Plowman’s Park October 2016 Milk Orders:
REPORTING STUDENT ABSENCES & LATES If your child will be LATE or ABSENT you must call 1-855-209-6155 before 8:45 A.M.
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / SundayBUS TRANSPORTATION DELAYS & CANCELLATIONS: Parents can now sign-up to receive automatic
e-mail notifications of delays or cancellations for their children’s bus run. Parents should go to and click on the “bus delays and cancellations” link and then click “subscriptions” to sign-up for this service.
3 Day 9
Milk Forms Due
Book Fair Preview
/ 4 Day 10
Terry Fox Walk
Book Fair 11-12 and
2-3 pm / 5 Day 1
Book Fair 1-3 pm / 6 Day 2
Open House 6:30-7:30
Book Fair 1-3 & 6:30-7:30 / 7
PD Day
No School For Students
Thanksgiving Day
School Closed
/ 11 Day 3
Milk Begins / 12 Day 4 / 13 Day 5
First Pizza Lunch / 14 Day6 /
17 Day 7 / 18 Day 8 / 19 Day 9
6:30 – School Council Meeting in the Library / 20 Day 10 / 21 Day 1
24 Day 2 / 25 Day 3 / 26 Day 4 / 27 Day 5
9:00 Respect Assembly / 28 Day 6 /
31 Day 7
Black & Orange Spirit
Day /Halloween Parade / ALLERGY ALERT:We have students and staff in our school that have severe allergies to peanuts, nuts, eggs, latex, shellfish and fish, perfumes and colognes.In the interest of safety, we are requesting that you do not send your child to school with peanut butter, tuna/fish or egg sandwiches, or with any food products that may contain peanuts or peanut oil, nuts or fish.
Hockey League: Grade 3 and 4 students play at lunch (12:30-1:00) on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Grades 5 and 6 students play on Mondays and Wednesdays.