Request for Proposals for Consulting Services for the

2015 Massachusetts Big Data Report

RFP No. 2015-JAII-02

Massachusetts Technology Collaborative

Innovation Institute

75 North Drive

Westborough, MA01581-3340

Procurement Team Leader:Christopher Scranton

RFP Issued:October1, 2014

Questions Due:October31, 2014

Answers to Questions Posted:November 5, 2014

Responses Due:November 13, 2014

Request for Proposals for Consulting Services for the RFP No. 2015-JAII-02

2015 Massachusetts Big Data Report


The Innovation Institute is issuing this Request for Proposals for Consulting Services for the 2015 Massachusetts Big Data Report(“RFP”) (RFP No. 2015-JAII-02) to solicit responses from firms to support the development and creation of the 2015 Massachusetts Big Data Reportas more fully set forth in Section 3 below.

Respondents will be competing against each other for selection to provide the consulting services set forth herein (the “Services”). The submissions of all Respondent firms shall be compared and evaluated pursuant to the evaluation criteria set forth in this RFP, and a single Respondent shall be selected.

The Massachusetts Technology Collaborative (“MassTech”) acts as the contracting entity on behalf of the Innovation Institute. As such, MassTechwill be the contracting counter-party. But for purposes of this RFP (and except where the specific context warrants otherwise), the Innovation Institute and MassTechare collectively referred to asMassTech.


(i)This RFP does not commit MassTechto select any firm, award any work order, pay any costs incurred in preparing a response, or procure or contract for any services or supplies. MassTechreserves the right to accept or reject any or all submittals received, waive minor irregularities in submittal requirements,cancel or modify the RFP in part or in its entirety, or change the RFP guidelines, when it is in the best interests of MassTechto do so.

(i)Individuals providing services to MassTechmay be considered to be “special state employees” subject to the provisions of the Massachusetts Conflict of Interest Law (M.G.L. c.268A). MassTech’s Master Agreement for Services (the “Master Agreement”) requires contractors to certify, among other things, compliance with the Conflict of Interest law.

(iii)Respondents to the RFP who are currently (or who anticipate that they prospectivelymay be) providing services to MassTechgrantees are advised to reviewMassTech’s procurement conflicts policy (located at As part of its response, Respondent must affirmatively indicate whether it has contracts for services funded in part or in whole by MassTechgrants.

2Background on Sponsors and Project


MassTech is an independent public instrumentality of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts chartered by the Commonwealth to serve as a catalyst for growing its innovation economy. MassTechbrings together leaders from industry, academia, and government to advance technology-based solutions that lead to economic growth, job creation, and public benefits in Massachusetts. MassTechenergizes emerging markets in the high-tech sector by filling gaps in the marketplace, connecting key stakeholders, expanding broadband services, conducting critical economic analysis, and providing access to intellectual and financial capital. MassTechhas three primary divisions: the John Adams Innovation Institute, the Massachusetts Broadband Institute, and the Massachusetts e-Health Institute. For additional information about MassTechand its programs and initiatives, please visit our website at

2.2The Innovation Institute

The John Adams Innovation Institute(The Innovation Institute) was created by the Legislature in 2003 and established as a division of MassTechin 2004. The charge of the Innovation Institute is to improve conditions for growth in the Commonwealth’s innovation economy by: 1) enhancing institutional and industry competitiveness throughout the Commonwealth; 2) promoting conditions which enable growth throughout the Massachusetts innovation economy; and 3) providing accurate and reliable information, data and analysis to stakeholders in the Massachusetts innovation economy that promotes understanding and informs policy at the federal, state, and local level.

The Innovation Institute has historically operated with funds provided for by the Legislature. More than 80 investments have been made since 2005, representing an important dimension of the Innovation Institute’s current work and contributing to discovery and design of best practices for innovation-led economic development. In recent years, the scope of this work has broadened to incorporate a focus on direct services beyond grant recipients to business, academic, government and other civic and institutional stakeholders in the Innovation Economy.

Based on its learning and feedback from policy and thought leaders from all sectors of the government and economy, the Innovation Institute began the blending of a services model with traditional grant making which has produced significant results and is represented by the industry collaboratives and initiatives in emerging areas such as advanced manufacturing.

The Innovation Institutehas the ability to allocate, expend and invest capital in a flexible manner and its ability to address ever-changing market conditions is a vital – even decisive – advantage for the Innovation Institute’s work. Its awards are referred to as ‘investments’ to convey and reinforce the desired understanding, by all program participants, that the Innovation Institute seeks a direct role as partner as well as grant-making authority during all phases of the project -- from development through final evaluation.

2.2.1Massachusetts Big Data Initiative

The mission of the Massachusetts Big Data Initiative is to expand the Commonwealth’s position as a world leader in the growing big data industry and enable the region to become the premier global hub for big data innovation and technology.

This effort was launched by Governor Deval Patrick in May, 2012 and is driven by the Innovation Institute at MassTech. The work of the Mass Big Data Initiative develops meaningful collaborations across industry, academia and government, leveraging regional assets including the Commonwealth’s strong industry base, its research institutions, and other important assets such as the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (“MGHPCC”) in Holyoke, Massachusetts and the Mass Open Cloud project.

2.2.2The Mass Big Data Report

As part of the efforts under the Mass Big Data Initiative, the Innovation Institute produced the 2014Mass Big Data Report (the “2014 Report”), which provides an assessment of the relative strengths and weaknesses of the Commonwealth in the field of big data. The Report highlights prospects for growth in key areas including talent and workforce, particular industry sectors, and in public access to government open data. The Report also identifies opportunities to promote and expand the Mass Big Data sector, which in turn enhances the Commonwealth's position as a global leader.

The 2014 Report is based on a broad spectrum of sources, including interviews with 16 key industry stakeholders; the results of the first annual Mass Big Data Survey of over 60 Massachusetts big data companies; an analysis of publicly available federal, state, and university data; and an extensive literature review. The 2014 Report was funded and developed by MassTech with additional support from the Mass Competitive Partnership.

The research to support the development of the 2014 Report informs the strategic direction and work of the Mass Big Data Initiative. It represents the systematic and comprehensive analysis of development and use of big data, open data, and analytics and tools in Massachusetts- the “Mass Big Data ecosystem”. The 2014 Report established a baseline assessment of the Massachusetts Big Data ecosystem and related economic factors. Follow-on reports will not only identify and track key metrics - such as company formation, acquisition activity, talent pipeline development, and risk capital investment - but will also provide additional, in-depth analysis of the top areas and topics identified as drivers or challenges to the growth of the Mass Big Data ecosystem.

The 2014 Report can be found online at

3Services Required


The Innovation Institute seeks a consultant to support the development and creation of the 2015 Mass Big Data Report (the “2015 Report”), including research, data analysis, and the creation of certain editorial and ‘special analysis’ content based on conditions and opportunities in the regional, national, and global big data economies and comparisons to research and analysis findings from the 2014Report.Possible areas and topics for the “special analysis” include, but are not limited to: “Mass Big Data Jobs - Defining and Quantifying the Regional Workforce”, “Talent Pipeline – Exploring the Web of Training Resourcesin the Commonwealth”, “Analytics in Industry – In-Depth View on Life Sciences, Advertising/Marketing, Financial Services, or Energy” or “The Data Liberation Revolution - Opening Government Data.

The 2015 Report is expected to expand on the quantitative analysis of the 2014 Report, use updated data to highlight key trends, showcase the current and developing uses and markets for data and data-related services, and provide informed and actionable guidance on the nature and direction of the Mass Big Data ecosystem. The 2015 Report will represent an important, data-driven foundation for informing current and future policy and program development in support of the Mass Big Data ecosystem.

Related current and future Mass Big Data projects, from both within the Mass Big Data Initiative and across the state, can be improved by the valuable and timely data generated in connection with this work. The very nature of the data displayed in the 2015 Report requires that it be current, easy to comprehend and use, and disseminated in formats that can be modified or adapted to meet the needs of all audience members. Such services will require direct contact with Innovation Institute managers and staff to help guide the research directions, collaborate on analysis, and finalize the detailsof the 2015 Report.

3.2Scope of Services

Generally, services required to develop and create the 2015 edition of the Mass Big Data Report for the Innovation Institute may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Participate with Innovation Institute staff in initial planning meetings to refine the scope of the 2015 Report
  • Research sources of information on key big data areas, including but not limited to company distribution among select big data verticals, jobs and workforce in the big data industry, and relevant trends.
  • Analyze and summarize key changes in select trends from the 2014 Report.
  • Develop revised drafts of the 2015 Report based on feedback from the Innovation Institute staff,
  • Write the 2015 Report and produce a production ready version, including but not limited to graphics and photos, layout, appendices, table of contents and footnotes. Note: Costs for any subcontracted graphics, layout, or other production work should be noted in the project plan and budget.
  • Complete a final production ready version of the report by March 1st, 2015
  • Develop presentation materials and participate in internal and external meetings and presentations related to the development of the 2015 Report, including multiple Mass Big Data Advisory Group meetings where the theme, context and content for the 2015 Reportwill be reviewed and developed.
  • Develop presentation materials and participate in internal and external meetings and presentations of special analysis findings in the 2015 Report for meetings with key interest groups (e.g., Massachusetts and federal government officials, legislators, industry and trade councils).
  • Make available to MassTech, in editable and open formats, all data created or aggregated and included in or used in support of the 2015 Report

The services required are to support the goals, activities and work products of the Innovation Institute, to be performed at the explicit direction of the Innovation Institute staff and its director, in collaboration when and where appropriate with Innovation Institute staff, volunteers, and stakeholders.

4Submission of Responses


The RFP process will proceed according to the following anticipated schedule:

October 1, 2014 / RFP Issued.
October 31, 2014 / Deadline for all questions and clarification inquiries, submitted via e-mail to
November 5, 2014 / Deadline for all answers to Respondents questions.
November 13, 2014 / Responses due by 3:00 p.m.
November17-19, 2014 / Finalist Interviews
November20-21, 2014 / Contractor Selections.
November 28, 2014 / Deadline for Execution of Master Agreement.

Responses will be due no later than 3:00 p.m. EST, on November 13, 2014. Responses received later than the date and time specified will be rejected or deemed non-conforming and returned to the Respondent unopened. MassTechassumes no responsibility or liability for late delivery or receipt of responses.


Questions regarding this RFP may be submitted to the address set forth in Section 4.5(b) or by electronic mail to . All questions must be received by 5:00 PM EST on October 31, 2014. Submission of questions by electronic mail is strongly encouraged. Please include the RFP number on the envelope or in the subject heading. Responses to all questions received will be posted on or before 5:00 pm on November 5, 2014 to the MassTech and COMMBUYS website(s).

4.3Interviews & Selection of Finalists

As part of the selection process, MassTechmay invite finalists to answer questions regarding their proposal in person or in writing. MassTechmay also choose to enter into a negotiation period with one or more finalist Respondents and then ask the Respondent(s) to submit a best and final offer along with a negotiated agreement.

4.4Instructions for Submission of Responses:

Respondents are cautioned to read carefully and conform to the requirements of this specific RFP. Failure to comply with the provisions of this RFP may serve as grounds for rejection of a response.

(a)All responses must be submitted in writing, on 8 ½ x 11 paper (including all required submissions), with one (1) unbound original;one (1) unbound copy; three (3) bound copies (no three ring binders); and one electronic version (.pdf or .doc) thereof.

Respondentsare cautioned to review Attachment A, prior to submitting an electronic copy of their Response. In accordance with the procedures set forth in Attachment A, any information that Respondent has identified as “sensitive information” in the hard copy of their Response should be deleted from the electronic copy prior to submission to MassTech.

(b)Responses must be delivered to:

Request for Proposals for Consulting Services for the 2015 Mass Big Data Report

RFP No. 2015-JAII-02

Massachusetts Technology Collaborative

75 North Street

Westborough, MA01581

(c)A statement indicating compliance with the terms, conditions and specifications contained in this RFP must be presented in the response. Submission of the signed Authorized Respondent’s Signature and Acceptance Form (Attachment B) shall satisfy this requirement.

(d)Any and all data, materials and documentation submitted to MassTechin response to this RFP shall become MassTech’s property and shall be subject to public disclosure under the Massachusetts Public Records Act. In this regard, Respondents are required to sign the Authorized Respondent’s Signature and Acceptance Form, set forth as Attachment B hereto.

Respondents please note : by executing the Authorized Respondent’s Signature and Acceptance Form and submitting a response to this RFP, Respondent certifies that it (1) acknowledges and understands the procedures for handling materials submitted to MassTech, as set forth in Attachment A hereto, (2) agrees to be bound by those procedures, and (3) agrees that MassTechshall not be liable under any circumstances for the disclosure of any materials submitted to it pursuant to this rfp or upon Respondent’s selection.

4.5Information Required:

(a)Executive Summary: Respondents should provide a summary of their organization, their qualifications and their proposed approach for working with MassTech and an affirmative statement that the Respondent will comply with the requirements of Federal and State law relative to equal employment opportunity. This summary should be a maximum of 2 pages in length.

(b)Proposed Approach: Respondents must provide a description of the approach they will use to complete the project and provide the required deliverables. The description should include a high-level project plan, a description of the proposed module, Respondent’s assumptions, and a description of the proposed deliverables. Respondents must be able to meet the required project completion date ofMarch 16, 2015. Respondents must provide a clear and concise task-oriented work plan and schedule for the project

(c)Statement of Firm Qualifications: All Responses must include a statement of qualifications, experience and description of the Respondent firm and its history. The Response should specifically indicate the firm’s current and historical expertise in providingthe Consulting Services identified in the RFP.

(d)Staff Qualifications: All Responses must include resumes of each individual who will be providing the Consulting Services under any work order, as well as written descriptions of the individual’s experience. All Respondents must identify the individual(s) who will have primary responsibility for contact and communications with MassTechand the person who is authorized to negotiate and contractually-bind Respondent. MassTechreserves the right to investigate and review the background of any or all personnel assigned to work under the Master Agreement, including any work orders thereto, and, based on such investigations, to reject the use of any persons within MassTech’s discretion. Any changes to personnel require formal written approval by MassTech, and MassTechreserves the right to terminate the Master Agreement and/or relevant Work Order if changes are not approved.

(e)References: All Responses must include references from at least 3 clients of the firm, and preferably clients who have utilized the firm within the past 3 years on matters similar in size, scope and complexity to the Consulting Services. The references must include a contact person, an email address, a full mailing address, and a phone number. In addition to the foregoing, all Responses must include a listing of public and private clients for whom the firm has within the past 5 years provided services similar to those set forth in this RFP, with a description of the services provided. If individuals identified as participants in a contract entered into under this RFP previously participated in any of the projects performed for other clients on the foregoing list, please identify the projects in which the individual participated.

(f)Billing Rates and Structure: The Respondent selected hereunder will also be added to MassTech’s list of consultants prequalified to provide services to MassTech. Therefore, MassTechanticipates establishing a set rate schedule with the selected firm for the period ending June 30, 2015. In anticipation of this process, Respondents are required to include the following information in their Response.