Request for Bids
Makah Tribe
Community Planning and Economic Development Department
Be?is Gathering Place Project
PO Box 115
101 Resort Drive
Neah Bay, WA 98357
Bidder’s Initials: ______
Attachment 1:
Request for Bids
The Makah Tribe Community Planning and Economic Development Department is requesting bids from carvers to participate in the Be?is Gathering Place Project. We plan to erect three gateway totem poles on the site located at FamCamp at the south end of Hobuck Beach. Please read the packet carefully and ensure that you included all the required items with your bid submittal.
Bidding: Bids will be received until 2:30 pm., local time on Monday, March 17th at the Community Planning and Economic Development Office, located at 101 Resort Dr. Neah Bay, Washington, after which time they will be considered. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. Bids may be delivered via U.S. Postal Service, email or personal delivery to the CP & ED Department.
Bid Award: We have $24,000 budgeted for this project. Award will be made to the qualified bidders in accordance with the Makah Tribe Procurement Policy. We will be awarding up to three contracts, one for each totem pole.
The advertisement for bids for this project does not commit the CP & ED Department to award a contract, nor to pay any costs incurred in preparation of a bid(s) or to procure service or supplies. The Department reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any informalities or irregularities and to repeat the advertising when it is in the best interest of the Department.
All document requirements must be enclosed with bid packet to be considered a responsive bidder.
- Provide a detailed bid that includes plans that relate to the Project Detail in Attachment 2.
o Indicate which totem pole you are bidding on
o Indicate your intended design and provide drawings
o Include the total price for your project
- Provide a resume or profile of your past work for reference
- Fill out the W-9 form that is attached to the packet
Scope of Work Attachment 2
For: Carving a Gateway Pole
Project: Be?is Gathering Place
The Makah Tribe Community Planning & Economic Development Department invites proposals for the completion of work required for the carving of a totem pole for the Be?is Gathering Place. We would like to place three totem poles on the site. Two poles will be placed at the site entrances from Makah Passage at the north and south ends of the site and one pole will be placed by the stairs leading from the site to the beach. Bidders are invited to submit a proposal. Bidders should note that any and all work intended to be subcontracted as part of the bid submittal must be accompanied by background materials such as sketches and drawings for plans for the project.
Bidders Information
To view the project, to make inquiries or to submit the bid proposal please contact: Errin Walker, who can be reached at 360-645-2272 or .
The project includes the construction of a beach house shelter and three totem poles will display Makah traditional art and enhance the site for the community. Bidders are welcome to provide a bid for one totem pole or more, up to three poles. The intention of the project is to include as many community members as possible and make it a project that the whole community can be proud of and be included in its creation. Some have contributed to the planning process, the nuts and bolts construction and we have included volunteers to construct benches fire pits and more. This is an exciting project for the whole Makah community and we would like to provide an opportunity for everyone to contribute and become a part of the project. When preparing your bid, please keep in mind the spirit of this project. While some participants are volunteer and some receive remuneration, this project has a very limited financial budget, but has the capacity to showcase the local artists and Makah traditions.
Project Detail
Three Totem Poles
The plans for the Be?is Gathering Place Project layout three totem poles. One will be placed at the north entrance to the site from Makah Passage. A second pole will be placed at the south end of the site and a third pole will be placed at the beach access where stairs will be later constructed. All three poles at in gateway locations where they will receive traffic from two sides. You may wish to consider that in your plans to carve the pole. We will supply 8 feet high cedar logs that are 36 inches in diameter. We encourage designs that will represent the Makah traditions and the features of the site itself. Our Department will also arrange to have the poles erected upon the site in the appropriate locations. We plan to have the construction of the shelter and the site prepared for completion in early August prior to Makah Days.
All proposals must account for the following all the project details listed above. If the bidder recommends additional work to be completed or substitutions, it should be clearly described in full with the reasons for the alternative.
Please fill out and include the attached W-9 form with your bid.