2016 – 2017 Grant Year
(Grant funding period: August 15, 2016 – June 30, 2017)
Due: Thursday, March 31, 2016
Washington Campus Compact (WACC) is requesting continuation proposalsfrom campus programs that administered a College Access Corps program during the 2015-16 grant year and wish to continue their program into the 2016-17 grant year. WACC will be in the third year of a three year AmeriCorps grant from the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS)to help participating member campuses develop, implement, and/or expand 4-12 college access programs. The College Access Corps Grant will allow selected member campuses to hire an AmeriCorps member to help coordinate college access programsin their local communities. AmeriCorps members will recruit and train college students from their campuses to act as college access coaches to economically disadvantaged youth* in schools, or to student groups, that have a student population that is at least 50% eligible for the federally-funded free/reduced lunch program.
*Economically disadvantaged (ED) youth is defined as youth eligible for the free/reduced lunch program.
College Access Corps Program Goals:
- To recruit and train 500 college students to act as college access coaches who will provide at least 15 hours of college access intervention to 4,300 ED4-12 youth.
- To have at least 70% of participating ED 4-12 youth report, through a pre- and post- survey, improvement in academic engagement, academic preparedness for post-secondary education, and knowledge about how to apply to and pay for post-secondary education.
- To recruit 1,080 volunteers for National Days of Service and other community service events.
College Access Corps Requirement:
- All participating programs must conduct a pre-program survey, implement 15+ hours of college access activities, and then administer a post-program survey to participating EDK-12 youth.
Equal Opportunity and Non-discrimination
Western Washington University/Washington Campus Compact and sub-granted campus programs, in compliance with applicable laws and in furtherance of its commitment to fostering an environment that welcomes and embraces equal opportunity, diversity and inclusiveness does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex (including pregnancy and parenting status), age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, genetic information and veteran status in its programs or activities, including employment, admissions, and educational programs. See Western’s Policy on Ensuring Equal Opportunity and Prohibiting Discrimination and Retaliation (POL-U1600.02):
As such, the subcontracted campus programs agree not to discriminate against any client, student, employee, or applicant for employment or services in administering personnel actions such as employment, promotion, demotion, transfer, recruitment, layoff, termination, compensation and training opportunities, on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex (including pregnancy and parenting status), age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, genetic information and veteran status.
Proposal Submission Instructions(Due Date: Thursday, March 31, 2016)
A completed 2016 - 17 CAC proposal consists of the following:
- 2016-17 College Access Corps Application Cover/Certification Page
- Project Narrative
- List of Prohibited Activities Acknowledgement Form
- College Access Corps (CAC) Member Support Form
- College Access Corps updated 2016-17position description
- Resume of CAC Program Supervisor (if different from 2015-16 grant year)
- Letter of Support from principal, teacher, and/or guidance counselor from partnership schools (NOTE: If you are requesting multiple CAC members or have multiple partnerships, please provide a Letter of Support from each partnership/CAC member or up to three Letters of Support)
Please submit completedCAC proposal as a pdf (with forms fully signed and dated) electronically to Debbie Curry: by Thursday, March 31, 2016.
Subject line: 2016-17 CACContinuation Proposal - campus name
Selection Criteria:40% Assessment of 2015-16 performance
35%Assessment of proposed program design and performance for 2016-17
15%CAC member support
10%Completed, signed and dated continuation proposal by due date of 3/31/16
For questions regarding the process, please contact
Patrick McGinty at r 360/650-7257.
2016-2017Continuation Proposal Application Cover Page
Contact Information:
Higher Education Institution:
Program Supervisor: ______
Mailing Address:______
Phone:______E-mail: ______
Grants Officer/Fiscal Contact: ______
Title/Department: ______
Phone:______E-mail: ______
Number of full-time AmeriCorps members requested: □ One □ Two□ Three □ Four □ Five ____ : Other
Estimate the number of 4-12 economically disadvantaged youth your program will administer a CAC pre-program survey, conduct at least 15 hours of college access activities, and administer a CAC post-program survey during the 2016-17 grant yearin the following grades:
4-5: _____ 6-10: _____ 11-12: _____
- Our institution is a member of Washington Campus Compact (WACC) or will join WACC pending proposal approval.
- I understand that our institution is responsible for providing a participation fee of $8,000 per AmeriCorps member.
- It is understood that this is a 10.5 month supervision commitment (August 15, 2016 – June 30, 2017)
- It is understood that our institution will administer the AmeriCorps College Access Corps Grant as detailed on the College Access Corps program website.
- Program supervisor must attend a full day site supervisor training scheduled in June/July 2016.
To the best of my knowledge and belief, all data in this proposal is true and correct, the document has been duly authorized by the governing body, and the applicant agrees to perform the responsibilities and abide by the requirements of the College Access Corps as outlined in the Request for Proposal, AmeriCorps Provisions, subcontract, and on the College Access Corps Website.
Program Supervisor, Name/Title
Signature Date
Authorized Representative, Name/Title
(e.g., dean, chief academic officer, student affairs officer, vice president, president)
Signature Date
College Access Corps(CAC) Project Narrative
(Continuation Proposal)
Progress of your 2015-16 CAC program through June 30, 2016
NOTE: For the numbers below give you best estimate if your program has not completed
all pre/post program surveys
- Please input your 2015-16 CAC sub-grant performance numbers:
Number of CAC members who served your 2015-16 program: ______
Number of youth who started your CAC program and were given a pre-program survey: ______
Number of youth who were given a pre-program survey, completed 15 hours of college access interventions, and completed a post-program survey: ______
Number of volunteer coaches that were recruited and trained: ______
Number of volunteers recruited for NDS and/or other community service projects: ______
- What will be your program’s accomplishments through June 30, 2016? What were some of your program’s successes and challenges (use bullet points)?
- A CAC member “on average” is expected to recruit and train at least 9 volunteer coaches, recruit at least 38 volunteers (can include volunteer coaches), and serve at least 78 ED K-12 youth? If your CAC member(s) did not meet the averages, please explain why below and whether you will meet the averages per CAC member in the 2016-17 grant year?
- What impact has your program made on economically disadvantaged youth in your community?
- How will your program promote its 2015-16 CAC program impacts and to what stakeholders?
Proposed Performance in the 2016-17 grant year
- From what you learned from the implementation of your CAC program during the 2015-16 grant year, what are you going to do differently in the 2016-17 grant year to enhance program performance?
Please list the schools your program serves/intends to serve and list the % of students at that school that are eligible for free/reduced lunch (all eligible schools must be 50%+ - Use OSPI website):
List as follows: School name, town/city, % of students that are eligible for free and reduced lunch
(example: Shuksan Middle School, Bellingham, 63%)
Will a formal partnership been established with participating schools by the start of the CAC 2016-17 grant year on August 15, 2016? _____ Yes _____ No
If not, when will the partnership(s) be established/formalized? What is your procedure to establish/formalize partnership(s)?
- Has your program and your partnership determined a schedule to complete the first 15 hours of college access interventions? If no, please explain when you will be able to establish the schedule. Will it be established before your new CAC member begins their term of service?
- If your program does not serve a school that has 50%+ free/reduced lunch eligibility, does your program work with a subgroup of that school that is made up of 50%+ students eligible for free/reduced lunch? If so, please describe that group and provide data and documentation supporting the eligibility requirement.
- College Access Intervention (Core Activities):
What college access interventions (core activities) does your program provide ED K-12 youth and/or will provide these youth, if your program receives a College Access Corps AmeriCorps member? (please check all that apply and input estimated number of youth served)
Check / Intervention / Estimated # of youth servedTrain youth on academic skills development (ex. test taking, study skills, time mgt., etc.)
Act as academic coaches in support of the youth’s school work
Talk to youth about the benefits of graduating high school and seeking further education
Coach youth about various educational opportunities after high school
Coach youth about the application process
Coach youth about financial aid and scholarships
Coach youth about the college experience
Provide youth with a college visit or visits
Take youth to a college fair
Assist youth with their college applications
Assist youth with completing the FAFSA
Engage youth in service-learning projects
- Please input your program’s proposed performance numbers for 2016-17:
Number of AmeriCorps membersyou are requesting for your 2016-17 program: ______
Number of youth who will start your CAC program and be given a pre-program survey: ______
Number of youth who will be given a pre-program survey, complete 15 hours of college access interventions, and complete a post-program survey: ______
Number of volunteer coaches that will berecruited and trained: ______
Number of volunteers your program will recruit for NDS and/or other community service projects: ______
- Is your CAC program looking to add CAC members for the 2016-17 grant year? If so, please explain why, the program design, list the partnership school with the percentage of youth eligible for free/reduced lunch, and list the college access interventions your new CAC member will implement at the partnership school.
College Access Corps (CAC) Member Support Form
It is very important to the College Access Corps program that our AmeriCorps members have excellent supervision, proper site training and orientation, access to campus resources, and a secure office/desk space with office supplies to ensure that the AmeriCorps member is in the best possible position to succeed and have a positive AmeriCorps experience that is rewarding both personally and professionally.
- Please check the following support and resources that will be given to each CAC member during their term of service in your office:
Designated site supervisor who will meet with their/each CAC member for at least a one hour one-on-one meeting per week
Access to campus library privileges
Receive a college ID for your campus
Secure office/desk space with office supplies
Daily access to phone and private voicemail
Daily access to computer with internet and individual college email account
Access to fax, photocopier and printer
Comprehensive community and campus orientation
- If you cannot supply your CAC member(s) with any of the items above, please explain why:
- Describe the training and on-going training provided your CAC member(s) throughout their term of service.
- Describe how your CAC member(s) will be coached and supervised in a meaningful and intentional way during their term of service.
- If the site supervisor must leave their position earlier than the 10.5month AmeriCorps term of service, what is the contingency plan to ensure continuity of the AmeriCorps College Access Corps program on your campus?
List of Prohibited Activities Acknowledgement Form
While chargingtime to the AmeriCorps program, accumulating service or training hours, or otherwise performing activities supported bythe AmeriCorps program or CNCS, staff and members may not engage in the following activities (see 45 CFR § 2520.65):
a. Attempting to influence legislation;
b. Organizing or engaging in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes;
c. Assisting, promoting, or deterring union organizing;
d. Impairing existing contracts for services or collective bargaining agreements;
e. Engaging in partisan political activities, or other activities designed to influence the outcome of an election to any public office;
f. Participating in, or endorsing, events or activities that are likely to include advocacy for or against political parties, political platforms, political candidates, proposed legislation, or elected officials;
g. Engaging in religious instruction, conducting worship services, providing instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship, constructing or operating facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship, maintaining facilities primarily or inherently devoted to religious instruction or worship, or engaging in any form of religious proselytization;
h. Providing a direct benefit to—
i. A business organized for profit;
ii.A labor union;
iii.A partisan political organization;
iv.A nonprofit organization that fails to comply with the restrictions contained in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 related to engaging in political activities or substantial amount of lobbying except that nothing in theseprovisions shall be construed to prevent participants from engaging in advocacy activities undertaken at their own initiative; and
v.An organization engaged in the religious activities described in paragraph 3.g. above, unless CNCS assistance is not used to support those religious activities;
i. Conducting a voter registration drive or using CNCS funds to conduct a voter registration drive;
j. Providing abortion services or referrals for receipt of such services;
k. Such other activities as CNCS may prohibit.
AmeriCorps members may not engage in the above activities directly or indirectly by recruiting, training, or managing others for the primary purpose of engaging in one of the activities listed above. Individuals may exercise their rights as private citizens and may participate in the activities listed above on their initiative, on non-AmeriCorps time, and using non-CNCS funds. Individuals should not wear the AmeriCorps logo while doing so.
By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the List of Prohibited Activities and assure Washington Campus Compact that my AmeriCorps member(s) and supervisory staff will not participate in any prohibited activities, as listed above, during the AmeriCorps member’s term of service hours.
Program Supervisor: ______Date: ______