October 9, 2018

TO:Larry BenowskiNimet Rajan

General ManagerOffice of the City Clerk

R. Caldwell, ManagerWalter Trocenko, Director

Planning and Policy Services BranchCommunity Services Department

Greg Heaton, SolicitorCarey Goodwin, Technical Services

Law BranchSubdivision and Bylaws Section

James Tan, General SupervisorMichael Ediger

Asset Management and PublicEdmonton Public School Board

Works Department

FROM:Etelka Mazzotta, Bylaw Amendment Officer

Subdivision and Bylaws Section

SUBJECT:Planning and Development Department Public Hearing Bylaws; City Council Agenda - Wednesday, April 18, 2001.

Attached is a list of the proposed Bylaws submitted by the Planning and Development Department scheduled for Public Hearing Wednesday, April 18,2001.

By copy of this memorandum, the Office of the City Clerk is requested to place the Bylaws on the City Council Agenda in the same order they appear on the attached list.





City Council Agenda - Wednesday, April 18, 2001



Bylaw 12490
NSP/00-0012 / Bylaw 12490 – To amend Bylaw 5739, as amended, being the Edmonton North Area Structure Plan through an amendment to the Eaux Claires Neighbourhood Structure Plan
The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Eaux Claires Neighbourhood Structure Plan. The proposed amendment will redesignate a Medium Density Multiple Family residential block to Low Density Residential and change a block of Semi-detached Residential Row Housing to Medium Density Multiple Family Residential.
Bylaw 12490 is ready for Three (3) Readings after the Public Hearing has been held.
Advertising and Signing
This Bylaw has been advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Friday, March 30, 2001 and Sunday, April 8, 2001. The Bylaw can be signed and thereby passed following Third Reading.
Position of Department
The Planning and Development Department supports this Bylaw.
Report Summary
  • The property is composed of three vacant titled lots north of the existing 157 Avenue between 90 Street and 97 Street in the southern half of the Eaux Claires Neighbourhood.
  • The proposal conforms to the Edmonton North (Lake District) Area Structure Plan.
  • An increase of 0.99 ha will be added to the area available for low density residential development and a corresponding decrease of 0.99 ha is proposed to the medium density residential.
  • The proposed change translates to an increase from 60.0 percent low density residential development to 63.3 percent low density development and a decrease from 40.0 percent medium density development to 36.7 percent medium density development. City guidelines call for a medium density housing mix of 15 – 35 percent. This request moves the residential split closer to the City guidelines.
  • A public meeting was held on October 23, 2000, four people attended the meeting, no objections or concerns were expressed about the proposed amendments.
Planner: Laurie Moulton
Bylaw 12491
LUB/00-0080 / Bylaw 12491 - To amend the Land Use Bylaw from AG (Agricultural) District to RF1 (Single Detached Residential) District and AGU (Urban Reserve) District, located north of 157 Avenue and east of 97 Street, Eaux Claires
The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Land Use Bylaw as it applies to this site from AG to RF1 and AGU. The proposed amendment will allow the development of single detached residential dwellings and to recognize the future school/park site.
Bylaw 12491 is ready for Three (3) Readings after the Public Hearing has been held.
Advertising and Signing
This Bylaw has been advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Friday, March 30, 2001 and Sunday, April 8, 2001. The Bylaw can be signed and thereby passed following Third Reading.
Position of Department
The Planning and Development Department supports this Bylaw.
Report Summary
  • The property is composed of three vacant titled lots north of the existing 157 Avenue between 90 Street and 97 Street in the southern half of the Eaux Claires Neighbourhood.
  • The applicant is proposing to amend the Land Use Bylaw from AG (Agricultural) District to RF1 (Single Detached Residential) District and AGU (Urban Reserve) District in order to develop the site for single detached residential and protect the area for the future school / park site.
  • The proposal conforms to the Edmonton North (Lake District) Area Structure Plan and the attached Eaux Claires Neighbourhood Structure Plan amendment.
  • No objections or concerns were raised through circulation.
  • A Public meeting was held on October 23, 2000. Four people attended the meeting, no objections or concerns were expressed about the proposed amendments.
Planner: Laurie Moulton
Bylaw 12538
LC/00-0018 / Bylaw 12538 - To Close a portion of 157 Avenue, located between 90 Street and 97Street, Eaux Claires
The purpose of this Bylaw is to close a portion of 157 Avenue, located between 90 Street and 97 Street. Once closed the area will be consolidated with the abuttingLots 12 and 13, Block 2, Plan 6215 V.
Bylaw 12538 is ready for Three (3) Readings after the Public Hearing has been held.
Advertising and Signing
This Bylaw has been advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Friday, March 30, 2001 and Sunday, April 8, 2001. The Bylaw can be signed and thereby passed following Third Reading.
Position of Department
The Planning and Development Department supports this Bylaw.
Report Summary
  • This is an application to close the northerly 10.05 metres of 157 Avenue adjacent to lots 12 and 13 – a total length of 210.3 metres.
  • The application is being considered in association with a Neighbourhood Structure Plan Amendment (Bylaw 12490, NSP/00-0012) and Land Use Bylaw Amendment (Bylaw 12491, LUB/00-0080).
  • The northerly abutting lots are currently undeveloped.
  • Transportation and Streets Department support the application provided an alternative access is provided to residential properties on the south side of 157 Avenue.
  • Once this portion of the road is closed, it is the intention of the applicant to consolidate this land with adjacent titled property and develop the land by way of subdivision.
  • The transfer agreement for the closure of this piece of road will be completed as part of the Servicing Agreement.
  • Three calls were received from abutting residents and property owners as a result of a registered letter being sent to the six property owners immediately affected by the road closure. Two of the callers did not object to the closure, provided they could still access their property. The third person did object to the closure citing it not being necessary at this time.
Planner: Laurie Moulton
Bylaw 12553
LC/00-0019 / Bylaw 12553 - To close a portion of north/south lane and a portion of 126 Avenue; located south of 126 Avenue and east of St. Albert Trail; Hagmann Estates
The purpose of this Bylaw is to close a portion of north/south lane and a portion of 126 Avenue. Once closed the area will be consolidated with the abuttingLots 18 and19.
Bylaw 12553 is ready for Three (3) Readings after the Public Hearing has been held.
Advertising and Signing
This Bylaw has been advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Friday, March 30, 2001 and Sunday, April 8, 2001. The Bylaw can be signed and thereby passed following Third Reading.
Position of Department
The Planning and Development Department supports this Bylaw.
Report Summary
  • There are no outstanding technical concerns regarding this application.
  • In response to the Planning and Development Department’s letter of prenotification, there were two phone calls seeking additional information concerning the closure. Neither caller was opposed to the lane and road closure.
Planner: Ken Zahara
Bylaw 12554
LUB/00-0118 / Bylaw 12554 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw from PU (Public Utility) District to CSC (Shopping Centre) District, located at 13303 – 115 Avenue, Woodcroft
The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Land Use Bylaw as it applies to this site from PU to CSC. The purpose of this redistricting is to expand the variety and scope of commercial uses allowed on this site.
Bylaw 12554 is ready for Three (3) Readings after the Public Hearing has been held.
Advertising and Signing
This Bylaw has been advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Friday, March 30, 2001 and Sunday, April 8, 2001. The Bylaw can be signed and thereby passed following Third Reading.
Position of Department
The Planning and Development Department supports this Bylaw.
Report Summary
  • The applicant has purchased the site from EPCOR and wishes to amalgamate it with the larger shopping center to the south owned by the applicant.

Planner: Don Read

Bylaw 12556
LUB/01-0005 / Bylaw 12556 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw from DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District to DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District; located north of 137 Avenue and west of Manning Drive, York.
The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Land Use Bylaw as it applies to this site from DC5 to DC5. The proposed amendment will increase the permitted height for the underside of a gas pump canopy on part of the subject site (Lot 54).
Bylaw 12556 is ready for Three (3) Readings after the Public Hearing has been held.
Advertising and Signing
This Bylaw has been advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Friday, March 30, 2001 and Sunday, April 8, 2001. The Bylaw can be signed and thereby passed following Third Reading.
Position of Department
The Planning and Development Department supports this Bylaw.
Report Summary
  • The subject site is the “Manning Crossing” shopping centre.
  • The proposed DC5 District incorporates the existing DC5 District (280) with minor amendments as follows:
  1. Updated legal description in the “Area of Application”;
  2. Maximum permitted height for underside of gas pump canopy increased from 4.3m (14.1 ft.) to 4.9m (16.0 ft.) for Lot 54; and,
  3. Development criteria added to restrict location of gas bar to southern portion of Lot 54, and to require that canopy lighting and design minimize light pollution on surrounding residential areas.
  • The applicant sent out 70 letters to surrounding property-owners describing the proposed DC5 District. No replies were received.
Planner: Greg Barker
Bylaw 12802
LUB/01-0014A / Bylaw 12802 – To amend the Zoning Bylaw from GI(GeneralIndustrial) District (M.D. ofSturgeon) (Part V of Bylaw 5996) to IH (Heavy Industrial) Zone, located east of 156 Street and south of 128 Avenue, Mistatim Industrial
The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Zoning Bylaw as it applies to this site from GI(GeneralIndustrial) District (M.D. ofSturgeon) to IH in order to allow heavy industrial uses on the site
Bylaw 12802 is ready for Three (3) Readings after the Public Hearing has been held.
Advertising and Signing
This Bylaw has been advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Friday, March 30, 2001 and Sunday, April 8, 2001. The Bylaw can be signed and thereby passed following Third Reading.
Position of Department
The Planning and Development Department supports this Bylaw.
Report Summary
  • On February 22, 2001, Council directed the Administration bring back a series of bylaws to the April 18, 2001 City Council public hearing meeting. That directive required that the administration prepare for Council's consideration, rezoning bylaws for five sites within the annexed lands. This bylaw is one of the five sites noted within that direction.
Previous Council/Committee Action
City Council at its meeting of February 22, 2001, passed the following motion:
That Administration be directed to bring back the following bylaws to the April 18, 2001 City Council public hearing meeting:
a)A bylaw to amend the text of Bylaw 12800 by deleting s. 2.4;
b)A bylaw to rezone land referred to in s. 2.4 of Bylaw 12800 as "Westview Village" from DC (IC) (Direct Control Industrial/Commercial) (Parkland) and CR (Parkland) to RMH (Mobile Home);
c)A bylaw to rezone land referred to in s. 2.4 of Bylaw 12800 as Maple Ridge/Oak Ridge from MHR (Strathcona) to RMH (Mobile Home);
d)A bylaw to rezone land referred to in s. 2.4 of Bylaw 12800 as “Inland” from IC (Parkland) to IH (Heavy Industries);
e)A bylaw to rezone land referred to in s. 2.4 of Bylaw 12800 as “Borden” from GI (Sturgeon) to IH (Heavy Industries)
f)A Bylaw to rezone land referred to in s.2.4 of bylaw 12800 as “City Lumber” from IC (Parkland) to IB (Business Industrial).
Planner: Don Read
Bylaw 12803
LUB/01-0014B / Bylaw 12803 – To amend the Zoning Bylaw from IC(Industrial Commercial) District (CountyofParkland) (Part V of Bylaw 5996) and IM (Medium Industrial) District to IB (Industrial Business) Zone; located west of 156 Street and south of 128 Avenue, Mistatim Industrial
The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Zoning Bylaw as it applies to this site from IC(Industrial Commercial)District (CountyofParkland) and IM to IB, in order to allow industrial business uses on the site
Bylaw 12803 is ready for Three (3) Readings after the Public Hearing has been held.
Advertising and Signing
This Bylaw has been advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Friday, March 30, 2001 and Sunday, April 8, 2001. The Bylaw can be signed and thereby passed following Third Reading.
Position of Department
The Planning and Development Department supports this Bylaw.
Report Summary
  • On February 22, 2001, Council directed the Administration bring back a series of bylaws to the April 18, 2001 City Council public hearing meeting. That directive required that the administration prepare for Council's consideration, rezoning bylaws for five sites within the annexed lands. This bylaw is one of the five sites noted within that direction.
Previous Council/Committee Action
City Council at its meeting of February 22, 2001, passed the following motion:
That Administration be directed to bring back the following bylaws to the April 18, 2001 City Council public hearing meeting:
a)A bylaw to amend the text of Bylaw 12800 by deleting s. 2.4;
b)A bylaw to rezone land referred to in s. 2.4 of Bylaw 12800 as "Westview Village" from DC (IC) (Direct Control Industrial/Commercial) (Parkland) and CR (Parkland) to RMH (Mobile Home);
c)A bylaw to rezone land referred to in s. 2.4 of Bylaw 12800 as Maple Ridge/Oak Ridge from MHR (Strathcona) to RMH (Mobile Home);
d)A bylaw to rezone land referred to in s. 2.4 of Bylaw 12800 as “Inland” from IC (Parkland) to IH (Heavy Industries);
e)A bylaw to rezone land referred to in s. 2.4 of Bylaw 12800 as “Borden” from GI (Sturgeon) to IH (Heavy Industries)
f)A Bylaw to rezone land referred to in s.2.4 of bylaw 12800 as “City Lumber” from IC (Parkland) to IB (Business Industrial).
Planner: Don Read
Bylaw 12804
LUB/01-0014C / Bylaw 12804 – To amend the Zoning Bylaw from IC(Industrial Commercial) District (CountyofParkland) (Part V of Bylaw 5996) to IH (Heavy Industrial) Zone, located west of 158 Street and south of 128 Avenue, Kinokamau Plains
The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Zoning Bylaw as it applies to this site from IC(Industrial Commercial)District (CountyofParkland) to IH, in order to allow heavy industrial uses on the site
Bylaw 12804 is ready for Three (3) Readings after the Public Hearing has been held.
Advertising and Signing
This Bylaw has been advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Friday, March 30, 2001 and Sunday, April 8, 2001. The Bylaw can be signed and thereby passed following Third Reading.
Position of Department
The Planning and Development Department supports this Bylaw.
Report Summary
  • On February 22, 2001, Council directed the Administration bring back a series of bylaws to the April 18, 2001 City Council public hearing meeting. That directive required that the administration prepare for Council's consideration, rezoning bylaws for five sites within the annexed lands. This bylaw is one of the five sites noted within that direction.
Previous Council/Committee Action
City Council at its meeting of February 22, 2001, passed the following motion:
That Administration be directed to bring back the following bylaws to the April 18, 2001 City Council public hearing meeting:
a)A bylaw to amend the text of Bylaw 12800 by deleting s. 2.4;
b)A bylaw to rezone land referred to in s. 2.4 of Bylaw 12800 as "Westview Village" from DC (IC) (Direct Control Industrial/Commercial) (Parkland) and CR (Parkland) to RMH (Mobile Home);
c)A bylaw to rezone land referred to in s. 2.4 of Bylaw 12800 as Maple Ridge/Oak Ridge from MHR (Strathcona) to RMH (Mobile Home);
d)A bylaw to rezone land referred to in s. 2.4 of Bylaw 12800 as “Inland” from IC (Parkland) to IH (Heavy Industries);
e)A bylaw to rezone land referred to in s. 2.4 of Bylaw 12800 as “Borden” from GI (Sturgeon) to IH (Heavy Industries)
f)A Bylaw to rezone land referred to in s.2.4 of bylaw 12800 as “City Lumber” from IC (Parkland) to IB (Business Industrial).
Planner: Don Read
Bylaw 12805
LUB/01-0014D / Bylaw 12805 – To amend the Zoning Bylaw from MHR (Mobile Home Residential) District (County of Strathcona) (Part V of Bylaw 5996) to RMH (Mobile Home) Zone locatedeast of 17 Street and south of 70 Avenue, Maple Ridge
The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Zoning Bylaw as it applies to this site from MHR (Mobile Home Residential) District (County of Strathcona) to RMH, in order to allow a mobile home park on the site.
Bylaw 12805 is ready for Three (3) Readings after the Public Hearing has been held.
Advertising and Signing
This Bylaw has been advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Friday, March 30, 2001 and Sunday, April 8, 2001. The Bylaw can be signed and thereby passed following Third Reading.
Position of Department
The Planning and Development Department supports this Bylaw.
Report Summary
  • On February 22, 2001, Council directed the Administration bring back a series of bylaws to the April 18, 2001 City Council public hearing meeting. That directive required that the administration prepare for Council's consideration, rezoning bylaws for five sites within the annexed lands. This bylaw is one of the five sites noted within that direction.
Previous Council/Committee Action
City Council at its meeting of February 22, 2001, passed the following motion:
That Administration be directed to bring back the following bylaws to the April 18, 2001 City Council public hearing meeting:
a)A bylaw to amend the text of Bylaw 12800 by deleting s. 2.4;
b)A bylaw to rezone land referred to in s. 2.4 of Bylaw 12800 as "Westview Village" from DC (IC) (Direct Control Industrial/Commercial) (Parkland) and CR (Parkland) to RMH (Mobile Home);
c)A bylaw to rezone land referred to in s. 2.4 of Bylaw 12800 as Maple Ridge/Oak Ridge from MHR (Strathcona) to RMH (Mobile Home);
d)A bylaw to rezone land referred to in s. 2.4 of Bylaw 12800 as “Inland” from IC (Parkland) to IH (Heavy Industries);
e)A bylaw to rezone land referred to in s. 2.4 of Bylaw 12800 as “Borden” from GI (Sturgeon) to IH (Heavy Industries)
f)A Bylaw to rezone land referred to in s.2.4 of bylaw 12800 as “City Lumber” from IC (Parkland) to IB (Business Industrial).