Part 1 Programme details

Proposed titles Master in Business Administration

Nature and duration 2 years part-time

of programme

DIT awards sought Master in Business Administration with classifications of First Class Honours, Second Class Honours, 1st Division, Second Class Honours, 2nd Division and Pass

Parallel award sought N/A

Professional accrediting body Accreditation from AMBA will be sought

Part 2 Background / Structure


The DIT MBA part-time programme was launched in 1999 and the first cohort commenced the programme in September 2000. The programme was offered as a two year part time attendance model and has had five graduate cohorts to date. Market research analysis has been conducted which demonstrates an increased tendency for business graduates to seek further qualifications of both general and specialist natures; the tendency for graduates in non-business disciplines to seek to enhance existing career paths or access career entry through achieving business qualifications via an intensive conversion process and the growing demand for post experience postgraduate education by both of these groups. While a welcome and healthy debate has emerged around the nature, structure and function of the MBA, the MBA as a premium business qualification has an excellent public perception.

Programme structure

The programme is in modular format. It consists of 13 core modules of 5 ECTS each, 3 optional modules of 5 ECTS each and an individual consultancy project of 10 ECTS.

Entry requirements

Admission to the MBA course is by competitive process.

Applicants will normally have, or expect to have before the commencement of the programme:

·  An NQAI level 8 Bachelors Degree (Hons) at 2.2 or above, in any discipline (or equivalent professional qualification);

·  A minimum of 3 years relevant management experience.

·  Two written references, at least one academic, attesting to the ability of the candidate to undertake the programme.

·  A minimum of 7.0 on IELTS for those of whom English is not their first language

Interviews with representatives of the programme committee may form a part of the selection process. Candidates may also be required to present a satisfactory result in the Graduate Management Admission Test (G.M.A.T.).

No exemptions shall be permitted from any module on the MBA programme and no system of advanced entry shall apply to the MBA programme.

Student assessment

In accordance with the General Assessment Regulations of the Institute.

Candidates may progress from one semester to the immediate subsequent semester carrying a maximum of one failed subject.

Where a candidate is admitted to a subsequent semester without having fulfilled the requirement of the previous semester, the candidate shall be ineligible to proceed to any further semester or graduate until such time as requirements of the previous semester have been satisfied.

Derogations, if any, sought from the General Assessment Regulations

None Sought

Part 3 Validation/review dates

Date of the Review Event: 15th June 2009

Members of Validation Panel: Dr Laurence Willilams, Ashridge Business School; Mr Michael O’Connor, Siemens Ltd; Internal Members: Dr Frank McMahon (Chair), Director of Academic Affairs, Ms Terry Prendergast, Campus Planning Office and School of Real Estate and Construction Economics; James Wrynn, School of Marketing and Nicole O’Neill, Quality Assurance Officer.

Part 4 Findings and Recommendations

The panel would like to commend the staff on their well thought-out and comprehensive programme documentation and their enthusiasm for the programme. The Panel is pleased to recommend to Academic Council approval of the Masters in Business Administration, at level 9 within the National Framework of Qualifications, subject to some recommendations:


1.  The panel recommends that a clearer outline of what soft skills are to be delivered and how they will be embedded in the module delivery needs toarticulated in the programme document.

2.  The panel observed that the assessment load on the programme seems to be very heavy and recommends that a schedule of assessment hand-ups is developed to ensure that the assessment work load is manageable and that the programme committee give consideration to reducing the number of assessments.

3.  The panel was impressed with the particular selection of options on this programme and acknowledges that this will need to be keep under review and the panel would anticipate further options being made available over time. In the programme document electives should be re-titled options in line with Institute conventions.

4.  The panel recommends that the marketing strategy of the programme be clearly specified to include the programme’s unique selling points such as: the integrated syllabus, the focus on soft skills development, the applied nature of the programme, location, delivery times, small class sizes and the culture of the Institute. In addition the programme committee could define a clearer strategy for international recruitment.

5.  The panel recommends that the School develop a network of MBA Alumni.

6.  The panel commends the facility for an exceptional entry route to the programme and recommends that the programme committee is flexible in its application.

7.  The international study trip will be a very valuable component on the programme and to maximise its value, the panel recommends that it is further documented and connected to the core themes on the programme.

8.  The panel acknowledges the role of student group work on this programme and whilst groups should be encouraged in the first instance to work out their differences a conflict resolution / grievance mechanism needs to be put in place.

9.  The panel was satisfied that the delivery mode of Friday afternoons and evenings and Saturday morning is an appropriate model for delivery of this part-time programme.

10.  The panel supports the School in its ambition to obtain AMBA accreditation in order to improve the programme’s international reputation.

11.  The panel recognizes the value of an industry advisory board and recommends that it be fully operationalised.

12.  The panel recommends that minor editorial inaccuracies in the documentation be amended.

Condition for Full-Time Programme

A separate programme document outlining the delivery and assessment strategy for the full-time programme is required prior to the validation of the full-time route.