List of Questions Received for

Request for Bids - Information Technology Consultant

1. Will the Council provide the selected consultant with a project liaison or coordinator to assist

with the coordination, planning, and communications of this project?

Answer: The Council will have two Help me Grow Project Managers who will be

responsible for the contract management, monitoring and program compliance for the

Help Me Grow contract with the state. These Project Managers will be responsible for

scheduling and facilitating the Common Data Base subcommittee conference calls;

managing the Bid solicitation process to obtain the bids from the two (2) existing Help

Me Grow common data base system providers (i.e., development of Bid solicitation

document using the specifications from the IT consultant, arranging for the selection

team review to include development of all review documents, mailing to selection team

and completion of all Bid solicitation processes); developing and executing the

Common Data Base subcontract using the technical requirement language provided

by the IT consultant; and approving all Deliverable documents and expenditures from

the common data base subcontractor with review by the IT consultant to confirm the

work conducted. Note, the responsibilities of the IT consultant are specifically and

solely the work identified on page 3 and 4 of the Request for Bids.

2. Will the Council accept delivery of our proposal electronically via email?

a. If yes, please provide the email address of the individual to whom proposal should be


Answer: No. Proposals submitted electronically will not be accepted.

3. If we deliver our proposal to the Council via hard copy, how many copies of our proposal

should we send?

Answer: Nine (9)

4. Does the Council have a budget estimate or range for this project that you can share? If yes,

please provide detail.

Answer: Our estimated budget range for work of the IT consultant as specified in the

Request for Bids is $30,000 - $50,000. The Council reserves the right to reject

proposals that do not meet the requirements as set forth in this Request for Bids.

Funding for the IT consultant is contingent upon the availability of funds to the


5. It is understood that this RFP is low bid selection, but is there a maximum budget allocation

for this RFP?

Answer: See the response to question #4.

6. Is there a requirement for onsite time?

Answer: No. There is no requirement for the IT consultant to spend time at the FDDC

office or at any of the 2-1-1 organizations. Time onsite would be permitted if

determined necessary.

7. Will the awarded entity bill for time monthly?

Answer: The timing of the billing for services rendered can be negotiated. Monthly

billing is an option.

8. Is there a requirement for respondents to be on the Information Technology (IT) Consulting

Services )973-561-10-1) for the State of Florida?

Answer: No

9. Please confirm the budget of the requirement.

Answer: See the response to question #4.

10. Please let us know if this position is extendable after June 2015 (FY 2016)?

Answer: No. The state appropriated funding ends June 30, 2015. Note, this is not a

staff position, but a consulting subcontract solely for the work specified on page 3

and 4 of the Request for Bids.

11. Do we need to have a government/state contract to participate?

Answer: The IT consultant awarded this bid will be entering into a subcontract with

the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council. The provisions and requirements of

this subcontract will mirror the provisions and requirements of the Council’s contract

with the state of Florida, Department of Education, Office of Early Learning.

12. What type of database is the current system running on?

Answer: The 2-1-1 organizations, which is where the Help Me Grow programs will be

housed, have different systems for providing the information and referral services

they currently provide. One of the tasks of the IT consultant with this initiative is to

research, via a survey and/or phone interviews, the existing data base systems used

by the sixteen 2-1-1 organizations.

13. I would like to know more about Florida Developmental Disabilities Council

Answer: The best place to learn about the Council is on our website at

14. It is anticipated that the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council will need the Information

Technology Consultant full-time for the duration of the project, September 1, 2014 through

June 30, 2015 (roughly 1736 hours)?

Answer: No. The IT consultant would be performing the work specified on page 3

and 4 of the Request for Bids. This is not full-time work.

15. Do you require 100% of the work to be performed onsite at your location in Tallahassee?

Answer: No. See the response to question #6.

16. When do you anticipate announcing the award?

Answer: We anticipate announcing the award between Tuesday, August 26, 2014 and

Friday, August 29, 2014. If there is a need for delay, a notice will be posted on the

Council website in the IT Consultant Request for Bids page.

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