Reports on INSETRom Training
This section of the INSETRom site provides an overview of the training sessions that took place in the various countries. They are given in alphabetical order of the country.
Report 1
General information
Venue of training: Vienna Board of Education, District 15, Vienna.
Date(s): 25.11.2008
Duration of training: 4,5 hours
INSETROM Module(s) used in this training:
1. Stereotypes and Prejudices
2. School Cultures
3. Intercultural Education
Names and positions of the persons who gave the course.
Ø Mikael Luciak, Project leader
Ø Barbara Liegl, Researcher
Number of female participants: 13.
Number of male participants: 0.
Total participants: 13
Participation Roma teachers: 1
Background participants
Number of participants involved in school management: 0
Number of teachers who teach 5-10 year-olds:.5
Number of teachers who teach >10 year-olds: 8.
Direct involvement of Roma
No Roma teachers were involved in giving the course.
No Roma parents were involved in the course
Report 2
General information
Venue of training: Vienna Board of Education, District 15, Vienna.
Date(s): 4.11.2008
Duration of training: 4,5 hours
INSETROM Module(s) used in this training:
1. Culture and enculturation
2. Roma History
3. Roma Culture (Language)
4. Curriculum Development
Names and positions of the persons who gave the course.
Ø Mikael Luciak, Project leader
Ø Barbara Liegl, Researcher
Ø Ursula Gläser, Invited guest speaker (University Graz)
Ø Emmerich Gärtner-Horvath, Invited guest speaker (Roma Service)
Number of female participants: 17.
Number of male participants: 0.
Total participants: 17.
Participation Roma teachers: 2
Background participants
Number of participants involved in school management: 1.
Number of teachers who teach 5-10 year-olds: 5.
Number of teachers who teach >10 year-olds: 10.
Direct involvement of Roma
One of the guest speakers was a Roma from the organisation Roma Service that offers educational support service and Romani language courses to Roma students;
He presented on Roma culture, language, and educational programs.
No Roma parents were involved in the course.
Report 3
General information
Venue of training: Vienna Board of Education, District 15, Vienna.
Date(s): 11.11.2008
Duration of training: 4,5 hours
INSETROM Module(s) used in this training:
1. Roma Culture (and education)
2. Teacher-Parent relations
Names and positions of the persons who gave the course.
Ø Mikael Luciak, Project leader
Ø Barbara Liegl, Researcher
Ø Andrea Härle, Invited guest-speaker (Romano Centro)
Ø Usnija Buligović, Invited guest-speaker (Romano Centro)
Number of female participants: 15.
Number of male participants: 2.
Total participants:. 17.
Participation Roma teachers: 2.
Background participants
Number of participants involved in school management: 1.
Number of teachers who teach 5-10 year-olds: 5.
Number of teachers who teach >10 year-olds: 10.
Direct involvement of Roma
One of the guest speakers was a Romni from the organisation Romano Centro that offers educational support service to Roma students. She presented on teacher-parent relations, educational programs, and the situation of Roma migrants.
No Roma parents were involved in the course
General information
Date(s): 18/2/09, 25/2/09, 11/3/09, 18/3/09, 8/4/2009
Duration of training in hours: 5 meetings of 3 hours
INSETROM Module(s) used in this training:
1. Culture and enculturation
2. Roma history & Roma culture
3. Curriculum Development
4. Classroom Management and Methodology
5. Intercultural Education
Names and positions of the persons who gave the course.
Ø Dr Eleni Theodorou (Lecturer in Social Foundations of Education, Department of Education Sciences, European University Cyprus, Cyprus)
Ø Dr Nicos Trimikliniotis (Associate Professor, School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law, University of Nicosia & Director of the Cyprus National Focal Point of the racism and xenophobia (RAXEN) network, Cyprus)
Ø Dr Stavroula Philippou (Assistant Professor in Curriculum and Instruction, Department of Education Sciences, European University Cyprus, Cyprus)
Ø Dr Stavroula Kontovourki (Lecturer in Literacy and Language Arts Education, Department of Education Sciences, European University Cyprus, Cyprus)
Ø Dr Georgios Nicolaou (Assistant Professor in Intercultural Education, Department of Primary Education, University of Ioannina, Greece)
Number of female participants: 11.
Number of male participants: 6.
Total participants: 17.
Participation Roma teachers: 0
Background participants
Number of participants involved in school management: 2.
Number of teachers who teach 5-10 year-olds: 11.
Number of teachers who teach >10 year-olds: 4
Direct involvement of Roma
No Roma teachers participated in giving the course.
No Roma parents were involved in the course.
General information
Date(s): 28-29/3/2009, 09-10/5/2009
Duration of training: 28 hours. (14 h. each week-end)
INSETROM Module(s) used in this training:
1. Module 1 Culture and Enculturation (4 h.)
2. Module 2 Stereotypes and Prejudices (2,5 h)
3. Module 3 Roma History (4 h.)
4. Module 6 Intercultural Education (5 h.)
5. Module 4 Roma Culture (2,5 h.)
6. Module 7 Classroom Management and Methodology (4 h.)
7. Module 9 Teacher-Parent Communication (6 h.)
Names and positions of the persons who gave the course.
Ø Dr Georgios Nikolaou, Assistant Professor – University of Ioannina
Ø Dr Antonios Kanavouras, Phd Sciences of Education – University of Ioannina
Ø Mr Voulgaris Sotirios, Master Sciences of Education, Principal of the 33e Primary School
Ø Mr Panagoulis Konstantinos, Ethnologist
Ø Mr Christakis Yiannis, School Counsellor
Mr Kosmanos Nicolas, School Principal Mr Katsigiannis Konstantinos, Teacher Number of female participants: 15
Number of male participants: 10
Total participants: 25
Participation Roma teachers: 0
Background participants
Number of participants involved in school management: 3
Number of teachers who teach 5-10 year-olds: 22
Direct involvement of Roma
No Roma teachers were involved in giving the course
Roma parents were involved in the course; They helped us to visit the Roma houses and discuss with the Roma people.
Report 1
General information
Venue of training: Torino.
Date(s): 13/11/2008, 14/11/2008, 20/11/2008, 27/11/2008, 28/11/2008, 4/12/2008, 5/12/2008, 22/01/2009, 29/01/2009, 30/01/2009, 5/02/2009, 6/02/2009, 13/02/2009, 20/02/2009
Duration of training in hours: 32 hours
INSETROM Module(s) used in this training:
1. The concept of culture and the process of its transmission/acquisition: people’s different, and common, cultural ways.
2. The cultures of the schools and schools as cultural environments.
3. History, prejudice and stereotypes: the history of the Roma population in Italy (XV-XVI centuries)
4. Roma in non-Roma’s history and memory. The history of Roma re-education plans and the Porrajmos (XVI-XX centuries) .
5. Culture and Romani language.
6. The stereotype of the kidnapping gipsy: an exploration of Gagè’s prejudicial beliefs.
7. The relationship between family and school through the positive acknowledgment of the bilingualism.
8. A language workshop in the classroom.
9. Arithmetic and geometry : a new way to learn and practice.
Names and positions of the persons who gave the course.
Ø Francesca Gobbo, Professor of Intercultural Education, University of Turin.
Ø Benedetto Fassanelli, PhD in Modern History, Independent Researcher.
Ø Luca Bravi, PhD in History of Schooling, University of Florence.
Ø Maria Omodeo, Independent Researcher and Trainer in Intercultural Education, former President of NGO COSPE in Florence.
Ø Demir Mustafa, Cultural Mediator, Florence.
Ø Margherita Longo, Independent Researcher in Intercultural Education, working with NGO COSPE in Florence.
Ø Sabrina Tosi Cambini, Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology, University of Florence.
Ø Lucrezia Pedrali, Teacher and Independent Researcher in Primary Education and Language & Intercultural Education in Brescia.
Ø Giuseppe Pea, Contract Professor in Computer Science, University of Brescia.
Number of female participants: 18
Number of male participants: 1
Total participants: 19
Participation Roma teachers: 0
Background participants
Number of participants involved in school management: 1
Number of teachers who teach 5-10 year-olds: 11
Number of teachers who teach >10 year-olds (can overlap with previous category): 7
Direct involvement of Roma
Were Roma teachers involved in giving the course? No
Were Roma parents involved in the course? No
No Roma teachers participated.
Report 2
General information
Venue of training: Campi Bisenzio (Florence)
Date(s): from 24th February 2009 until 26 may 2009
Duration of training in hours: 10 meetings of 2 hours for three different groups; total 60 hours)
INSETROM Module(s) used in this training:
Mathematics-scientific Group
1. The didactics of Mathematics from an intercultural point of view: the example of Chinese methodologies as Geometry (6 hours)
2. Analysis of examples of different didactic experiences that could be reused (4h)
3. Meeting with experts of “Scuola Città Pestalozzi” to verify the creation of action groups which should to be able to realize didactic curricula (2h)
4. Analysis from an intercultural point of view of the didactic curricula which were to be realized (2h)
5. Learning Maths and scientific languages by playing: the abacus, the Chinese abacus (6h)
Linguistic-literary Group
1. Toward a plurilinguistic and multicultural society (2h)
2. Working instruments for a plurilinguistic and multicultural school: Hypothesis for the creation of didactic curricula (2h)
3. School planning and flexibility (2h)
4. action research on possible intercultural interferences (6h)
5. Culture and Education (2h)
6. Work on activities and intercultural training aid (6h)
Historical-geographical Group
1. Working instruments for a plurilinguistic and multicultural school: Hypothesis for the creation of didactic curricula (4h)
2. Analysis of the environmental resources from an intercultural point of view (2h)
3. Relation between Man and Nature: the five natural elements and the rule of the water in different cultures (2h)
4. The Great Communication Routes between East and West (2)
5. Italian strategies in colonization racial problem in the Second World War (2)
6. Culture and Education (2h)
7. Work on activities and intercultural training aid (6h)
Ø Stefania Chiti
Ø Francesca Gobbo
Ø Margherita Longo
Ø Marco Marigo
Ø Maria Omodeo
Ø Pan Shili
Number of female participants: 38
Number of male participants: 2
Total participants: 40
Participation of Roma teachers: 0
Background participants
Number of participants involved in school management: 2
Number of teachers who teach 5-10 year-olds: 25
Number of teachers who teach >10 year-olds: 15
Direct involvement of Roma
No Roma teachers participate in giving the courses.
No Roma parents were involved in the course.
General information
Venue of training: Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj- Napoca City, Romania
Date(s): 2008 - 19 November; 26 November; 04 December; 11 December, 18 December 2009 - 08 January; 22 January
Duration of training in hours: 6; 3; 3; 3; 3; 3; 3. Total 24 hours
INSETROM Module(s) used in this training
1. History, culture and traditions of Roma people followed by an Intercultural Evening with participation of more than 100 persons (students, parents, teachers, Roma, Hungarians and Romanians).
2. Curriculum design and curriculum adaptation
3. Stereotypes and prejudice
4. Creating an inclusive classroom and classroom management
5. Teacher-Roma Parent Communication and Parental Involvement
6. School culture, cultural diversity and enculturation
7. Intercultural education. The intercultural process
Ø Assistant Professor Delia Grigore, Ph.D., University of Bucharest, Expert in Romani History, Language and Culture.
Ø Professor Musata Bocos, Ph.D., The Titular of the Curriculum Development Courses at Babes-Bolyai University
Ø Assistant Professor Adina Glava, Babes-Bolyai University, The Titular of Courses regarding Prejudices, Stereotypes, Labelling
Ø Assistant Professor Ecaterina Cataru, Babes-Bolyai University, Inclusive Classroom and Classroom Management
Ø Assistant Professor Cornelia Stan, Babes-Bolyai University, Teachers - Parents Communication
Ø Assistant Professor Catalin Glava, Ph.D., Babes-Bolyai University, School culture, cultural diversity and enculturation
Ø Assistant Professor Ion Albulescu, Ph.D., Babes-Bolyai University, Intercultural education. The intercultural process
Number of female participants: 15
Number of male participants: 1
Total participants: 16
Participation Roma teachers: 1
Background participants
Number of participants involved in school management: 1
Number of teachers who teach < 5 year-olds: 3
Number of teachers who teach >10 year-olds (can overlap with previous category):10
Direct involvement of Roma
One Roma teacher was involved in giving the course. Professor Delia Grigore, Ph.D. is a representative expert in Roma Language and Culture in Romania as well in Europe.
Roma parents were involved in the course? At the Intercultural Evening (followed the first course) 20 Roma parents participated. They talked with teachers about the importance of school – family partnerships.
Other meetings are planned during the teachers interventions.
General information
Venue of training: Spišská Nová Ves.
Date(s): 25.11. - 27.11.2008
Duration of training in hours: 24 hours (duration of modules and discussion)
Module(s) used in this training:
1. Culture and enculturation
2. Stereotypes and prejudice
3. Roma history
4. Multicultural societies- Multicultural and intercultural education
5. Teacher-Parent relations
Names and positions of the persons who gave the course.
Ø Rastislav Rosinský, lector of 1. and 3. modules
Ø Blandína Šramová, lector of 2. and 5. modules
Ø Vladimír Klein, lector of 4. module
Number of female participants: 12
Number of male participants: 3
Total participants: 15
Participation Roma teachers: 1
Background participants
Number of participants involved in school management: 1
Number of teachers who teach 5-10 year-olds: 3
Number of teachers who teach >10 year-olds: 10
Direct involvement of Roma
One Roma teacher was involved in giving the course.
No Roma parents involved in the course.
General information
Venue of training: In two primary schools, alternating between the two and also a half day session took place at the local Teachers’ Centre
Date(s): October 2008 – February 2009
Duration of training in hours: 2 hours average
Module(s) used in this training:
1. What is ‘Culture’?
2. Roma History and Culture
3. Diversifying the Curriculum
4. The Multilingual Classroom
5. Creating an Inclusive Classroom – dealing with stereotypes and conflict management
6. Teacher-Roma Parent Communication and Parental Involvement Session 1