings and 2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate funds are not to exceed 25% of total project costs. These funds are available for a limited time only, on a first come, first served basis.

1.3 Introduction to Community Power Works

In April 2010, the City of Seattle was awarded a $20 million Better Buildings grant from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). This award was based on achieving deep energy efficiencies, at least 15% reduction in energy usage, in multiple building sectors within the City of Seattle. Community Power Works is a three-year initiative offered through the Office of Sustainability and Environment that provides innovative incentives to spur building retrofits. The grant period ends on May 31, 2013.

1.4 Introduction to Seattle 2030 District & its role in the Community Power Works program

The Seattle 2030 District is a groundbreaking high-performance building district in Downtown Seattle that is aligned with the goals of the DOE’s Better Buildings grant and the City of Seattle’s Community Power Works program. The Seattle 2030 District aims to dramatically reduce environmental impacts of building construction and operations through education and collaboration across every sector of the built environment. For more information please see

In the partnership with the Community Power Works program, Seattle 2030 District is authorized to act as the City of Seattle’s Community Power Works Project Manager for 2030 District Members.

1.5 Introduction to Emerald Cities & its role in the Community Power Works program

Emerald Cities Seattle is a public-private-nonprofit partnership comprised of civic, labor, community and business leaders in Seattle, committed to working together to address the issues of carbon pollution, energy waste in the built environment, job quality, equitable opportunities, and healthy communities. As its first project, Emerald Cities Seattle is focused on a comprehensive retrofit of Seattle’s commercial, industrial, residential and municipal building stock. For more information please see

In the partnership with the Community Power Works program, Emerald Cities maintains Workforce Standards & Reporting Requirements through the development of Community Workforce Agreements with each grant recipient.

2.  Application Process

2.1 2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate Application

The 2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate is for energy-efficiency upgrade projects for 2030 District Members that realize at least 15% energy savings. 2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate funds are not to exceed 25% of total project costs.

Applications for 2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate funds (Application) will be accepted on a rolling basis, from August 10, 2013 until December 15, 2012. 2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate funds are available on a first come, first serve basis. Once an Application is approved, funds will be earmarked for the project and the vendor has thirty days to obtain a signed Energy Services Agreement or signed bid between the vendor and property owner. A project can still obtain the 2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate after thirty days, but there is no guarantee of funding availability after the thirty day period has passed.

Unless a vendor offers a performance guarantee to the property owner, a third party appointed by Community Power Works will verify energy savings assumptions. In order to expedite the review process, all necessary back-up documentation must be submitted with the Application.

The Application must be submitted to Seattle 2030 District by the vendor who will be performing the energy upgrade. Because funds are being distributed through Community Power Works, a City of Seattle program, Seattle 2030 District will facilitate a contract directly between the vendor and the Seattle Office of Sustainability and the Environment. The 2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate will be paid only to the vendor and will be distributed at the conclusion of the retrofit project.

The 2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate application can be found in Attachment 1.

2.2 2030 District Community Power Works Non-Profit Bonus

A special, one-time bonus of $15,000 is available to 501(c) 3 non-profit building owners who attain over 25% of energy savings. The bonus is designed to help cover the audit costs and must be matched 1:1 by the vendor applying on behalf of the property owner. Non-profit property owners who own multiple properties will only be eligible for one bonus payment.

2.3 Funding Contingencies

·  2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate funds will be released upon submittal of all final information required by our funder, the federal Department of Energy. This will include a copy of the final investment grade audit and a copy of the final signed bid or Energy Services Agreement.

·  Final receipt (5%) of 2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate funds will be contingent upon Emerald Cities verification of intent to meet the Community Workforce Agreement (see below).

2.4 Community Workforce Agreement: Standards & Reporting Requirements

Execution of a contract for 2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate funds will be contingent upon a written Community Workforce Agreement in place between the vendor and Emerald Cities. Contractors and their subs must compensate workers at the Davis Bacon Commercial wage rate. More information about Davis Bacon requirements and wage rates can be found at:

For more information on the Community Workforce Agreement contact:

Steve Gelb, Local Director
Emerald Cities

2.4 Eligibility

In order to be eligible for the 2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate, the property must be located within 2030 District boundaries and the property owner must be a member of the 2030 District Member. Properties outside of 2030 District boundaries interested in the 2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate program, with strong energy-efficiency project opportunities, will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Any vendor can participate, but they must agree to the terms of the Community Workforce Agreement and reporting requirements. For a list of 2030 Members and an explanation of the 2030 District Boundaries, please see

3.  Period of Performance.

The 2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate funds are available on a first come, first serve basis. Once a Application is approved, the vendor has thirty (30) days to obtain a signed Energy Services Agreement or bid between the vendor and property owner. A project can still obtain 2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate funds after thirty days, but there is no guarantee of funding availability after that thirty day period has passed.

Community Power Works is a time-limited program that ends on May 31, 2013. All projects must be completed and all 2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate funds must be expended by that date. As a result, work on projects receiving 2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate funding must begin by April 1, 2013 and must be complete by May 15, 2013.

4.  Solicitation Objectives.

The City expects to achieve the following outcomes through this vendor solicitation:

·  2030 District-Community Power Works Rebate incentive payments will be made for completed building retrofit projects that result in a minimum of 15% energy efficiency of the retrofit project.

5.  Minimum Qualifications.

·  Energy savings: The energy upgrade project will realize at least 15% energy savings.

·  Membership: The building is an active member of the Seattle 2030 District (non-member buildings will be considered on a case-by-case basis).

·  Location: The building is located within Seattle City limits.

6.  Scope of Work.

The Scope of Work is located in “Section 2: Application Process” above.

7.  Contract Modifications.

The City vendor contract is provided in Attachment 3.

Vendors are to submit proposals with the understanding that all Contract terms and conditions are mandatory and no negotiations of those terms will be invited. Submittal of a proposal is agreement to the entire Contract without exception, unless the City brings forward contract modifications for negotiation. The City has the right to negotiate changes to submitted proposals and to change the City's otherwise mandatory Contract form during negotiations. If the Vendor is awarded a contract and refuses to sign the Contract as provided in this RFP, the City may reject the Vendor from this and future solicitations for the same work. Under no circumstances shall Vendor submit its own boilerplate of terms and conditions.

8.  Instructions, Procedures and Requirements.

This section details the City instructions and requirements for your submittal. The City reserves the right in its sole discretion to reject the submittal of any Vendor that fails to comply with the instructions.

8.1 Registration into City Registration System.

If you have not previously completed a one-time registration into the City of Seattle Registration system, register at: . The City expects all firms to register. Women- and minority- owned firms are asked to self-identify. For assistance, call 206-684-0444.

8.2 Questions.

Proposers may submit written questions to the Project Manager at any time until the deadline stated on Page 1, Table 1. The City prefers questions be through e-mail to the City Project Manager. Failure to request clarification of any inadequacy, omission, or conflict will not relieve the Vendor of responsibilities under in any subsequent contract. It is the responsibility of the interested Vendor to assure they receive responses to Questions if any are issued.

8.3 Changes to the RFP/Addenda.

A change may be made by the City if, in the sole judgment of the City, the change will not compromise the City’s objectives in this acquisition. A change to this RFP will be made by formal written addendum issued by the City’s Project Manager Addenda and shall become part of this RFP and included as part of the Contract.

8.4 Receiving Addenda and/or Question and Answers.

It is the obligation and responsibility of the Vendor to learn of addendums, responses, or notices issued by the City.

Note that some third-party services independently post City of Seattle solicitations on their websites as well. The City does not, however, guarantee that such services have accurately provided submitters with all the information published by the City.

All submittals sent to the City may be considered compliant to all Addendums, with or without specific confirmation from the Vendor that the Addendum was received and incorporated, at the sole discretion of the Project Manager. The Project Manager may reject the submittal if it does not fully incorporate an Addendum.

8.5 Proposal Submittal.

a.  Proposals must be received by the Seattle 2030 District, acting as the City Project Manager, no later than the date and time given on Page 1 Table 1 except as revised by Addenda. Delivery is to the location and Submittal Address specified on Page 1, Table 2.

b.  Submit one (1) hard copy original proposal, one (1) unbound copy and one (1) electronic CD copy of the response (Three (3) items total).

c.  All pages are to be numbered sequentially. The format should follow closely that requested in this RFP.

d.  The City does not have page limits specified in the submittal instructions section.

e.  The submitter has full responsibility to ensure the response arrives at the stated delivery location within the deadline. A response submitted or delivered after the time fixed for receipt will not be accepted unless waived as immaterial by the City given the specific fact-based circumstances. Responses arriving after the deadline may be returned unopened to the Vendor; or the City may accept the package and make a determination as to lateness.