Designation of “Alberta’s Capital city” on Entrance Signs

  1. That the Community Services Department report dated September 13, 2000 be received for information. (Attachment 1)
  2. That a new sign panel, “Alberta’s Capital”, be added to all nine existing City entrance signs.
  3. That the older portions of the existing signs be repainted to match the new panels at a cost of $8,100.
  4. That the cost of the new sign panels ($20,430) be funded over a three year period from the Community Services Department Budget – Parks, River Valley and Natural Areas Program XX-21-0070.

Report Summary

This report recommends the addition of “Alberta’s Capital” to the nine existing major city entrance signs.

Previous Council/Committee Action

At the Community Services Committee meeting of October 2, 2000, the following motion was passed:

”That the September 13, 2000 Community Services Department report be referred back to the administration to prepare a report on:

  1. The history of the “Alberta’s Capital” signage, specifically the costs related to its construction; and
  2. An alternative to fund the “Alberta’s Capital” signage over a period of time and whether or not these costs could be absorbed by the department.”

At the Executive Committee meeting of August 23, 2000, the revised due date of October 4, 2000 was approved.

At the regular City Council meeting of June 20, 2000, the following motion was passed:

“That subject to a report, to the August 23, 2000 Executive Committee meeting, on the feasibility and the cost involved, the designation “Alberta’s Capital City” or other similar phrase be added to signage on Edmonton’s nine major entrance highways and included on any future signage.”


  1. History

The initial request from Community Services Committee for adding “Welcome to” to the City entrance signs was considered in the fall of 1996 with approval and installation occurring by November of the same year. Community Services Department was successful in finding a contractor who installed all nine sign panels at a cost of $8,837.93 ($982.00 each).

  1. Alternative Funding

Budgeting for these nine panels could occur from the Community Services Department Budget – Parks, River Valley and Natural Areas Program XX-21-0070 City Entrance Landscaping Project. Implementation would be phased in over three years. Four signs would be placed in 2001, three in 2002 and two in 2003. The Asset Management and Public Works Department will fund the sign painting and ongoing maintenance thereafter from its operating budget.

Budget / Financial Implications

Cost of the proposal:

  • $20,430 is available from the Community Services Department Budget – Parks, River Valley and Natural Areas Program XX-21-0070 for the new sign panels.
  • $8,100 will be available from Asset Management and Public Works Department operating budget for the repainting.

Justification of Recommendation

  1. That the Community Services Committee not act on the previous recommendations contained in the September 13, 2000 report.
  2. Addition of the sign panels will identify Edmonton as Alberta’s Capital City.
  3. Painting the existing panels will give the signs a consistent appearance.
  4. Phased implementation will allow the administration to fund the project from existing programs.

Background Information Attached

  1. Community Services Department Report September 13, 2000 (Designation of “Alberta’s Capital City” on Entrance Signs)

Others Approving this Report

  • Bill Burn , General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works

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