Report to the Parish Council - 3/05/2017

Following the statement to the Parish Council on April 5th 2017, the Friends of Boddington meeting on April 20th and subsequent meetings, I am pleased to report the following information.The following proposals have been added to the PC Agenda for acceptance:

  1. Friends of Boddington is included on the future Parish Council Agenda as a sub heading under HS2.
  2. Friends of Boddington have a table at the Annual Parish Meeting to inform the Parish residents of the future HS2 developments.
  3. Friends of Boddington is the single entity preferred route for grants applicable from the HS2 Community and Environmental Fund to Boddington.
  4. The monthly Friends of Boddington report is posted in all forms and at multiple locations throughout both Lower and Upper Boddington, so residents can be informed of the latest news.
  5. Propose the Parish Council (PC) write to Peter Deeley thanking him for his work and best endeavours on the Stop HS2 Campaign and for representing the PC at the Northants HS2 Liaison Group meetings

I would like to thank, Clerk Ann Morton for her speedy action in contacting NCC to confirm that Boddington Parish Council agreed, at a meeting of the Council on 5 April 2017, to support Friends of Boddington and notifying NCC that Friends of Boddington has been formed as the key group to represent the Parish in respect of HS2 and Friends of Boddington will report to the Parish Council at its monthly meeting. I note that the NCC group email list for Boddinton PC is out of date and requires amendments to be made.

Northants HS2 Liaison Group meeting

I attended the Northants HS2 Liaison Group meeting held at The Forum, SNC Offices, on 7 April 2017 at 2pm. I was introduced to the existing members by Ian Morris, Chairman. I addressed the meeting explaining the purpose, aims and objectives of FOB.

Matters arising from previous meeting:

  1. NCC to raise overhead gantries as forward agenda item at Planning Forum.
  • HS2 Ltd have confirmed that overhead gantries will be a future agenda item, however this will not be for around a year. This is because gantries are considered as part of the rail systems which will be one of the final things to be considered. The common design elements are being considered first.
  1. NCC to investigate IT options of setting up a new email address and mailbox.
  • HS2 Ltd are proposing to have a standalone website which should help with dissemination of information.
  1. NCC to ask HS2 Ltd what penalties apply if contractors fail to adhere to the construction routes.
  • There will be an escalation procedure if the contractors don’t adhere to the construction routes etc.
  • Any reported incident is serious as the Act is enshrined in law.
  • GPS tracking of vehicles will help to demonstrate if construction lorries do not use the approved construction route.
  • The exact non-compliance penalties etc are subject to commercial confidentiality.
  • Traffic management plan that complies with the ES will have to be produced by the contractors. Any non-compliance should be reported via the HS2 Helpdesk.
  • MPs will have an escalation line to helpdesk for immediate issues.

Gareth Epps, Interim Construction Commissioner, gave a presentation on his role as Interim Construction Commissioner.He has previous experience in the same role for Crossrail for 10 years

The main points were:

  • The Construction Commissioner is the point of last resort if the complainant has been unable to gain a satisfactory response from HS2 Ltd/ contractors
  • Will adjudicate on the small claims scheme (under £10,000)
  • A permanent appointment will shortly be forthcoming appointed by an independent body
  • HS2 Ltd is currently in the process of revising their complaints procedure. Complaints should initially go through the HS2 Ltd helpdesk. Any complaints that come to Gareth will be dealt with within 20 working days with the process being to resolve issue with contractors and then escalation to HS2 Ltd.
  • The majority of complaints should be dealt with by the contractor

HS2 Environmental Team.

Caroline Hutson from the early works contractor FUSION reported that:

  • The early works are small scale works, such as habitat creation and relocation as well as minor highway works. Fusion is also involved with the design of larger scale highways works such as the Stoke Manderville bypass. The early works also involves some air/noise monitoring and some ecological surveys too.
  • Currently in Northamptonshire small scale work is being carried out such as re-homing great crested newts. There will also be some early archaeological works, activities associated with hydrology and soils, utilities design, planning highway works and planning any future property demolition.
  • Currently most of the work is on private land so there is limited impact, but as works start to affect local communities these will be shared with the parish councils.

It is understood by NCC that FUSION will also be designing the Chipping Warden Bypass but this work package has yet to be agreed with FUSION. HS2 Ltd has confirmed the design work will be carried out over the next few months, but they are still to make a decision about whether the construction will be enabling works or main works.

HS2 Community & Environmental Fund (CEF) and HS2 Business & Local Economy Fund

Lydia Smith, HS2 Ltd, gave a brief overview of the two schemes. The two funds are available to local communities to help compensate for the disruption that will be caused by the construction of HS2 Phase One. The CEF fund has been created to add benefit to communities along the route that are demonstrably disrupted by the construction of HS2. The administration of these funds is managed on behalf of HS2 by the charity Groundwork. Groundwork is responsible for managing the money, managing the applications and giving advice to applicants.

  • £40m over the construction period is available for groups and organisations that may want to bid. Applications must bring benefit to the whole community.
  • Each organisation can only apply once every 6 months so consideration must be given to the order that they are submitted. Groundwork is aiming to get responses to applications within 16-20 weeks.
  • Applications under £75k will be agreed by Groundwork, those over £1m will go to a special panel for approval.
  • The Business & Local Economy Fund is aimed at Local Enterprise Partnerships, for local economy incentives/ initiatives to encourage people to come to the area. Of the £40m there is £15m for the central section and £10m that hasn’t been assigned to a particular part of the route. There is a 10% match funding element.
  • In addition to these schemes, contractors will be required to have community investment programmes.

Radio Essex

On April 20th I gave a live interview on Radio Essex regarding the proposed multi-billion pound road link between Essex and Kent. I was invited to give my opinion of the effect of HS2 on our community and the view of FOB to work with HS2 for the best outcome.

The April Meeting of FOB

The FOB meeting was held on April 20th and attended by all 12 members. The meeting included guest speakers, Lydia Smith, HS2 Ltd Engagement Manager and Chris Casey, HS2 Traffic Manager, Area Central.

Lydia Smith
Lydia Smith confirmedthe organisational structure, next steps and the process going forward. Early works such as drilling and testing has taken place around Lower Boddington.

  • The main HS2 contractors will be appointed in June 2017 and construction work is planned to commence in 18 months.
  • Lydia is to supply FOB with all the current maps, plans etc. relevant to Boddington.

Lydia Smith discussed the HS2 Community & Environmental Fund (CEF) and HS2 Business & Local Economy Fund. Appropriate schemes were discussed. FOB is awaiting the breakdown of parishioner’s concerns as recorded in the Parish Plan Results to address the issues with the view to consider them for CEF.

Chris Casey
HS2 Transport Management – Confirmed the current position, next steps and the process going forward.
It was agreed that the data contained in the Traffic Management Flow (TMF) should not be communicated further as it was deemed to be out of date. The Traffic Management Flows will be reviewed and updated in due course by the appointed Contractor and proposals annouced.

FOB will walk the HS2 route with the contractor. Our intention is to work with HS2 Ltd, the construction team and Highways to manage a co-ordinated approach and establish a good working relationship.
Road closures
Some ground investigation works we will be carrying out on the highway around Chipping Warden and Aston le Walls. The following roads will be impacted by these closures;

  • Culworth Road 31st May between the hours of 09.30 and 16.30
  • Byfield Road 1st June between the hours of 09.30 and 16.30
  • Appletree Lane 2nd June between the hours of 9.30 and 16.30

The samples will only last for one day in each location and will be undertaken during the hours notified above. There is a possibility of a small amount of additional traffic in the area during the works, as the contractors move equipment to and from survey locations and due to the survey activity in the fields themselves. This work will be under the supervision of HS2 Ltd.