Arnold Street, QueensPark – Extension of RPPS – (A02/0273-02)

Report dated 15February 2008 from the Divisional Manger, Technical Services detailing a request to extend residential parking into sections of Arnold Street.

Council’s Proposal:

That the Traffic Committee give consideration to extending 2 hour residential parking (8am – 6pm, Mon – Sat) into the following streets:

  1. Arnold Street, south side, between Manning Street and the driveway to 62 Queens Park Road.
  2. Arnold Street, north side, between Bourke Street and 12 Arnold Street.

Purpose of Report

This report details a request from the Mayor to consider the extension of residential preferential parking into sections of Arnold Street, QueensPark.


Results of the survey to extend residential parking into various streets in Queens Park, including Queens Park Road and Arnold Street was taken to Traffic Committee in November 2007. The Traffic Committee adopted the following recommendation:

That based on survey results tabled at the meeting the proposal to extend residential preferential parking into sections of Arnold Street, Manning Street, Queens Park Road & Yenda Avenue not be supported.

The Mayor has since requested that the results be re-evaluated with the view of extending residential parking into certain sections of the proposed area.

Technical Analysis

The residential parking survey originally proposed extending the parking areas 21 and 23 into the following streets:

  • Arnold Street
  • Yenda Avenue
  • Manning Street- between Queens Park Road and Arnold Street.
  • Queens Park Road - outside properties 26-28, 48-54 and 56-76

These streets were proposed as a result of various requests received from residents and the Precinct Committee. However, many of these streets within the proposed network are separated by cuttings and road closures, implying that motorists do not necessarily travel from one street to another in search of parking. Additionally, many of the streets proposed in the survey adjoin existing residential parking zones in Manning Street and Bourke Street and need not be treated as a distinct new zone.

The residents of Queens Park Road, between Manning Street and Bourke Street that responded to the surveys were predominantly in favour of parking restrictions, with13 out of a total of 16 respondents in favour of a 2 hour residential parking scheme. However it should be noted that this represented approximately 30% of residents along this stretch of Queens Park Road.

In addition, representations have been made in relation to the parking in the short upper section of Arnold Street, east of Bourke Street. This section contains parking for 8 vehicles and is currently unrestricted. Parking during the day in this section is regularly at capacity. Residents of two of the three properties along this section have supported RPPS. Consideration could be given to extending the RPPS scheme (Area 23) which is currently in Bourke Street into this short section of road.

Financial Information for Council’s Consideration

Should additional signs be approved, Council will meet the cost for their installation.

Council’s Proposal:

That the Traffic Committee give consideration to extending 2 hour residential parking (8am – 6pm, Mon – Sat) into the following streets:

  1. Arnold Street, south side, between Manning Street and the driveway to 62 Queens Park Road.
  2. Arnold Street, north side, between Bourke Street and 12 Arnold Street.

Dan Joannides

Divisional Manager, Technical Services

Author:Stephen Brown (Traffic Engineer)