Request for 2015-16 VISTA Project Proposals
New York Campus Compact is now accepting VISTA project proposals for projects beginning July/August 2015. NYCC will give priority to project proposals in the areas of Education, Healthy Futures, and Community and Economic Development, with particular focus on STEM education outreach programming to low-income/high need P-12 schools, climate sustainability/resiliency education, or other high priority educational programming requested by the community partner. Special consideration will be given to faculty led projects that have the potential to generate new knowledge and models of success for alleviating poverty in vulnerable communities.For more information about NYCC, go to
I. Introduction& Background
AmeriCorps VISTA
AmeriCorps VISTA is the national service program of the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) designed specifically to fight poverty. VISTA supports efforts to alleviate poverty by engaging individuals, 18 years and older, from all walks of life, in a year of full-time service with a sponsoring organization (sponsor) to create or expand programs designed to bring individuals and communities out of poverty. VISTA members agree to accept poverty level wages in order to live in solidarity with the people and communities they serve.
Core Principals of VISTAProgramming
Anti-Poverty Focus: The statutory purpose of VISTA is to support efforts to fight poverty. The goal of every project must be to help individuals and communities out of poverty, not simply make poverty more tolerable. VISTA projects should focus on long-term solutions rather than short-term services.
Community Empowerment: Prospective and current VISTA project sponsors must ensure that their project engages community partners in planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating the project. The project must be responsive and relevant to the lives of community residents, and tap into inherent community assets, strengths, and resources.
Sustainable Solutions: As directed by Congress, VISTAs are short-term resources that serve to build the long-term sustainability of anti-poverty programs. VISTA projects should be developed with the intent of gradually eliminating the need for VISTA members without diminishing the project’s ability to continue.
Capacity Building: VISTA projects expand the scale, reach, efficiency or effectiveness of, or leverage resources, for programs or organizations that fight poverty. Rather than providing direct services to low-income individuals and communities, VISTAs strengthen and support organizations by building infrastructure, expanding community partnerships, securing long-term resources, coordinating training for participants, and more, as determined by local needs. VISTAs should create systems that remain long after their service ends.
VISTAs may not engage in activities that would supplant the tasks of, or displace, paid staff, contractors, or existing volunteers. This prohibition includes activities related to the application to and the management of other CNCS grants and programs.
Value of VISTA Resource
The most recent value of volunteer time in New York State, set by the Independent Sector, is $28.04/hr, making the estimated value of a full-time volunteer equivalent to approximately $56,000 per year.
II. Program Development
New Project Proposals. VISTA projects are typically designed for three years, with continuation in years two and three based upon successful progress toward meeting the project’s performance measures. Project proposals should be written with a three-year project life cycle in mind. However, greater detail will be required for outputs, outcomes, and VISTA activities description for the first year of the project.
Continuing Project Proposals. If you currently have a VISTA project in its first or second year, you must reapply for continuation funding. Continued funding will be based upon successful progress toward your first year goals, the level of detail in your proposal, and VISTA activities description for next year.
Eligible Projects
2014-15 NYCC/AmeriCorps VISTA projects must focus on at least one of the following program and measurement areas. All applications must include a completed model that demonstrates a logical, evidence-based project plan.
Potential VISTA sponsors must be able to demonstrate that they can direct the project, recruit and supervise the VISTA(s), and provide the necessary administrative and mentoring support to accomplish project goals.Sponsors must develop and manage projects with the involvement of the communities that will be served.
VISTA projects must leverage human, financial and material resources, especially those of the campus partner, to develop sustainable solutions to problems in low-income communities
NYCC VISTA Program Areas
Education / School Readiness: School readiness for economically disadvantaged young children.K-12 Success: Educational and behavioral outcomes of students in low-achieving elementary, middle, and high schools
Post-secondary Success: Preparation for and prospects of success in post-secondary education institutions for economically disadvantaged students.
Health Futures / Obesity and Food/Food Resources: Improving access to nutritious food.
Access to Health Care: Connecting economically disadvantaged individuals to preventative and primary health care services.
Economic Opportunity / Financial Literacy: Improving access to services and benefits aimed at contributing to enhanced financial literacy
Employment: Improving employability that leads to increased success in becoming employed.
From the beginning of the project planning process, the community organization and campus partner must think about sustainability and ways in which other resources and systems can be phased in to replace the VISTA project after three years.Overall goals remain the same over the full project period, but a new application must be submitted each year with updates and year-specific activities.
Eachproject year’s objectivesmust fit this model to be considered for continued funding:
Year 1: Assessment & Program Planning
Developing relationships with community partners
Assessing the feasibility of program development or enhancement
Piloting a program or program enhancement tool
Year 2: Program Implementation & Evaluation
Implementing the program that was developed in Year 1
Evaluating the program
Deepening relationships between host site and community partners
Developing additional tools for building organizational capacity
Year 3: Program Development & Sustainability
Continued implementation of the program developed in Year 1
Making program modifications if necessary
Developing tools for making the program sustainable
Developing additional tools for building organizational capacity
Year 4: Program Development & Sustainability
Under extenuating circumstances, some programs are eligible for a 4th year of program funding. These may include, but are not limited to: loss of a VISTA during previous program years, shifting community organization goals/leadership, or new opportunities for sustainability.
III. VISTA Member Guidelines
VISTA Member Qualifications
A Bachelor’s degree in any area or commensurate experience
A demonstrated commitment to and experience in community service or service-learning
Strong written and verbal communication, conflict resolution and public speaking skills
Strong skills in leadership, event planning, multi-tasking and time management
Individual host sites may establish other requirements as needed, such as access to personal vehicle, driver’s license, computer application experience, coursework in a particular field, etc.
VISTA Member Benefits
Monthly living stipend of:
$946 (upstate)
$1,026 (Dutchess and Orange Counties)
$1,276 (Bronx, Kings, New York, Putnam, Queens, Richmond, and Rockland
$1,393 (Westchester County)
$1,466 (Nassau, Suffolk Counties)
$5,550 Education Award (for qualified student loans) or $1,500 end-of-service cash stipend
Health benefits including prescription drug coverage
$550 Relocation allowance (if eligible)
Relocation travel expenses (if eligible)
$400/month childcare allowance (if eligible)
Life insurance (optional)
Workers compensation from the Corporation for National and Community Service
Student loan forbearance (if receiving education award)
Repayment of interest accrued on qualified student loans (if receiving education award)
VISTA Member Recruitment and Selection
AmeriCorps VISTA members are recruited nationally through the AmeriCorps website and on member campuses. All candidates participate in a multi-tiered selection process. First, applicants submit an application, resume, and cover letter to NYCC. Second, NYCC staff screens applicants to ensure all have met minimum qualification requirements. Qualified candidates are then sent to a host site to participate in phone or in-person interviews. Host site supervisors will evaluate applicants and notify NYCC of their nominee before offering the position to a candidate. As the official project sponsor, NYCC is responsible for submitting all hiring materials to CNCS, who makes final hiring decisions.
Limitations on VISTA Member Service
Federal law and the CNCS policy prohibit AmeriCorps programs and their members from engaging in certain activities.
VISTA Members are prohibited from:
Providing direct service to the community
Receiving supplemental allowances, monetary contributions, or meal plans
Full or part-time employment while serving
Enrolling in college courses* (must be approved in advance by supervisor)
Supervising full or part-time staff or any other AmeriCorps member
Taking on responsibilities at their host campus outside of their VISTA Assignment Description (VAD)
Involvement in any partisan/nonpartisan political activity while identifiable as a VISTA member
Registering people to vote or driving people to the voting polls
Engaging in any pro- or anti-labor organizing activities
Involvement in lobbying, including any direct or indirect attempt to influence legislation
Conducting religious instruction, worship, proselytizing or any other religious activity
IV. Host Site Guidelines
Project Partners’ Responsibilities
Confirm campus partner membership in NYCC
Participate in recruiting, interviewing, and selecting the VISTA member
Attend supervisor training
Provide daily support, monitoring, mentoring and supervision to the VISTA member
Provide VISTA member with a thorough on-site orientation to campus and the community
Provide all required Host Site Contributions for the VISTA program
Pay administrative fee of $6000
Reimburse VISTA member for work-related travel, including to and from up to 3 NYCC Conferences
Assure VISTA member attendance at NYCC VISTA Conferences
Monitor progress towards goals and milestones
Complete and submit required VISTA reports and evaluations by stated deadlines
Comply with all CNCS guidelines
Sign Memorandum of Understanding with NYCC
Host Site Contributions/Budget
Administrative Fees
In order to help offset the costs of recruiting, supporting, and training VISTA members, host sites pay an administrative fee of $6000 to NYCC for each VISTA position. Program fees may change annually, in order to account for changes in funding available through CNCS. Host campuses are strongly encouraged to request their community partners contribute to the administrative fee.
On-Site Mentoring and Supervision
NYCC and CNCS require that a full-time, year-round staff member accept supervisory duties for the VISTA member. This person should be prepared to contribute at least 5% of his/her time to the VISTA project, including both formal and informal meetings, program assistance, and professional mentoring. This individual should have previous experience, willingness, and the ability to serve as both a mentor and supervisor. In the event that the designated supervisor is no longer able to hold the position, the host site is responsible for designating a replacement.
Office Space and Equipment
Sites are required to provide the VISTA member with a computer, internet access, phone, voicemail, and other necessary office supplies. Ideally, the VISTA member should have his/her own office within the department supervising the project. The VISTA project should also have a reasonable budget for supplies.
Mileage Reimbursement and Transportation Assistance
Sites that require VISTA members to travel as part of the position must reimburse them for all work-related travel or provide a campus vehicle or other reasonable means of transportation. Sites are required to reimburse travel to three NYCC VISTA trainings per year, although VISTAs are encouraged to carpool with other nearby institutions.
Housing or Housing Assistance
Although partners are not required to provide housing for their VISTA member, NYCC strongly urges sites to offer some form of housing assistance. While VISTA members are prohibited from accepting any form of cash compensation, sites can provide graduate or other campus-owned housing, or pay all or part of the VISTA member’s rent directly to the landlord. Benefits of this sort often make a position more appealing, especially in high cost of living areas.
Professional Development Opportunities
Please list any notable professional development opportunities that will be offered to your VISTA member. These include relevant courses and workshops at the host institution, national or regional conferences, or access to other resources.
Mass Transit Access
Metro New York sites must provide the VISTA member with passes to the subway, bus, and train systems for all work-related travel. Other sites are encouraged to make this option available if relevant.
Parking Permit
All sites where VISTA members commute must provide the VISTA member with a parking permit commensurate with staff level.
V. 2014-15 VISTA Host Site Application Process
Submission Instructions
New Project Intent to Apply due December 19, 2014
The Community Partner Organization should submit a brief intent to apply notice via email on behalf of the organization and campus. This email is non-binding and will simply enable NYCC to better assist in the application process by providing technical assistance conference calls, application workshops, or site visits.
Hard Copy Submission due January 31, 2015
Application Cover Page, with original signatures, is the only component required in hard copy, postmarked by the due date. Note: Other signed documents, such as letters from Institution presidents and community partners, can be scanned and sent electronically.
Electronic Submission due January 31, 2015
All other components are to be submitted electronically to . The Program Narratives should be in Word format, and signed letters of support in PDF format.
Selection Process
Host campus selection is competitive, based on proposal alignment with NYCC/VISTA goals and institutional capacity to host a VISTA member. Institutions that currently host a VISTA member will be evaluated according to program results to date, adherence to program requirements, and evidence of successful supervision. All applicants will be contacted regarding the status of their applications after April 2015, once CNCS announces availability of slots and reviews applications. Final approval of funding occurs when your nomination of a particular VISTA candidate is approved by CNCS.
Tentative 2015-2016NYCC VISTA Timeline
December 19 / New/continuing project intent to apply dueJanuary 31 / Host Site applications due for new and continuing projects
April 30
May-June / Site award notification- begin local & national recruitment
VISTA member recruitment
June/July (TBD) / Supervisor training, deadline for selecting a VISTA nominee
Prior to VISTA Start Date / MOU and administrative fees due to NYCC
July - August / New VISTA members start
NYCC 2015-16 VISTA Project
Application Cover Page
Applicant Employer Identification Number (EIN):
Organization Name:
Legal Applicant:
This person must have authority to commit and receive funds on behalf of the institution.
Email: Phone:
VISTA Supervisor – Campus:
VISTA Supervisor – Community:
Please initial below next to each application component to indicate approval of your final joint application:
On behalf of this institution, I certify that:
We are committed to offering a VISTA member the benefits outlined in this application budget
We agree to pay the administrative fee to NYCC if selected to host a VISTA member
We agree to abide by NYCC and CNCS host institution requirements and VISTA guidelines
President/Provost/Vice-President’s Signature / DateMail to New York Campus Compact, 95 Brown Rd Box 1006, Ithaca, NY 14850, postmarked 1/31/15 or earlier.
Project Proposal Narrative
Program Narrative
Please use the headings and numbers below to label sections of your Program Narrative in a Word document.
3-Year Project Description
1)Executive Summary:List your project’s CNCS focus area: Economic Opportunity, Education, Healthy Futures. In 1-2 sentences (up to 200 characters), identify CNCS priority activities and outcomes related to your project.
2)Summary of Accomplishments[continuing projects only]: In one paragraph, describe the project’s progress to date.
3)Community Need Statement[new projects only]:In up to three paragraphs, describe the specific poverty-relatedneed that the project will address, emphasizing statistical data and citing reliable sources. Good data to include: number of low-income people directly affected by the problem, local needs assessment identifying this as a priority issue for your community, specific indicators of need that to be improved (such as school attendance/disciplinary referrals/grades/progress to next grade, household food security or financial literacy indicators).
- Please describe how your campus and/or community agencies are currently addressing the needs described above (1-2 sentences).
4)Project Goal Statement[new projects only]:In one paragraph (up to 750 characters),describe project goals that will be met over a full 1-3 year project period. This should relate back to the Community Need Statement and mention who will be engaged, what evidence of lasting poverty reduction will be generated, and how services will be sustained after the end of VISTA project term.
5)All proposals: What new infrastructure or organizational capacity will be/has been created by this project and how will it change what is already being done? Briefly describe your logic model – how will this project bring individuals out of poverty(1 paragraph)?
6)All proposals: Whatresources and systems will be/are being phased in to replace the VISTA project after 1-3 years? What steps will you and the VISTAs take to ensure project sustainability(1-2 sentences)?