CIA Executive Committee Teleconference Minutes

26 October 2012

1. / CALL TO ORDER: LCol Penner called the meeting to order at 19001 hrs.
Col C. McQuitty BGen R. Gagnon LCol B. Kedziora
LCol K. McCuaig Col I. Creighton Lcol Luis DeSousa HCol B. Cade LCol M. Morin
2a. / REGRETS: LCol D. Penner, Lcol R. Nadeau, Capt B. Bulger, LCol H. Brink
3. / PRESIDENT’S POINTS: LCol McQuitty welcomed the executive to a new year of activity. He expressed satisfaction with the 2011 AGM/Bayonet and Trade Show. He extended kudos to Capt Bulger and the DInf staff for their diligence in executing an excellent venue. He reported that the Governance Document was translated during the summer and is now ready for distribution by Vice Presidents to their Branches as is the Contact List. He cautioned that the Contact List is a document in process. He reminded the Executive that CIA is a member driven organization and issues and concerns are those raised by the membership. He asked that all Vice Presidents canvass their Branches to develop a list of issues. CIA has found that having a ‘cause celeb’ during a year is an excellent means of focusing our drive and resources and in turn reinforces to the membership that CIA is their organization.
4. / AGENDA: Accepted as distributed
5. / MINUTES: There were no previous teleconference minutes for approval.
a. Teleconference dates for the coming year are:
Monday 28 November 2011
Wednesday 25 January 2011
Wednesday 29 February 2011
Wednesday 28 March 2011 “All Council” Telecon
Wednesday 25 April 2011 (pre-AGM preparation – “All Council” teleconference)
b. Christmas cards were delivered by the president and mailing labels will be finalized and sent to him shortly for an early mailing.
c. CD copies of Ex Bayonet presentations could be posted on the web. Col Creighton will check on this.
d. CIA lost its’pro bono’ auditor with the passing of Maj Bill Matthews. A gift of appreciation ($200 value) had been approved for him at the AGM but no gift had been purchased as he was ill. The executive approved using these funds to make a memorial donation. The Army Cadet League of Saskatchewan had been suggested but HCol Cade will check with the family and take appropriate action.
Motion: HCol Cade/LCol Kedziora – That an appropriate memorial donation in the amount of $200 be made in memory of the Late Maj William Matthew. CD
e. Sympathy cards will be sent to the families of the Late Maj William Matthew and the Late Barnard Danson.
f. Col Creighton advised that LCol Kirk Gallinger is the new Cmdt of the Inf School and CWO Terry Garand is the new school RSM. He will provide their contact information to the Secretary.
7. / a. CIA FINANCIAL UPDATE as of 20 October 2011 - HCol Cade reported as fol:
Total cash & investments $ 3,333.17
Total Dues outstanding $ 3,200.00
Investments $10,000.00
Total Assets $1 6,533.17
b. Arrears – recovery work is in progress and payment expected shortly.
c. Auditor – HCol Cade has to potential individuals that could assume this role. He is investigating and will report shortly.
d. Operating Capital/CMDT Funding - With the approved $100 increase the CIA annual operating income will be $27,600. A draft budget is being prepared however clarification is required about the CCMDT’s budget and what amount CIA might be required to cover. Col Creighton and BGen Gagnon have not been advised as to the status of this but will report once information is available. Until this is clarified the draft budget will be delayed. To be discussed in November.
a. Vimy Award – CIA nominated WO Andrew MacLean. MGen Jonathan Vance an Infanteer was the 2011 recipient.
b. Ross Munro Media Award – CIA was not able to submit a nomination this year but will do so next year. Contact has been made with Matthew Fisher who is interested in co-operating on a joint nomination for Peter Worthington. Rosie Dimano of the Toronto Star was this year’s recipient.
i. Vimy Dinner – CIA has reserved 4 seats at the Vimy Dinner – 18 November 2011.
Motion: LCol Morin/HCol Cade: That a CIA delegation of 4 should attend. CIA will pay modest travel costs for out-of-Ottawa attendees but all will pay their own dinner tickets of $170). CD.
a. Col McQuitty – President (Ottawa)
b. Lcol Nadeau – Senior Vice (Montreal)
c. LCol William Kedziora – VP Ontario (Grimsby)
d. Capt Brendon Bulger – Trade Show Coordinator (Ottawa)
The Secretary will make the arrangements with CDA and the Assistant Secretary Treasurer will bulk pay the tickets. Attendees will forward cheques for dinner to HCol Cade.
ii. CDA Council Meeting – 19 November, Ottawa – Col McQuitty and Lcol Nadeau to attend on behalf of CIA. LCol Kedziora is backup if required. Col McQuitty to prepare a report for CDA.
iii. CDA Annual Dues – CIA Executive agreed that CIA would pay annual dues of $300 to CDA for the coming year. HCol Cade to remit payment.
iv. CDA AGM now 2012 Ottawa Conference on Defence and Security -23-24 February 2012.
It was proposed that the delegation for this conference be:
a. Col McQuitty – President (Ottawa)
b. Lcol Nadeau – Senior Vice (Montreal)
c. Capt Brendon Bulger – Trade Show Coordinator (Ottawa)
Standby - LCol William Kedziora – VP Ontario (Grimsby)
Note: A motion will be required in November. In the past the CCMDT has always participated with his costs being covered out of his budget. Clarification of the status of his funding is needed.
v. XIAB 2012 – This item was deferred to November. A formal invitation to CIA to participate is coming.
10. / AGM/Bayonet 2011
a. Report deferred to November as Capt Bulger was not in attendance.
b. Col Creighton stated that he felt the AGM/Bayonet package was a good product that was well produced and well attended.
11. / AGM/Bayonet 2012 – Col Creighton confirmed that the conference will be held in Laval, Quebec next year (3-5 May 2012). IVR22R will be the host unit. A recce was done in July by Maj Davis and Capt Bulger. The Sheraton and Hilton Hotels are being considered and a block booking will be made. At this time all events will be at the hotel selected with the trade show being held at the Armoury where there will be ample space for vehicular displays. Lcol De Sousa advised that while he is relinquishing command of IVR22R next week the unit is actively involved. The Secretary will send him and members of the Branch an aide memoire prepared for host branches by HCol Cade. Col Creighton advised that his shop has done much of the preparatory work but he stated that he will defer his vision until November.
12. / DInf Points–Col Creighton reported that there is a new focus – Force 2013 for Army Command. Regular Force and Reserve Force Commanding Officers from the four areas are conducting a ground-up review which will be geared to the new force employment model. The restructuring is geared to moving the Corps forward to ensure that the strategic level will be there when Canada needs us. LGen Semianiw has proposed a meeting of the Infantry Corps leadership in Ottawa for 22 or 25 November. This will be a high level strategic discussion about the Corps that will ensure the Corps has a defined and collective view of what the Canadian Infantry should do in the future in recognition of the reaffirmation of the role of the infantry. He believes that the Senior Leadership may actively participate in Ex Bayonet 2012.
13. / CMDT Points – BGen Gagnon stated that he would be attending the Strategic Corps meeting in November. He opted to defer his comments at this time as he felt that the meeting would be critical to shaping the role of the Infantry going into the future. He opined that over the last ten years the Infantry lost many capabilities because it lacked a robust rationale. The symmetric environment is not suitable. Afghanistan has evidenced the need to be able to hold and control the ground. This is a task that only the Infantry can provide. As a result it is essential to develop a framework for a compelling rational for the Infantry. It is essential that the Infantry leadership makes a full commitment to this and he sees this as the purpose of the conference LGen Semianiw has proposed.
14. / Next Teleconference – Monday 28 November 2012 at the usual timings.

15. / TERMINATION: Teleconference concluded at 1957 hrs.

LCol (ret’d) J.A.K. McCuaig, CD


Canadian Infantry Association

CIA/Executive Teleconference Minutes/26 Oct 2011 1