Report Title:Review of CSE Training from Feb 2017- Jan 2018
Report Date:24/01/2018
1.0 Introduction
1.1 This report has been prepared as part of the ongoing WSCB evaluation strategy, which is used to measure the quality of multi-agency training and improvement of outcomes for children and young people living in the Wirral
2.0Child Sexual Exploitation Training
2.1 Catch 22 have been commissioned by the Local Authority to provide services for CSE and missing children which includes, as part of that contract, 10 sessions of multi-agency training around Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and the Wirral pathways to responding to concerns. In the period this report covers there have been 7 events delivered with 2 more already scheduled.
2.2 In the period identified a total of 120 people attended the training out of 170 who had actually booked a place. These attendees were from a variety of different organisations. A breakdown of attendance on each session can be seen below.
Each event is scheduled to accept a maximum of 25 participants due to room size and availability. As is evident from the graph above, none of the events in the period February 2017- January 2018 actually ran at full capacity with the average attendance being 17 participants. The rate of non-attendees has been particularly high with the worst attended event being in October 2017 where only 12 of the 23 attended (please note this does not include people who cancelled with more than 3 days notice). The majority of the non-attendees made no contact at all.
2.3Looking at a breakdown of those people thatattended the events throughout the year, by farthe majority of people attending the eventswere from CYPD Social Care and Targeted Services with the next largest group being fromHealth. This is shift from last year where the second highest group of attendees came from Voluntary/Charity sectors. There has also been a significant shift in the number of attendees from Education which has dropped from 14% to 2% of all attendees. A breakdown of the numbers attending by organisation is shown below.
2.4 Feedback regarding the CSE training has been largely very positive,although there has been some criticism recently that there are too many power point slides. Comments about the trainers have stated that they have been very knowledgeable and made a difficult topic easier to discuss. There has also been positive feedback around the more recent amendments of the training to include Child Criminal Exploitation.
Some example of feedback immediately after theevent stated the following:
One feedback form stated that they ‘found the exercise on completing the CSE1 confusing’. This is something which trainers will need to consider moving forward.
2.4 Longer term feedback has been sought with a follow up evaluation sheet sent out to everyone who attended an event, asking how the training has impacted on practice. The return rate of these forms has been very poor but the feedback that has been sent back has again been largely positive:
3.0 Plans for future training.
3.1 In 2018 the Wirral Safeguarding Children Board continues to work in partnership with Catch 22 in the provision of CSE multi-agency training
3.2 In line with the Wirral Safeguarding ChildrensBoard evaluation strategy the CSE materials are due to be reviewed by the Training Pool in early February. Reviews of materials take place yearly and the aim of this is to incorporate any feedback from previous events, review that materials are still up to date and ensure that multi-agency events are delivering a high quality of training. Following on from the review any amendments to materials will be made.
3.3 The rate of non-attendance on training is currently an issue with a number of attendees not attending and not cancelling places. This leads to places being wasted and training events being delivered to small numbers. Moving forward the Wirral Safeguarding Children Board are looking at how this can be addressed. This may also impact on the number of events needed in the coming year as events are not being run to full capacity.