Request for Exception Disabling of CalNet ID or EmailAccount

Submitscanned printed copy of this form with signaturevia email to or send paper copies to:

ISP–ITPolicy, 2nd floor, Earl Warren Hall, 2195 Hearst, Berkeley Campus, #4878.

Based on a review of operational needs andofhuman resource implications,our department,

requests that IST de-activate thefollowingaccount(s) before the normal account expiration date (before the end of the standard “graceperiod”).*

Employee name
(last, MI, first) / Employee Number / Payroll Separation Date (dd/mm/yyyy) / Disable email?
(yes or no) / Email account name
(if known) / Set
auto-reply message? **
(yes or no) / Also disable CalNet?
(yes or no) / CalNetID
(if known)
0/0/0 / yes
no / yes
no / yes
00/00/0000 / yes
no / yes
no / yes
00/00/0000 / yes
no / yes
no / yes
00/00/0000 / yes
no / yes
no / yes

Authorized Requestor (Name): Email address: Contact Phone #:


Signature ______

Date Request Submitted: // Requested Account Termination Date: // and Time:

*The standardCalMail/bMail/CalNetgrace period is three months after an employeeis no longer on payroll -- specifically, 90 days after the HCM termination date.

**Set an auto-reply (aka “vacation” or “forwarding” message) on the email account to directcorrespondents to send business email to a different address. (Incoming messages themselves are not forwarded.)Provide an auto-reply message for each account: e.g., "[John Smith] is no longer employed at UC Berkeley. Please contact [the Department Office at ] regarding all [administrative] matters."
Enter the vacation or forward message you would like placed on the account here:

Important Notes:

  • During the CalNet “grace period” (when the account does not have an active affiliation, but is not yet expired) some campus services are still available (e.g., CalMail, bConnected) while others are not (e.g., Service providers determine access requirements for a given service.
  • Disabling a CalNet account does not terminate access to all campus applications. Review employee access to campus systems that do not useCalNet authentication, and take action as needed.
  • Due to privacy and staff resource concerns, it is not standard practice to provide department access to former employees' email accounts.Plan for continuous department access to University records (including files and email) after an employee's separation through the use of departmental email accounts and shared file storage spaces (e.g., Special Purpose Accounts).
  • Allow separating employees to gather personal information from University accounts and devices prior to separation.

ISP–ITPolicy () Rev: 5/8/14