Faculty/Directorate: / Job Title:
Candidate name: / Vacancy reference no. / Interview date:
Note the following relevant sections of the Recruitment and Selection Policy before the selection process commences:
  • Representative selection panel -The university will make every effort to try and achieve panels that are representative of a diverse workforce.
  • Selection panel training – DMU employees who are involved in making selection and appointment decisions are required to attend an approved training session or e-learning module on equality and diversity and an in-house recruitment and selection training course (refer to the Recruitment and Selection Policy for permitted exceptions to this requirement).
  • Relationships - Any selection panel member who has a close personal relationship (as defined by the Code of Conduct) with an applicant or a shortlisted candidate is expected to declare that conflict of interest to the Chair of the panel or to the POD team so that alternative arrangements can be made to avoid any unfairness, whether actual or perceived, in the recruitment and selection process.
  • Weighted Criteria -‘Weighted’ criteria will only be used where this has been agreed with a member of the POD team in advance of shortlisting commencing.
  • Feedback -All unsuccessful applicants will be able to seek feedback on their performance during the selection process. The chair of the panel will provide feedback or may nominate another member of the selection panel to carry out this role.
For further guidance on the selection process, refer to the linked guidance to the Recruitment and Selection policy: ‘Selection Methods’
Selection decision (Tick as appropriate)
Make Offer
Appointable Rank Reserve candidate Yes No
If appointable rank candidates in order of performance ie 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th choice and state whether the candidate would be a suitable ‘reserve candidate’ (see guidance ‘Permitted exceptions to external advertising of jobs’).
Not Appointable
Signed by Chair: / Date:
Only include requirements that are to be assessed at ‘Interview, test/presentation and documentation’ stage, as indicated on the person specification. / Essential or Desirable / Method of assessment
(Select how each requirement is to be measured as per the person specification) / Indicate below whether or not the requirement has been met at each stage of the selection process
Interview / Test 1 / Test 2 (if applicable) / Documents
Interview Y/N / Test Y/N / Document Y/N
Details of any panel deliberations:This section should be used to detail any deliberation between members of the panel, and provide evidence to show why the preferred candidate was selected taking into account the results of all methods of assessment. This information may be used to provide feedback to the candidate.
