1. Purpose of Report

1.1 To provide the group with background information on the project to improve the open space at Turners Nursery.

1.2 To seek clarification on the way forward for delivering improvements at Turners Nursery.

2. Background

2.1 Land situated between Victoria Road and Upper Road, made up of public open space and a separate section of Education managed land has collectively become known as Turners Nursery. There has been for some time an aspiration to improve this area and in doing so create an attractive and more useful open space for the community. Coupled to this is the proposal to deliver improvements to school sports pitch provision on the site.

2.2 Improvements to the open space would include surfaced pathways, lighting, landscaping and children’s play facilities. The proposed design of the site makes best use of the space and levels that already exist and is considered to offer the most benefit to a wide range of potential users. Sports pitch improvements would include the creation of new mini-soccer pitches and associated fencing etc..

2.3 To realise the full potential of the whole site it was necessary to design a scheme which was unconstrained by current boundaries between Education and Leisure controlled areas. Following an unsuccessful application for Landfill Tax funding in 1998/99 consultation took place to gain endorsement from the local community. A conceptual design was agreed and this has formed the basis for further investigations into funding.

2.4 It should be noted that whilst the provision of sports pitches on the site may be a priority for the school it is not considered a priority in terms of public pitch provision across the Borough at this time. However, it is envisaged that pitches on the site would be capable of joint use with the community, although such access would be managed through the school.

3. Funding considerations

3.1 Whilst many potential funding sources have been suggested the reality is that the way forward is likely to comprise of a collection of funds from a variety of sources. The following financial allocations have already been made to the Turners Nursery project.

Capital £ 50,000

Planning Obligations £ 95,000 (Alderney, Bourne Valley and Newtown)


3.2 The sale of a small parcel of land on the periphery of site, adjacent to existing residential, has been suggested, as the capital receipt could add an estimated £160,000 to £190,000 to the scheme. This has not yet gone before Members for approval, and the principle of development on the site has not yet been formally established. On the assumption that the disposal of the land in question was possible the project budget would rise to an estimated minimum £305,000.

3.3 The scheme as originally envisaged was estimated at £750,000. This was however based on conceptual designs and as such it was necessary to firm up these costings, in light of a more detailed landscape plan including an assessment of ground levels. These designs are available for inspection at this meeting. The following revised costings have been provided by Transportation Services.

Open Space improvements plus three mini soccer pitches £1,121,141

Open Space improvements plus two mini soccer pitches £ 959,891

3.4 The shortfall in funding amounts to either £816,141 or £654,891 (including capital receipt from sale of land), depending upon which of the two sports pitch options is chosen.

4. The Way Forward

4.1 With the significant shortfalls that exist in funding this project it is necessary to adopt certain assumptions in order to allow progress to be made.

4.2 Given that the sports pitch element of the scheme is not considered essential in terms of Borough pitch provision, the use of planning obligations funds to deliver new pitches is not considered appropriate. Consequently, it is considered that funds derived from sources aimed at improving public open space ie, planning obligations, should be used to deliver the open space element of the scheme.

4.3 Similarly, the sale of a small piece of public open space for residential development on the periphery of the site can only be justified if the capital receipt is used to benefit public access to the remainder, ie the public open space element of the scheme.

4.4 The provision of sports pitches may be a priority for Branksome Heath Middle School, and it is accepted that the site as a whole could accommodate such use as shown in the landscape plans. The draft Sports Pitch Strategy identifies a shortfall in junior pitches in the Newtown area so in principle the creation of new pitches with community access would be welcomed. However, in terms of the other recommendations for that area new pitches at Turners Nursery would not be the highest priority for Leisure Services. It is therefore considered that funding such pitches should rest with Education.

4.5 If sports pitch provision were excluded from the costings based on the assumptions above, the estimated value of the remaining open space improvements is £652,095. Assuming a contribution of £305,000 (Capital, Planning obligations and Capital receipt) the shortfall is adjusted to £347,095.

5. Options for meeting shortfall

5.1 External funding remains an option although suitable sources are not as readily available as they once were. Sources such as the lottery will be explored although consideration should be given to the way forward in the event that such enquiries prove unsuccessful. Such options would include:

·  Further bids for capital funding from Council resources

·  Further allocations of Planning obligations funding (£121,000 remaining unallocated in Newtown ward).

6. Summary

6.1 The improvement of Turners Nursery, involving a reconfiguration of the site to meet school and community objectives is considered a priority for the Newtown area. The landscape plan highlights a range of developments to the site which would ensure that it realises its full potential as an open space for the benefit of people of all ages.

7. Recommendation

7.1 Members are requested to:

7.1.1 give consideration to the proposal to improve Turners Nursery and the progress made to-date in identifying funding to deliver the scheme.

7.1.2 consider the assumptions outlined in section 4 above as regards the various aspects of the scheme and how they might be prioritised.

7.1.3 consider the priority of realising the full scope of the landscape plan, and the options to fill the gap in funding or scale back on the proposed works.




Matti Raudsepp, Open Spaces Manager, 01202-261377

Background papers:

Finance Sub-Committee, Report on the Proposed Public Consultation Regarding Turners Nursery, 9 February 2000

Alderney, Newtown and Bourne Valley Area Committee, Report on Planning Obligations Funding, 16th October 2002