Report to the East Midlands Personalisation Programme Board

19th May 2009

Co-ordination and coherence of regional improvement programmes


1.1This report sets out how the 4 regional improvement programmes under the overview of the Personalisation Board are working together to increase the speed at which Councils are able to transform their adult social care services.

1.2The CSED, Impower and SFC projects are funded through the JIP; In Control is a national programme funded by subscription by the member councils.

2.0The report

The report attached as Paper 4a has been drawn from a meeting with Impower(Joey de Silva), CSED(Martin Furbar), SfC(Amanda Ashworth and DH(Sue Batty), and ADASS(Margaret McGlade) following the last Personalisation Board on 26 March 2009


The report has 3 sections; a summary of what each of the agencies has been commissioned to deliver; a council by council view of activity by agency; some notes about approaches and issues to be explored further. As these latter were a list of points they are not all self explanatory.

3.0Learning points

3.1The CSED and Impower programmes are well underway, there has been contact between CSED and Impower and all councils

3.2The SFC project follows on from the CSED work and is therefore at a later stage; SFC is actively engaged with 2 councils setting up learning events about the workforce implications of learning from CSEDs work.

3.3 Councils themselves are managing the way they are drawing on theprogrammes and there is no evidence of duplication

3.4Councils are making different levels of use of the programmes; some are drawing on them heavily others have been engaging more slowly; capacity in some councils to fully use these resources is a constraint. Uptake will have moved on over the past 2 months and the situation may have changed somewhat from the last Personalisation Board.


4.1That Personalisation leads in Councils consider their use of these programmes so that they get best use from them; and that any constraints in using them are highlighted so that the Personalisation programme can consider how to support them.

M McGlade

11 May 2009