Report for Projects using Computer Programming: 2008 ~ 2012 at Marriott Library


Seungkeol (“Sung-Gul”) Choe

  1. Web Application Development

[1]Westernscoundscape archive database, server module, website design

  1. Migrated map-service from to
  2. Built habitat database, visualization web application for 821 species with new layer generation algorithm
  3. Connected habitation of species to metadata containing sound
  4. PHP, Mysql, Javascript, HTML, CSS

[2]Mobile app development

  1. Found algorithm that query species living given geo-location
  2. Developed web and IPhone/IPad interface for the service
  3. Release Frogfinder to app-store (
  4. PHP, Mysql, Javascript, HTML, Objective-C, JSON
  1. Digital Productions

[1]Automation Implementation

Project / Collection / Items
pdf2jpg, tif2jpg – scripting control batch execution of Photoshop – Racket / Utah Digital Newspapers / 47,000
Utah Art Council : Fork Art Slides / 46,000
Developed object pixel dimension measuring tool for metadata generation – C#, Excel / USHS Classified Photographs / 15,000
Programmed scanning time/image size calculator from metadata of generated images – Racket, Excel / Utah State Library Archive / 43,000
Developed Unique Filename generator considering folder structure and geographic names in Utah –Racket / USHS HistoricalStructures / 19,000
Athletics / 3,300
Made a batch processor for folder structure generation –Racket / Batch, Box, folder, staple sets: Manuscripts, USHS Site forms, / 300 staples sets
Applied batch de-skew programming library to images that BSE cannot import – ImageMagick command line, Bridge / Special Collection, Rare books / 2,300
Made folder splitter into subfolders to fit the folder of files to tools–Racket / Utah Digital Newspapers: Image conversion / 47,000

[2]Correctness of archive and web service

Project / Collection / Items
Made a metadata extractor from collection by the list of erroneous items – Racket, Python, Excel / many collections
Developed a file path conversion tool to support direct downloading of full resolution image from item ContentDM viewer - Racket, Excel / Utonian Yearbooks / 16,000
Wrote a script for Barcode error correction - Racket, Excel / USHS Classified Photographs / 200
Analyzed duplicate items in collections - Racket, Excel / USHS Clifford Bray Film Negatives / 3,000
USHS Classified photographs / 48,000
Made collection to scanned object analysis : Photo number/Barcode - Racket, Excel / USHS Shipler Nitrate / 8,400
Created batch procedures for ContentDM thumbnail generation- Racket / Utah Digital Newspapers / 29,000: Garfield, 18,000: Topaz
Wrote a script that compared working directory with multiple archival media - Racket, Python / Utah Art Council : Fork Art Slides / 46,000

[3]Item quality and security enhancement

Project / Collection / Items
Wrote a filename analyzer that looked for similar names in removal of Seal of State of Utah in the center of image Univ. of Utah - Racket, Excel / Multimedia Archives Photographs / 48,000
Created procedure and wrote programs for personal signature removal - Java(iText), Acrobat Pro / IR – Thesis and Dissertations 2,3 / 3,800
Wrote a script for redundant quotation removal in metadata migration–Python / IR collections / 11,500

[4]Metadata extraction and embedding: image, pdf formats

Project / Collection / Items
Wrote a program what extract metadata from images (custom data written by photographers or geo-location feature from camera) - Python / Dept. of Athletics images / 3,300
Developed utilities for pdf metadata extraction/embedding/migration: / Counting number of pages, extracting/saving pages, inserting/replacing pages, bookmark extracting/restoring – Java / IR – Thesis and Dissertation / 5,500
USHS Historic/Prehistoric Publications / Sample testing
Embedding Dublin Core meta data into Pdf documents - Java / IR –Thesis and Dissertations 1~3 / 5,500
Tested metadata writer into Images (Dublin Core & Customized metadata)–Java / USHS Classified Photographs / 24,000
Extracting embedded text from pdf files in batch - Java / IR – Board of Regents / 400
  1. Development of Script Library for Data Processing inContentDM Server

Project / Collection / Items
Extracting metadata from CDM server (bug handling) – Python / IR - Thesis and Dissertations 1,3 / 3,400
IR –UschoarWorks / 6,000
IR –Electronic Univ. Archive / 1,400
Extracting Object from CDM server: Collect object by types: simple, compound, generated compound – Python / IR collections / 12,900
Batch update tag values to metadata in ContentDM – Python / IR – Thesis and Dissertations 2 / 2,100
Metadata conversion from ContentDM to Rosetta – Python / SanbornFireInsuranceMaps, UofU_BusinessLeadersInterviews, TaylorWoolley, Utonians / 39,000
Analysis geo-distribution of user of digital library collections – PHP, Mysql, Html / 100 collections measured at 2010-10-01 / 11,797 queries on Westernsoundscape archive
  1. Documents

[1]How to use tools

  1. Rename title phrases into Title cases- how2use_rename2TitleCase.doc
  2. Running Tiffreader for batch of images to detect dimensions- how2use_tiffreader.doc

[2]Photoshop in practice for new staff training - PhotoshopInDigitization.doc

[3]ContentDM-Troubleshooting - Metadata Off by item.ppt-

[4]Hasselblad scanning specification- dimension-ppi-table.xls

[5]Design book cover using InDesign, Specification for Espresso Book printing machines- EBMcoverMeas.xlsx

[6]Batch generation of ContentDM thumbnails from Pdf files - HOWTO-pdf2thumb.doc

[7]Processing Moirés patter n newspaper photo scanning - Moirés Pattern Processing.doc

[8]Kirtas project folder management - Search n Replace Master - Useful4MovingKirtasProject.doc

[9]Splitting PDF file

  1. Using PDFSAM program - Splitting PDF file - 1.pdfsam.doc
  2. Using Spreadsheet - Splitting PDF file - 2.Batching filename conversion - Case with Excel.doc
  3. Using Seungkeol’s procedure in command line - Splitting PDF file - 2.Batching filename conversion - Case with Program.doc