The Chairman opened the meeting at 7pm. There were no visitors present.


Cllr Machin (Chairman), Cllrs Hiley, Rackstraw, Seddon, Weston

10/130 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr Dames, Cllr Stokes, Cllr Witcomb, Borough Cllrs Baguley & Rhodes


Nil declared.

10/132 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING held on Monday 21st February 2011 were proposed Cllr Weston, seconded Cllr Seddon, agreed unanimously and signed by the Chairman


10/133a Planning Decisions – noted

Permission granted:

i Mr & Mrs Cheetham 10/00814/FUL (Holly Tree Farmhouse, 51 Bolton Lane, Hose)

Two storey extension to the rear of the property

ii Long Clawson Dairy Ltd 10/00952/FUL (LC Dairy, West End, Long Clawson)

Install hoop fence & gates to West End entrance

Permission refused: None received

10/133b Appeals lodged/Inspector’s decisions: None received

10/133c Planning Applications:

i Mr & Mrs L Cottingham 11/00109/FUL (72 Boyer’s Orchard, Harby)

Ground floor extensions to form study & utility room, lounge extension & orangery

The Parish Council objected to this application on the grounds that:

·  There is already a problem with drainage and flooding in this area which could be exacerbated;

·  The distance of the proposed extension to the boundary wall was not shown on the plans

ii Ms M Keane 11/00145/FUL (Garden Studios, The Farmyard, Colston Lane, Harby)

Improve & extend existing workplace: revised application 10/00361/FUL

The Parish Council had no objections to this application

iii Mrs M Whittaker 11/00170/TCA (Orchard End, 8 Back Lane, Long Clawson)

Fell 1 x Beech tree – FOR INFORMATION ONLY

The Parish Council noted this application

10/133d Planning Correspondence

i 10/122d iii Head of Regulatory Services MBC 22.2.11: Enforcement project noted

ii LRALC Melton Branch 9.3.11: MBC Green Space Planning Policy noted


10/134a The following items required no further action and were discharged:

10/118 Cllrs present

10/119 Apologies for absence

10/120 Notification of declaration of interests

10/112a Planning decisions

10/122d i, ii Planning correspondence

10/123 a,b Matters discharged

10/123d B 10/115b iv Standards framework training

10/123e Matters to be noted

10/123f i, ii, iv, v Reports from Cllrs/Clerk

10/125a Correspondence for information

10/134b Necessary actions had been taken on the following items and were discharged:

10/121 Minutes of meeting on 17.1.1

10/122c Planning applications

10/123f iii Playground Safety Working Group: replacement equipment ordered

10/124 Accounts for payment

10/125b i, ii, iii, iv, v, viii, ix, x, xii, xiii Correspondence for information

10/125c A reply from The Chief Executive of the Leics County & Rutland PCT dated 11th March 2011 was noted. A copy would be give to Cllr Dames

10/127 Internal Auditor 2010/11 letter of appointment sent

10/134c Responses were awaited to actions on the following item/s:

09/107c vi Letter to Head of Regulatory Services MBC 1.2.10 re agricultural appraisals

10/25f viii Hose Village Hall Committee – possible use of Committee room for storage

10/27b xi Outstanding matters with LCC Highways. Noted that Cllr Rhodes had assurances from Highways that these would be done in the near future:

Alteration to highway verge, Green Lane, Harby – to be resolved by end Sept 2010;

Repairs to public footpath G52A through Harby Churchyard & overhanging branches;

Reimbursement for replacement bench, Canal Lane, Hose – email 28.2.11 to Cllr Rhodes asking if he could find out why this was not forthcoming;

10/29 MBC Quote for waste bin for Canal Lane, Hose

10/107 Royal British Legion 10.1.10/Harby Cllrs to discuss maintenance of War Memorial

10/112b Appeal by Gilbert & Hall Ltd 10/00352/FUL (The White Hart PH, Main Street, Harby)

Letter asking developer to consider amending allowed plans

10/113f vii LCC: Grit bin Chapel Lane/The Green Hose - site agreed, waiting for installation

10/123d B MBC Principal Policy Officer and Housing Policy Officer re affordable housing provision. An email dated 14.3.11 from the Housing Policy Officer explaining that there was nothing new to report to the Parish Council but the matter was progressing, was noted.

10/123f iii Charles Lawrence Tennis Courts: quote for repair to basketball area

10/126 Littlethorpes of Leicester: bus shelter for Boyer’s Orchard, Harby to be installed

10/134d Items awaiting further action which may not yet be discharged:

A Tasks Outstanding – Clerk

09/79f i Risk Assessment recording sheets to be updated – in progress

09/93d Details of unsafe memorials to be checked before letters sent to owners & cemetery plan

10/27b v PC Notice board: discuss refurbishment of old notice board with glass doors with handyman and identify alternative site

10/48c 10/37fv Plotting PC street lights including information received from LCC

10/73d C Investigate cost to the PC to de-register village green land

10/107 Investigate grants towards War Memorial repairs

10/113f vi Investigate alternative grants towards Harby Community Orchard

B Items requiring action from Cllrs/third parties

10/123d Cllr Weston reported that he had discussed a possible water connection for a tap on the Stathern Lane allotments with Mr Coy and it was agreed that:

• Mr Coy’s offer to install this at a cost of £300 be accepted;

• A water meter would be purchased to record consumption;

• A box would need to be fitted around the pipe/tap after installation;

• Cllr Weston should discuss the best method of paying for the water used, with Mr Coy

10/113e iv It was noted that Harby Village Hall committee had cleared the bonfire remains away

10/115b ii Cllr Machin: discussions re Diamond Jubilee Beacons June 2012 ongoing

10/115b iii LCC Highways: Highway works near Harby garage

10/123f vi LC Cllrs had been unable to identify organizer for LC litter picking

C Deferred Items/Reminders for Future Tasks

03/177 i Fluoridation - progress publication of new regulations and consultation process.

10/16b ii Request for litter bin at Boyer’s Orchard to be considered after bus shelter consultation

10/16b v Street lights (Brunts development) x 3 to go on Maintenance contract August 2011 when guarantee finishes

10/48d Stathern Lane allotments: fence to divide allotments from picnic area/orchard to be delayed until new allotments had become established

10/74f vii Leys car park – major repairs to be considered after May 2011 PC elections

10/115b vii Presentation on play equipment for the Leys at April 2011 meeting

10/117 PCC St Michael & All Angels Hose on when repairs to wall/railings can begin.

10/134e The following matters were noted: -

i Notts CC 2.3.11: Temporary road closure Hose Lane, Colston Bassett

ii 10/125b vii Grantham Canal Partnership 3.3.11: re Heritage Lottery bid/Parish Council support

iii 10/123c Highways Agency - AONE+ on behalf of Highways Agency 1.3.11 re A52 request for sign

iv NHS Leics County & Rutland 4.3.11: Rurality consultation draft poster

v Information Commissioners Office: Registration under Data Protection Act 1988 renewed

10/134f Reports from Councillors/Clerk : -

i Risk Assessment Working Group: date to be arranged

ii Cemetery and Churchyard Working Group: date to be arranged

iii Playground Safety Working Group: date to be arranged for Hose

iv Finance Working Group: date to be arranged

v Street lights Working Group: date to be arranged when PC street lights had been listed

vi Report from Clerk:

Incident Reports & NHW: Damage to Hose climbing frame reported 9.3.11. Made safe by handyman

Allotment waiting lists: One each for Hose & Long Clawson, 5 for Harby (The Hunt)

10/135 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT were signed

i Post Office Ltd (1160) £97.63 HMRC – tax & NI

ii Mr B Mills (1161) £248.00 Handyman wages/expenses

iii Mrs E Crowther (1162) £602.05 Clerk wages/expenses

iv Hose Village Hall (1163) £15.00 Hall hire PC mtg 21.2.11

v E.ON UK Energy Services (1164) £655.63 Street light maintenance

vi Staples Direct (1165) £78.79 Stationery/supplies

vii Aon Limited (1166) £2,300.42 Insurance premium

viii Leics & Rutland Playing Fields Assoc (1167) £18.00 Subscription 11/12

ix NALC & LRALC (1168) £345.53 Subscription 11/12

x Severn Trent Water Ltd (1169) £41.70 Water Hose allotments

xi E.ON (1170) £378.31 Electricity bill Feb

xii Lloyds TSB Bank plc (dd) £10.44 Bank charges


10/136a Correspondence Tabled for Information – noted

i Harby Journal March 2011

ii Clerks & Councils Direct March 2011

iii The Hose Piper March-April 2011

iv RCC Weekly bulletin: 28th Feb, 7th March

v Grantham Canal Society: Bridge Feb 2011

vi MBC 38.2.11: Mayor’s Award & Young Citizen Award: nomination forms available

vii The Clawson Clarion March 2011

viii NALC Local Council Review Spring 2011

ix LCC 2.3.11: Flood Fair 29.3.11 3-6pm

x Leics & Rutland Playing Fields Association Newsletter March 2011

xi MBC 9.3.11: Electrical Recycling road shows 26th & 27th March

10/136b Correspondence for Discussion

i LCC 18.2.11: Flowering basket attachments to street lighting columns noted

ii RCC 25.2.11: Community Engagement Seminar 24.3.11 Big Society. Cllr Machin going

iii Leics NHW Association 1.3.11: AGM 14.4.11 7pm-9.30pm noted

iv 10/123f vii A request by a LC resident for grit bin somewhere in Long Clawson was discussed. It was agreed that a resolution to fund a grit bin at The Sands end of Church Lane be on the April Agenda

v Belvoir Community Forum Agenda 15.3.11 & NHW Beat surgery beforehand was noted

vi 10/91 Notice board for Hose to be installed at Post Office. It was agreed that, because of the difficulties of installing a notice board at the Post Office site, Cllr Machin would pursue other possibilities with the Hose Green Trustees

vii 10/125b vi Long Clawson Churchyard maintenance.

·  The email dated 7.3.11 from the Churchwarden was discussed and it was agreed that the Parish Council considered the installation of chain link fencing an improvement not maintenance and therefore not the responsibility of the Parish Council

·  It was noted that the alternative quote for LC Churchyard maintenance had been rejected in favour of White Lodge;

·  The Application for Scheduled Monument Consent was signed;

·  Email 11.2.11 Badger Trust representative noted

10/136c Urgent correspondence received after the clerk’s report and requiring discussion

i LCC Leicestershire Rural Partnership 10.3.11: Networking event 28.3.11 4-6pm noted

ii Leics & Rutland NHS PCT 8.3.11: Rurality Consultation 9th March-18th June. It was agreed to ask Cllr Dames to complete the questionnaire on behalf of the PC. Clerk to give Cllr Dames the information

iii Office for National Statistics 23.2.11: Census Events noted

iv Harby Village Hall Committee 10.3.11: A request to use Leys for a Tug of War event on the 1st May was agreed. It was noted that Cllr Machin had agreed that the PC Harby allotments could be included in a Garden’s Open event

v Harby Litter pick organiser 14.3.11: Report on successful event 12.3.11 noted. It was agreed that the Girl Guides could use the PC equipment in the future for their own event. The following items were reported as needing action:

·  Bath left on The Leys. It was agreed the clerk should try to find owner and ask for it to be removed

·  MBC to be asked to remove rubbish on roadside by a driveway on Stathern Lane


After a discussion on the necessity and affordability of the total number of trees/sites owned by the Parish Council being included in a tree survey by LCC (approximately 361 trees on 21 sites at a cost of £1,260), it was agreed to defer a decision on the following items until a risk assessment had been made by Cllr Machin:

·  which PC sites needed to be surveyed;

·  consideration of whether Minute 10/85f vi needed to be reversed;

·  what the role of the Tree Wardens should be. An email dated 7.3.11 from the Long Clawson Tree Warden was noted.

10/138 10/123f vi HOSE SUMMER KEEP

The following was agreed:

·  Rent for 2011 (£170 for 2010 before reduced in size) to be £100;

·  New section/summer keep to be divided by stock fencing with a rail on top. Contractor be asked to also remove fencing between old and new allotments and to repair the remaining fencing between the old allotments and the summer keep

The Chairman thanked Cllrs for attending and the meeting closed at 8.32pm.

CHAIRMAN ………………………………….. DATE: 18th April 2011