PARADE 101, 1/31/15
Representatives and Presenters
Zone 4 Representative, Michael Soriano
PCA Parade Committee Representative, Francie Kish
Representatives from French Lick Hotels
OVR: Ted Hunter, Kathie Hunter, Dave Collins, John Patterson
**These notes are gleaned from the two presentations and are presented to help inform, orient and navigate. Please feel free to contact the OVR members with your questions.
**Non-registered Porsche Club members will have access to the Concours and the Goodie Store (with PCA card in-hand) only. All other events will require Parade “badge” for entry.
**Parade Competition Rules are available on-line. They are your guide to determining which Class, Division, etc. in which to place your car for judging and competing.
**The annual Porsche Parade is planned for the membership. There are competitive, social, and technical events through which you can form new friendships, learn more about your Porsche, and just plain have fun. There are many family friendly activities, including the availability of childcare. The site deserves your attention. You may want to book tee and court times ahead of arrival. Your registration gives you the opportunity to win door prizes of all sorts-can you say “Treffen”?
PCA web-site has 2015 Parade information on-line now. There may be some events or sections that are not complete but it is advised to review the events, banquets, etc. so that you are prepared to complete your registration when it opens.
Go to the Parade web-site:
Registration opens, On-Line, March 17th at Noon EST.
After on-line registration is complete, a code will be given for hotel room registration. You cannot make hotel registrations without this code to receive the PCA pricing of $140 at French Lick and $159 at West Badin. Suggestion: make your hotel reservations promptly, for while we have the two entire hotels, rooms will sell out.
Physical registration or Check-in at French Lick-bring your Driver’s License. After completing physical check-in, your car will need to be taken to Tech Inspection prior to any driving event (i.e. Tours, Rally, Autocross).
Registration Fees:
$159 covers 2 people, a Primary and Affliate/Family Member and any guests
Events have individual fees.
Banquets/Meals are priced individually or as a package.
Events, Etc.
Welcome Party Concours
T.S.D. Rally and Ice Cream Social Tours
Autocross Tech Academy
Tech Quiz
Gimmick Rally Kids’ activities
R.C. Cars Art Show
Golf Challenge Tennis Match
60th Anniversary Parade Museum Cooking Classes
I.M.S.A Tour and Lunch Bourbon Tour
Dress/Attire-check for notations in banquet descriptions.
Concours Banquet-usually formal
Remainder-Casual or Themed
Final Banquet-Dress is usually nice/dressy
Car Wash
Available and freeall week at both hotels
Usually have hoses, buckets, towels, soap and sponges.
May want to bring your own, though
No electricity at Car Wash usually
Parking-all parking is secure (Covered at French Lick, Outdoor at West Baden)
Volunteering-Events are Mannedby Event Chair and Volunteers (Registrants)
Request is for 2, 4-hour sessions during Parade for Parade Entrants/Affliates. Many, many opportunities to volunteer. It is a good way to meet people. Reward! A special Volunteer Party is held on the last day-food and fun!
Primary Competitive Events:
Concours: will be held on Fairway 1.
4 Groups:
Restoration (at least 11 model years old)
Does not need Kardex, Does need to be “Period Correct”
Preservation (at least 21 model years old) Touring Only
Implied maintained in original condition and used (Not simply stored)
Have at least 75% original factory paint, upholstery and carpet.
Engine and Drive train original.
Kardex, Certificate of Authenticity required
(Preservation Division 6-Low Miles, Not Driven)
Implies maintained similar or original. 20 model years old or newer.
Kardex not required.
Performance-Thoroughbred, either Full or Touring
Within Groups are Divisions and within Divisions are Classes.
The highest Raw Score in each Class is used to determine Division Winner.Division Winners are rejudged to determine Group Awards.
Full (Restoration and Preparation):
Whole car includes undercarriage in Restoration.
Touring (Restoration and Preparation):
Exterior, Interior, Engine, Storage Compartments
Street: Exterior and Interior (Chassis and Storage, Engine)
*Concours cars must be driven onto Concours site. Must be shown only by the Parade entrant.
*Entrants are responsible for bringing Concours forms to the event. You will not be judged without your forms!
*Concours Preparation will be under cover: either in the Parking Garage or Tennis Courts. Cars may be placed on Friday morning, first come/first served
Restoration: 50% points=originality/restoration
50% points=presentation
(Street- 100% presentation)
Preservation: demerit for not driving to Parade
Preparation: Primary judging-presentation and cleanliness
Performance: Primary judging-presentation and cleanliness
Judging team:
Head Judge
Exterior Judge
Interior Judge
Engine Judge
Storage Judge
Chassis-Front Judge
Chassis-Rear Judge
*Each team has a timer volunteer to help the judges know when timing starts and ends.
*Scores are posted at Concours site within 1 hour after a Class judging is completed.
Protests must be filed after all scores are posted, time limit for filing will be announced in PCR’s.
*Remember: 60 points are awarded for Chassis. So Touring can never win Division or Group.
4 Classes:
Showroom stock:
As delivered, but some factory or dealer installed equipment can
advance car to Production or higher class.
Limited performance-affecting changes from stock
More substantial performance-affecting changes.
Modifications outside the limits of Improved Category and Race
Classified by the number of cylinders and displacement.
*As with all competitive events, this event has provisions for protest. Follow the procedures in the PCR’s.
Technical Quiz:
Each Parade includes a Tech Quiz usually lasting about two hours. The Quiz typically consists of two parts, the first is model (or models) specific, and you sign up for a specific quiz. The second part is the General History section and everyone, regardless of which model specific Quiz signed up for, will complete the General history section. This being the 60th anniversary, Porsche trivia should be anticipated.
Typical Model Quizzes:
356 Early 911
Mid-year 911s 964/993
996/997/991 914/914-6
924/944/928 Cayenne
Panamera Boxster/Cayman
When you do your on-line registration to attend Parade, you may be asked to designate in advance which specific quiz you intend to participate in. All of the quizzes consist of True or False, multiple choice, and ‘fill in the empty blank’ questions.
The Rally is a TSD (Time Speed Distance) event. It is a two-person event: Driver and Navigator.
Listen to your Navigator
Skill at maintaining a specific speed
Skill at compensating for speeding up and slowing down
Visual acuity
Ability to react quickly and safely
Good at Multi-tasking
Visual acuity
Tools for Navigator
Clip Board-hard surface to write on
Stop Watch (that you know how to work) if running unequipped
Highlighters-to mark important terms in the directions
Notepad-to do your calculations
(Hand calculators and factory built-ins put you into the “Unequipped Plus” category)
RO4-Unequipped Plus
Rules for a PCA TSD Rally:
PCA Competition Rules
Parade General Instructions-Supplement to PCA Competition Rules
Parade General Instructions
Route Instructions-given to you just prior to the Rally
Rally Basics
Go to Rally School if you have the chance
Arrive to Departure site early (1/2 hour)
Don’t drink too much liquids before hand
Use bathroom beore leaving departure site, even if you don’t have to
TSD Rally can last 3 ½ hours to 4 hours.
*As with all competitive events, this event has provisions for protest. Follow the procedures in the PCR’s. The T.S.D. Rally ends with an Ice Cream Social.
Additional Rallies and Tours
There are additional Rallies and Tours.
The Gimmick Rally requires a Driver and Navigator. The above information about TSD Rally apply with the exception of timing, check points, etc.. You will have specific instructions and questions to follow.
Tours benefit from a Driver and Navigator. Your directions/instructions will guide you to your location of choice. Please check the various Tours against your schedule. They will pique your interest about the areas surrounding the Parade surrounding area.
Tech Academy
The Tech Academy is a day-long event designed to probe various subjects about all things Porsche. Plan for a session or two, or the entire set of information offered.
Hospitality and the Goodie Store
Hospitality is the hub. It is open to any registered person. Stop in to sit a spell, check out the information boards, or grab a drink and a nibble. Sometimes sponsors are located in this area as well.
The Goodie Store. Wow, what can you say: merchandise for everyone and your car as well. Event specific, PCA, etc. in all shapes, sizes, colors all inviting you to look and possibly purchase.
Again, do you have questions?
Contact one of the OVR persons for general information.
Event specific questions can be referred to the event chair, or the overall Registrar.
We hope to see you at Porsche Parade 2015 in French Lick.