

Notice Inviting Offer cum Request For Proposal (RFP) NIT No: 601/TT/HQ/2011, Dated 01.03.2011
The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) invites sealed technical and financial proposals from interested developers/ toll plaza operators to collect toll tax from specified commercial vehicles, upgrade/modify, operate, and maintain 121 toll plazas/posts/barriers locations bordering Delhi.
  • The work shall be granted for a period of three (3) years.
  • Reserve Price: R225 crores for each of the three years.
  • Earnest money deposit R 10.00 crores.
  • An Applicant Firm or Consortium of Firms may submit their proposal.
Project Background: At present there are 121 entry points at the borders falling under the jurisdiction of MCD. Specified commercial vehicles destined to Delhi are tolled at entry points. In the last year (from December 2009 to November 2010), the Average Monthly Traffic (AMT) of specified commercial vehicles was 22,57,568. This is the potential tollable traffic. Further, MCD now envisages contracting out the process of toll collection, operation & maintenance (O&M) at toll plazas/posts/barrier points to an eligible private sector firm to be engaged through an open, competitive and transparent engagement process. For this purpose, MCD is issuing this Notice Inviting Offer-cum-Request for Proposal (RFP) solicitation. / Broad role of Contractor: Selected Contractor will undertake at its own cost
i) Toll collection, development of toll plazas, up-gradation / modification toll plazas on behalf of MCD as per NHAI standards, operationsand maintenance for a period of three years.
ii) Up-gradation of toll plazas will entail the following:
  1. Computerization of identified toll plazas (names of such toll plazas identified in
the RFP document).
  1. Installation of electronic software and hardware at identified locations, video
scanning and vehicle scanning equipments at toll plazas, Closed Circuit Television(CCTV), on-line data base set up, training of staff and management for seamless & direct data transfer to the MCD control room, O&M of electronic toll collection, etc.
  1. Upgrade/modify/add to remaining manual toll posts/ barriers.
(iii) Remit to the Corporation as per terms & conditions mutually agreed in the contract
Broad role of MCD : MCD will act as facilitator, provide toll plazas on an “as is where is” basis, grant rights for toll collection and provide administrative support.

Selection Process
A single stage, two-envelope, engagement process will be followed for selection of a suitable Contractor for this work. All interested Firms or Consortium of Firms that qualify each of the following eligibility criteria may apply. Based on the technical compliance of each proposal as submitted by the Applicant, MCD shall shortlist Bidders for financial proposal opening. Financial proposal shall be opened only of Firms/ Consortium of Firms that qualify the said eligibility criteria. The Firm or Consortium of Firms having the highest financial bid will become eligible for selection as a suitable Contractor.
Eligibility Criteria for technical compliance of the Applicant
  • Solvency: The Firm or Consortium of firms must have Solvency of atleast Indian Rupees 175.00 crores as certified by an Indian Nationalized/Scheduled bank.
  • Networth: The Firm or Consortium of Firms taken together must have an aggregate tangible net-worth as per previous year's available annual audited results, of at least Indian Rupees 90.00 crores, excluding revaluation reserve, goodwill and other intangible assets, as certified by a Chartered Accountant.
  • Relevant Experience: The person / Firm must have prior relevant experience of toll collection, operation through manual and semi automated/ electronic toll collection technologies in any three of the last five years.
  • In case of Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) toll roads and /or bridges, the concessionaire/ developer/ operator/subcontractor/ Operation & maintenance contractors having valid appointment certificates/proofs can claim experience.
  • Past Toll Collection:The person / Firm must have prior relevant experience in Toll / Octroi / Entry tax collection of atleast Indian Rupees 105.00 crores, an average annual toll collection for the three years of relevant experience in last five years.
  • The ‘Cash Security’ and ‘Contract Performance Bank Guarantee’ will be equivalent to three months’ remittance amount by taking into consideration average of 36 months.
MCD reserves the right of disqualifying any Applicant/ Bidder without notice who submits an incomplete/ non-eligible bid.

Statement of qualification

Applicants/ firms (in case of a Consortium, each member) must submit the following papers in Envelope 1, the technical compliance proposal:
  • Firm's profile including details of ownership, constitution and evidence of incorporation.
  • Evidence of financial capability, including annual audited accounts of preceding three (3) financial years.
  • Detailed information on key personnel (list of management, key officials, promoters and current stake holding pattern).
  • Relevant experience for past or current projects in hand with regard to toll collection, operation with supporting proof i.e. documents/ certificates from client/award letter/ letter of acceptance etc as applicable from respective client.
RFP document can be obtained from 04.03.2011 to 31.03.2011 till 1500 hours at the office of Assistant Commissioner, Toll Tax Department, MCD, 14th Floor, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Civic Centre, Minto Road, New Delhi-110002 (Phone: 011-23226422) (Email-ID: ) for a non-refundable fee of Indian Rupees 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Only) payable through bank drafts/ bankers cheque of an Indian Nationalized/Scheduled bank in favour of Commissioner, Municipal Corporation of Delhi. RFP document can also be downloaded at the following website :
In case the documents are downloaded, a bank draft / bankers cheque of an Indian Nationalized/ Scheduled bank of Indian Rupees 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Only) in favour of Commissioner, Municipal Corporation of Delhi, to be enclosed within Envelop 1, the Technical Proposal
Submission of Technical and Financial Proposal/Bid to: Office of the Addl. Commissioner (Edu.), 6th Floor, MCD, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Civic Centre, Minto Road, New Delhi-110002 (Phone: 011-23225601)
The technical and financial bids, alongwith a duplicate copy, must be submitted in separate sealed Envelopes 1&2. Envelope 1 titled" Technical Proposal': Envelope 2 titled "Financial Proposal', put together in a Cover Envelope, superscribed, either Original Proposal or Duplicate copy followed by: "Engagement of a Contractor by MCD for toll collection at border points from specified commercial vehicles entering Delhi "
Last date of submission of Proposal
01.04.2011 before 1500 hours (1ST)
Date of opening Technical Bids
01.04.2011at 1530 hours (IST)
Addl. Commissioner (Edu.)


Sl No. / Event description / Target / Dates
1. / Release of advertisement for Request for Proposal (RFP) / Day 1 / 04.03.2011
2. / Date of commencement for issue of RFP document/ application for the sale of RFP / Day 1 / 04.03.2011
3. / Last date of receiving queries for Pre-Bid Meeting / Day 20 / 23.03.2011
4. / Pre-bid meeting at 3.30 pm / Day 22 / 25.03.2011
5. / Last date of issue of RFP / Day 28 / 31.03.2011
6. / Last date of submitting the proposal upto 3.00 pm / Day 29 / 01.04.2011
7. / Opening of technical proposals at 3.30 pm / Day 29 / 01.04.2011

Note: MCD, however, reserves the right to extend the target dates. Intimation to this effect shall be given to all Applicants/Bidders including requests for extending the proposal and bid security validity time frameif required. Intimations may be sent to Applicants/ Bidders who may have either purchased the RFP document or attended the pre-bid meeting whose correct addresses are available with MCD. MCD or its employees/ advisors/ consultants etc. shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever in case any Applicant/ Bidder fails to receive such intimations. Applicants/ Bidders are advised to regularly check for details including the ones that may be notified at the MCD website:



S.No. / Type of Vehicle / Entry Per Visit (Rs) / MonthlyPass
1. / Taxi, Tempo, Tata 407
and such type of other
Commercial vehicles / 45 / 1,350
2. / Bus, Truck – Nissan,
Tata – 709/ Canter and
such type of other
Commercial vehicles / 85 / 2,550
3. / 6 Wheels Truck / 165 / 4,950
4. / 10 Wheels Truck / 330 / 9,900
5. / 14 Wheels Truck / 820 / 24,600

(Note : These Revised Toll Tax Rates will be applicable w.e.f. 16.05.2011 (6.00 a.m.) with the next Toll Tax Contract).

In addition, Smart Cards, which will work on computerized toll plazas only, shall be issued to interested commuters at the same discount rates and structure as relevant to the pass holders, as mentioned above.

Note: No toll tax shall be payable or collected in respect of the following vehicles namely

(A) Ambulances

(B) Fire Fighting Vehicles

(C) Police Vehicles

(D) Government Vehicles having red and amber lights

(E) Defence Vehicles

(F) Hearses

The rates of toll tax, the categories of vehicles exempted from payment of toll tax and the name, address and telephone number of the authority to whom complaints, if any, should be addressed, shall be conspicuously and prominently displayed at two places which are at a distance of 500m ahead of the user fee booths and at the user fee booths also in Hindi and English by placing proper hoardings. The height of the display boards and size of letters should be such that it is easy for drivers to read the display boards.