Report to Tarrant County:
Indigent Defense On-line System
Software Development Plan
Sierra Systems Group Inc.
15455 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600
Addison, TX75001
Report to Tarrant County:Indigent Defense On-line System Software Development Plan DRAFT
bySierra Systems Group Inc.
Version 1.1Edition
Published September 14th, 2004
$Revision: 1.1 $
$Date: 2004/09/14 08:03:14 $
Table of Contents
1. Revision History...... 1
2. Introduction...... 2
Purpose...... 2
Scope...... 2
Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations...... 2
References...... 2
Overview...... 3
Review Process...... 4
Precedence Section...... 4
Approval Process...... 5
3. Project Overview...... 6
Project Purpose, Scope and Objectives...... 6
Assumptions and Constraints...... 7
Project Deliverables...... 8
Evolution of the Software Development Plan...... 8
4. Project Organization...... 10
Organizational Structure...... 10
External Interfaces...... 10
Roles and Responsibilities...... 10
5. Management Process...... 13
Project Estimates...... 13
Project Plan...... 13
Phase Plan...... 13
Iteration Objectives...... 13
Releases...... 14
Project Schedule...... 14
Project Resourcing...... 14
Budget...... 14
Iteration Plans...... 15
Project Monitoring and Control...... 15
Requirements Management Plan...... 15
Schedule Control Plan...... 15
Budget Control Plan...... 15
Quality Control Plan...... 15
Reporting Plan...... 16
Measurement Plan...... 16
Change Control Plan...... 16
Risk Management Plan...... 17
Close-Out Plan...... 18
6. Technical Process Plans...... 19
Development Case...... 19
Methods, Tools, and Techniques...... 19
Product Acceptance Plan...... 19
7. Supporting Process Plans...... 20
Configuration Management Plan...... 20
Documentation Plan...... 20
Quality Assurance Plan...... 20
Problem Resolution Plan...... 20
Process Improvement Plan...... 20
List of Tables
1-1. Revision History...... 1
5-1. Project Phase Plan...... 13
5-2. Project Schedule...... 14
Chapter 1. Revision History
Chapter 1. Revision History
Table 1-1. Revision History
Date / Version / Description / Author13 July 2004 / 1.0 / Initial Version / O.T. Belcher
14 September 2004 / 1.1 / Update with Use Cases and dates / O.T. Belcher
Chapter 2. Introduction
Chapter 2. Introduction
The Software Development Plan is a document that describes the purpose and scope of the project. It provides information about the project as it progresses and therefore will evolve over time. This document will be updated before each phase of the RUP development cycle.
The Software Development Plan will reference any existing plans and guidelines generated for the Software Development Center where appropriate and will not repeat the information in this plan. References to these will be explicitly noted for completeness.
The Software Development Plan will conform to the Tarrant County Indigent Defense On-line System (IDOL) Development Case.
The objective of this Software Development Plan is to define the development activities in terms of phases and iterations, processes and plans required for implementing a solution that desires to provide users with the capability to view and manage IDOL information using the same portal interface and security mechanisms utilized by the District Attorney Electronic Case Filing system.
The Software Development Plan describes the overall plan used by Sierra Systems for developing the Indigent Defense On-line System for Tarrant County. The details of the individual iterations will be described in the Iteration Plans.
The plans as outlined in this document are based upon the requirements as defined in RFP 2004-100 INDIGENT DEFENSE ON-LINE (IDOL) SYSTEM. The IDOL Project will provide users with the functionality required to manage, support and report attorney appointment process. The Project will consist of the ability for Detention Facility Officers to capture Defendant, Incident and Financial information on line, the ability for the Detention Facility Officer to schedule Indigence Hearing on-line, and the ability for Defendant and Magistrate to sign request for Appointed Counsel on line. This project is tightly integrated as part of the Electronic Case Filing System being designed for the Tarrant County District Attorney's
Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations
The specific definitions, acronyms and abbreviations in use for this Software Development Plan will be included in the more general ECFS Glossary (a referenced document).
•Tarrant County RFP 2002-142.
•Tarrant County ECFS Project Charter, produced by Tarrant County.
•Tarrant County ECFS Project Concept, produced by Tarrant County.
•Tarrant County Electronic Case Filing System Development Case.
•Report to Tarrant County: ECFS Software Requirements Specifications.
•SDC Status Reporting Policies and Procedures
•Electronic Case Filing System - Inception Iteration Plan
•Electronic Case Filing System Risk Document
•Tarrant County ECFS System Security Policy, produced by Tarrant County
•Tarrant County RFP 2004-100 Indigent Defense On-Line (IDOL) System
•Sierra Systems response to RFP 2004-100 Indigent Defense On-Line (IDOL) System
•RFP 2004-100 Indigent Defense On-Line (IDOL) System Statement of Work
The following guidelines will be produced during the project lifecycle:
•Use-Case-Modeling Guideline
•Design Guidelines
•Programming Guidelines
•Test Guidelines
This Software Development Plan contains the following information:
•Review Processes - provides an overview of the review levels consistent with the RUP methodology.
•Approval Process - provides a description of the formal approval process for the project. This is consistent with the RUP methodology and ensures the appropriate signoff is accomplished.
•Project Overview - provides a description of the project's purpose, scope and objectives. It also defines the project deliverables.
•Project Organization - describes the organizational structure of the project team. This will be based on RUP roles, and more than one resource may be assigned to one or more roles for the project.
•Management Process - explains the estimated cost and schedule, defines the major phases and milestones for the project, and describes how the project will be monitored.
•Technical Process Plans - provides an overview of the software development process, including methods, tools and techniques to be followed.
•Supporting Project Plans - this includes the configuration management plan.
Review Process
The RUP methodology and the Tarrant County Indigent Defense On-Line (IDOL) Case provide well-defined processes to ensure proper review and involvement of the stakeholders as the project progresses.
The levels of review provide regular opportunities for quality review and define signoff milestones for the phases and key artifacts (deliverables) for a project.
The review levels are identified below (refer to the Indigent Defense On-Line (IDOL) Development Case for a mapping of the review levels to the RUP artifacts):
•Formal - External: the final step in a series of reviews. A Formal - External review will accompany signoff by Tarrant County. Mark O'Neal, Tarrant County Project Manager, will identify the Tarrant County signatories.
•Formal - Internal: a formalized quality review for key artifacts, but does not require Tarrant County signoff.
•Peer - PRA: a review that requires approval by the Sierra Systems Project Review Authority (PRA). The PRA for this project is the Project Reviewer (Robert Dworschak), Development Manager (Rob Dworschak) and Process Engineer (Robert Dworschak).
•Peer: a weekly review of project artifacts with the Sierra Systems SDC project team. The Development Manager (Robert Dworschak) manages the Peer reviews.
Precedence Section
In the event of any conflict between written documents, the following order of precedence is assumed:
•Completed and approved deliverable documents
•Approved change orders
•Statement of Work for RFP 2004-100 Indigent Defense On-Line (IDOL)
•Sierra Systems Group, Inc. response to RFP 2004-100 Indigent Defense On-Line (IDOL)
Approval Process
The Software Development Plan is an important document in the development of the Tarrant County Indigent Defense On-Line (IDOL) functionality. This is one of the key Formal - External reviews for the project.
The phases and iterations outlined in this report should be closely reviewed. Comments on the document will be discussed, and agreed upon changes will be incorporated before producing the final plan for sign-off.
The approval process for this document will include the following representatives:
•Wayne Maddox - Tarrant County - Director, Strategic Development
•Pete Rizzo - Tarrant County - Director, Operations and Support
•Joe Evans - Partner-In-Charge, Sierra Systems
•Mark O'Neal - Project Manager, Tarrant County
•O.T. Belcher - Project Manager, Sierra Systems
•Rob Dworschak - Development Manager, Sierra Systems
Chapter 3. Project Overview
Chapter 3. Project Overview
Project Purpose, Scope and Objectives
This Software Development Plan addresses the project described in the Tarrant County RFP 2004-100 Indigent Defense On-Line (IDOL). The following describes the extra functionality of the Indigent Defense On-Line (IDOL) project. All ECFS functionality is assumed by reference to the ECFS Software Development Plan:
•Change Search Incidents page. Allows users to search for Incidents based on whether they have been scheduled for initial appearance.
•Change View/Edit Incident Page. Shows the log of Incident events on the Incident Page.
•Enter Defendant’s Financial Information. Allows users (DFO or Magistrate) to enter Defendant’s financial information. The financial information is required if Defendant wishes to be assigned a court appointed lawyer.
•Schedule Initial Appearance. Allows users (DFO) to schedule defendant’s incident for Initial Appearance before the Magistrate.
•View Initial Appearance Docket. Allows users (Magistrate) to view the list of Initial Appearance Settings assigned to the Initial Appearance Docket.
•Enter Indigence Decision. Allows users (Magistrate) to record Defendant as indigent, deny Request for Counsel and record the Defendant waived the right to court appointed counsel.
•View Initial Appearance Setting. Allows users (Magistrate) to see the Initial Appearance Setting for the selected Incident.
•Repay Fees. Allows users (Magistrate) to record the decision that Defendant should repay the fees.
•Set Bond Amount. Allows users (Magistrate) to enter Bond amount for incident/defendant.
•Search Requests for Counsel . Allows users (OAA) to see the list of Request for Counsel.
•View Request for Counsel . Allows users (OAA) to see the Request for Counsel page.
•Appoint Attorney. Allows users (OAA) to approve or reject Request for Counsel and inform the incident participants (defendant, defense lawyer) of their decision.
•View Defense Attorney Cases. Allows users (OAA) to view the list of Incident/Cases that he/she is assigned to.
•Manage Defendant Contract. Allows the user (defense attorney) to add, update and delete Defendant contacts for a given case or incident.
•Notify Participants of Case Filing. Automatically ran by system and is triggered every time a case is filed.
•Notify Participants of Settings being scheduled. Automatically ran by system and is triggered every time a setting is scheduled or re-scheduled.
•Apply for Public Appointments. Allows Defense Attorney that are registered with the system to maintain information about themselves and to apply for Public Appointments.
•Manage Attorney Wheels. Allows user (OAA) to maintain Attorney wheels by adding attorney to a wheel or removing an attorney from a wheel.
•Process Application for Public Appointments. Allows user (OAA) to review, approve or reject applications for Public Appointments.
•Search Defense Attorney Applications. Allows user (OAA, Judges, Defense Attorney) to search for Defense Attorney Applications for Public Appointments.
•Vote for Application for Public Appointments. Allows Judges to vote for approval or rejection of Application for Public Appointments.
Assumptions and Constraints
The following assumptions and constraints pertain only to the Inception phase of this project. Remaining assumptions and constraints for other phases will be generated before the onset of each phase or as this document is revised
•The Tarrant County Project Team members will be available as required for working sessions.
•The Tarrant County walkthrough, review and signoff of the Inception deliverables as defined in the Development Case will take no longer than 3 business days.
•The Software Development Plan and Inception Iteration Plan will be completed by 30 July 2004
•The clarification of requirements and the definition of the Use Case Model will be completed by 30 September 2004
•The Tarrant County IDOL Vision Document will be completed by 30 July 2004
Project Deliverables
The following Inception project deliverables require a Formal - External review:
•Inception Iteration Plan (Updated)
•Software Development Plan (Initial)
•Elaboration Iteration Plan (Initial)
•Business Use Case Model (Final)
•Tarrant County IDOL Vision (Initial)
•Software Requirements Specification (Initial)
•Change Requests (as required)
The following Elaboration project deliverables require a Formal - External review:
•Construction Iteration Plan (Initial)
•Software Development Plan (Updated)
•Elaboration Iteration Plan (Updated)
•Domain Model (Updated)
•Software Requirements Specifications (Initial)
•Software Architectural Document (Updated)
•User-Experience Model (Initial)
•Change Requests (as required)
There are a number of other artifacts produced during the project. These artifacts are defined in the IDOL Development Case and are included in the project schedule (Primavera). Risk and Issue reports will be derived from Primavera and placed where all project team members can see them in Nexus.
Evolution of the Software Development Plan
This Tarrant County IDOL Software Development Plan is a working document and will be refined and maintained throughout the life of the project. There are specific iterations of the Software Development Plan identified in the phases of the project and typically it is updated at the beginning of each phase. These updates will also go through the Formal - External review process.
Chapter 4. Project Organization
Chapter 4. Project Organization
Organizational Structure
The Sierra Systems Project Manager will be responsible for capturing business requirements, managing the project engagement and deploying the product to the client with the Client site team. The Tarrant County client team will work closely with the Sierra Systems project team and will communicate with the client through the Tarrant County Project Manager, Mark O'Neal and the Sierra Systems Project Manager, O.T. Belcher. The Sierra Systems Development Manager, Robert Dworschak, will be responsible for managing the development team including generating the construction iteration plans.
External Interfaces
There are no external interfaces identified for this project
Roles and Responsibilities
The following roles are those defined by the RUP methodology and the SDC Development Case. The assigned responsibilities are identified, and in many instances one individual fills multiple roles.
Office of Attorney Appointments (OAA) Project Team
•Judge George Gallagher. Tarrant County Project Sponsor - Responsible for managing the overall strategic direction of the project and client relations at the executive level.
•Holly Webb. Tarrant County OAA representive- Responsible for managing the overall strategic direction of the project and client relations.
Tarrant County IT Strategic Development Team
•Mark O'Neal. Project Manager - Responsible for managing the activities of the Tarrant County resources. He is also responsible for coordinating Tarrant County resources for the installation, configuration and support of the user acceptance test and production environment including hardware, software and the network.
•Jan DeBee . Quality Assurance - Responsible for managing and performing the acceptance testing of software deliverables prior to exposure to the end-user community. He is also responsible for assisting in the development of user and system documentation.
•Monty Favre. Business Analyst - Responsible for ensuring that the system design is aligned with the strategic direction of the IJIS initiative. His primary focus will be on ensuring that the EFCS components are re-usable assets that can be leveraged in future initiatives.
•Steve Harrelson . Legacy System Expert - Responsible for the design and development of required interfaces with existing IJIS systems.
•Jackie Harlos. Training Manager - Responsible for planning technical and end-user training.
Tarrant County IT Security Team
•The IT Security Team is responsible for ensuring that the delivered solution properly addresses security policies identified in the District Attorney Electronic Case Filing Security Policy.
•Security Analyst - Responsible for analysis and testing of the security related aspects of the delivered system.
•Specific Resources will be allocated at the conclusion of the Inception Phase.
Tarrant County IT Operations Team
•The IT Operations Team is responsible for system deployment activities in both the User Acceptance Test and Production environments.
•Database Administration - Responsible for the deployment of the required database components of the delivered system.
•Server Management - Responsible for the deployment of the required server environments of the delivered system.
•Network Management - Responsible for the deployment of the required networking environments of the delivered system.
•Mainframe Systems Management - Responsible for the deployment of the required system-level mainframe components of the delivered system.
•Production Support Representative - Responsible for application support of County developed mainframe-based application products.
•Customer Support Representative - Responsible for providing end-user support of the delivered system.
•Specific Resources will be allocated during the Elaboration Phase.
Sierra Systems Group, Inc. Project Team
•Joe Evans, Partner in Charge. Responsible to ensure the project receives the full support of the resources available within Sierra Systems Group, Inc. and to ensure if any problems arise, that Sierra Systems Group, Inc. management effectively addresses them.
•O.T. Belcher, Project Manager. Responsible for the day-to-day project direction and overall project management including project planning and tracking, monitoring financials, risk management and scope management.
•Robert Dworschak, Process Engineer . Provides process quality review and guidance to the Project, in coordination with the Project and Development Managers, to ensure the quality of the project deliverables within the policies and procedures of the SDC.