Title:Pastoral Coordinator
Reports to:Leader Parish & Pastoral Support Group
Position Purpose:To offer administrative support to specified Diocesan groups and working parties, and in fostering a spirit of participation, collaboration and unity among pastoral councils (parish, regional and Diocesan), teams, pastoral workers and clergy through formation, advice and leadership.
Key Accountabilities:
To contributeto the implementation of the Diocesan pastoral plan Fit For Mission
Expected Results
Parishes are sent weekly bulletin inserts, bi-monthly newsletters are provided, workshops are offered, parishes are encouraged
To be executive secretary for a number of Diocesan working parties or groups, including:
- Diocesan Pastoral Council
- Diocesan Commission for Ecumenism & Interfaith Relationships
- Fit For Mission implementation committee
Expected Results
Groups receive timely agendas: meeting rooms are booked and set up; minutes are taken and circulated; correspondence is dealt with, decisions are implemented, records are kept
Develop future plans, strategies and focus for Diocesan working groups
To assist in the support and formation of pastoral councils and leadership teams in parishes, regions and chaplaincies by preparing and presenting formation workshops. This includes Pastoral Workers
Expected Results
Members of councils and teams are encouraged and supported in their roles; formation sessions are provided in role definition, planning and procedures
Organise Formation Day for Parish Secretaries and Pastoral Workers and Associates
Organise Diocesan events such as:
- Overseas speakers
- The annual Bishop’s forums
- Pilgrimages
- Conferences
Expected Results
Events are planned, logistical support is provided, and communicated to the appropriate people; events are resourced and records are kept
Ecumenism & Interfaith – To promote ecumenism and interfaith among parishes and communities
Expected Results
Promote ecumenical and interfaith relationships in parish council formations
Support and assist the Commission in organising ecumenical and interfaith events and initiatives
To carry out specific activities relating to the pastoral office
Expected Results
Responding to requests, enquiries from parish personnel
Receiving & filing PPC minutes
Mission, Vision and Values
- Integrate the Catholic Diocese of Auckland mission and values into work practices and relationships
- Model behaviour in line with the Diocese Mission
Expected Results
- Evidence of language, behaviour and attitudes towards internal and external customers being consistent with Catholic Diocese Auckland mission and values
- Articulate and role model the values, ensuring staff are aware and practising them as they are integral to their culture
- Decision making process includes values
Health & Safety
As an employee you are responsible for taking care of your own health and safety, and for the health and safety of other persons who may be affected by your actions or non-action. Therefore you are responsible for:
- Complying with CDA’s health and safety policies, procedures, rules and guidelines in a safe and responsible manner that will not place at risk your own health and safety, or that of any other person in the workplace.
- Contributing when consulted on workplace health and safety responsibilities and policies, and also providing feedback and suggestions to promote continuous improvement of health and safety procedures relating to CDA’s work/environment
- Reporting all injuries, incident and hazards to the appropriate person in a timely manner and early reporting of any pain or discomfort.
- In the case of injury or illness, you must take an active role in the company treatment and rehabilitation plan, to ensure an “early and durable return to work”
- Support your managers as required to meet their requirements of the health and safety responsibilities and policies
- At all times demonstrate the best health and safety behaviour to support a positive health and safety culture.
Expected Results
- All health and safety policies, procedures, rules and guidelines are adhered to at all times and a positive health and safety culture is maintained.
Competencies/skills required for job:
Desired Qualification:
A tertiary qualification in theology or religious education.
Some theological formation is essential, if a degree is not held
- Committed to the ministry of the Catholic Church with an understanding of its teachings and structures
- A “people” person, able to relate, work and communicate effectively and warmly with others
- Highly developed oral and written communication skills
- Creative and flexible with good organisational skills
- Extensive management and leadership skills in planning, assessment, goal setting, evaluation
- Adult learning, formation and presentation skills
- Available to work flexible hours including evenings and weekends
- A familiarity with the inner workings, the formal and informal communication within the Auckland Diocese
- Ability to take minutes, keep records, process correspondence
- Computer skills (Microsoft Office). Social media skills a bonus.
- Ability to work as part of a team, relating to the groups within Pompallier Centre
Also desirable: experience on a parish pastoral council
Working Relationships:
Leader Parish & Pastoral Support Group
Diocesan Pastoral Council
Diocesan Staff and working party members
Parish Pastoral Councils
The Parish & Pastoral Services Group
Parish Priests and other clergy
Parish Staff