Rearsby Scene September 2011

Jottings September 2011

There has been a plethora of weddings in our village church this summer. One bride travelling all the way from Yorkshire to be married in the same church as her mother who was Margaret Wilson and, as a child, lived on Brookside and went to Rearsby School.

The July Parish Council meeting took longer than usual for two reasons. The first reason was the appearance of Matthew Blair, the new councillor for Charnwood. He introduced himself and spoke of his previous experience and background and ways in which he could help with local problems.

The second reason was the care with which they tried to solve a parishioner’s problem. Do remember to contact the Council as soon as possible if you need their help. You can either speak to the Council at a specified point in the meeting or by contacting the Clerk, Sue Norledge, beforehand. In future her contact details will be put at the bottom of the Council notes in the magazine.

Remember, the Parish Council is our first line of defence.

Many people in Rearsby will have heard with sorrow of the death of John Walton of East Goscote. John, with his wife Margaret had lived there from its earliest days working in the Mace Store which belonged to the Rearsby Mace Store. The celebration of his 86th birthday and sixty years as a Reader in the Church of England was attended by the Bishop of Leicester at St Hilda’s Church which he had served for so long. He was a quiet and unassuming man with a kind word for everyone. He was much loved – truly a ‘man of God’.

Yet again we have a new Beat Bobby – PC Thomas Longden. His new contact details are at the end of the Diary on the back page.

Rearsby residents Nigel and Halina Richardson have renovated the Star Inn at Thrussington – we wish them every success. This sadly contrasts with the uncertainty of the pubs in our own village.

In the week beginning September 26th our new recycle bins will be delivered. The following week any unwanted old purple or green bags or ’glass’ bins can be collected. However, you can choose to keep them.

Mary Beskeen

Notes from The Parish Council Meeting held at the Village Hall. Thursday August 4th at 7.30pm

Present Councillors: Peter French (Chair ), John Blankley, Simon Chenery, Martin Cooke, Ian Christie-Smith, Mrs . S. Norledge (Clerk ), Matthew Blaine ( Borough ) P.C.S.O Grimley, P.C. Longden.

In attendance 6 members of the Public

Repair and Maintenance

Pack Horse Bridge Malicious damage has occurred to the parapet; because of the listed status of the bridge, the repair process is rather protracted. The police have been informed of this incident

Tree Warden

Trevor Drury has spent a considerable amount of time preparing a list of suitable “Strimmers“ for Council use. The Council will shortly make a decision to purchase, or not, as may be the case.

Flood Warden

Ron Lilley has contacted The Environment Agency in order to have vegetation removed from the course of the brook. Due to financial cuts, this has become quite a grey area. Residents of Brookside are urged to take notice of the state of maintenance and be proactive.

Policing Matters

The Leicestershire Constabulary are seeking to establish a working office for the “Beat Bobby” in the Queniborough, East Goscote, Rearsby district. Tentativeapproaches have already been made. The Parish Council have suggested that the Police make a formal approach to Rearsby Village Hall Trustees.

Borough Council Matters.

Councillor Matthew Blaine informed the meeting that when householders pay their bills to Charnwood Council, a surcharge will apply to those using Credit Cards; this does not apply to Debit Cards.


It is anticipated that some advice from The Borough Planning Dept may prove a useful guide to Councillors, improving council performance.

Play Park

John Blankley, gave notice of his intention to present to the Council a plan for a complete upgrade of the current facilities on the Park, some of which are dated and in need of repair.

Caught Reporter

To contact Rearsby Parish Council, contact the Clerk, Sue Norledge


Planning Applications

Wed, 29 Jun 2011


Erection of 1 dwelling with associated car parking and amenity space following demolition of barn.

23 Brookside Rearsby Leicestershire LE7 4YB

Mr Ian Hardwick

Fri, 05 Aug 2011


Fell 1x Walnut tree, 1x Willow prune/reduce in size.

34 Brookside Rearsby Leicestershire LE7 4YB

Mrs Julie Tanner

Wed, 10 Aug 2011


Change of use of barn to allow functions and events with associated parking and construction of disabled access ramp. (Revised scheme - P/09/1108/2 refers)

Manor Farm 40 Brookside Rearsby Leicestershire LE7 4YB

Mr T & Mrs A Palmer

Fri, 12 Aug 2011


Single storey rear extension to property to provide increased kitchen area.

Rearsby Farm House Mill Road Rearsby Leicestershire LE7 4YN

Bloor Homes Ltd East Midlands

Mon, 04 Jul 2011


Alterations and conversion of barns from residential accommodation (Barns No 3 & 4).

27 Mill Road Rearsby Leicestershire LE7 4YN

Bloor Homes Limited ( East Midlands)

Thu, 21 Jul 2011


Tree work to 1x Ash and 2x Lime trees.

Rearsby House 1740 Melton Road Rearsby Leicestershire LE7 4YR

Mr Andrew Horsfield

Tue, 19 Jul 2011


Tree work.

St Joseph of Peace Convert 61 Station Road Rearsby Leicestershire LE7 4YY

Sisters of St.Joseph of Peace

Tue, 09 Aug 2011


Erection of single storey extension to side of dwelling.

The Coach House Gaddesby Lane Rearsby Leicestershire LE7 4YL

Mrs Vicki Cooper

Proposal to develop land off Melton Road

Rearsby Parish Council has learnt of a proposal to develop for housing, part of the site

presently occupied by Rearsby Roses. The proposed development would be between the existing northern edge of East Goscote up to a line opposite the junction between Melton Road and Broome Lane, however at the time of writing the exact extent has yet to be confirmed.

The proposal is to develop land which is part of the area of local separation between the villages of East Goscote and Rearsby, and the PC are currently gathering information which will be made available for public consultation at the earliest opportunity.

Peter French (Chairman – Rearsby Parish Council)

Pavement Parking!

Charnwood Borough Council is spearheading a borough-wide “Cars Off Pavements” campaign, in partnership with Leicestershire Police and the Royal National Institute for the Blind, to win back pavements from motorists whose inconsiderate parking puts the safety of vulnerable people at risk.

Rearsby Parish Council is very keen to support this campaign in any way possible and would urge residents to report persistent offenders by telephoning the hotline number 01509 634564.This number may be used to report offenders wherever they may be in the borough.

Peter French (Chairman – Rearsby Parish Council)

Request for use of the Village Hall by Leicestershire Police Authority

The trustees of the Village Hall have discussed the request for accommodation in the hall and sent the following reply:

“The trustees of Rearsby Village hall have carefully considered your request for permanent office accommodation within the hall.

After much deliberation we are unable to meet this request on the following grounds.

The hall is an independent charitable organisation governed by a board of elected trustees on behalf of the charities commission and totally separate from the Parish Council.

The current situation is as we are self financing we hire out the facilities to generate income to cover our costs, in this matter we are supported by the Parish Council for the benefit of the Village.

The accommodation consists of a main hall, committee room and a restricted computer suite.

We have a very full activity programme across the spectrum catering for all ages. We are short of storage space and cannot accept any more furniture etc.

The main hall is used for many functions including weddings, parties and dances etc. The committee room is used for meetings, both corporate, parish and other smaller functions all of which generate income to cover running costs. The computer room is restricted because of the value of the equipment.

We have a high utilisation factor for the building.

Under the circumstances we are therefore unable to provide you with any permanent, either long or short term, accommodation within the building.

At the present time the only thing that we could offer you on temporary basis is use of the committee room on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 9am to 12noon.”

Forthcoming Events


On Thursday September 22nd we are holding a pre-season open meeting in the village hall to discuss the future of the History Society. Wine and nibbles will be served. Please come along to give your views. Non-members are most welcome.

Jeannette Buswell

WEA autumn term

The new WEA course begins on Monday September 19th. and runs for ten weeks. This term’s subject will be ‘What did the Romans ever do for the East Midlands’. David Taylor is our tutor for this course which, as usual, will be held at Rearsby Village Hall starting at 10.30. The cost of the course will be £50.25 unless you are attending more than one course in which case the shorter course will be at a discount. We look forward to meeting old friends and new on the 19th.

Jeannette Buswell


Rearsby Village Hall committee invite you to a Quiz on Saturday October 1st

in the village hall starting at 7.30pm. Tickets are £6 including supper.

Please bring your own drinks. Pre –booking is essential for the catering.

Tickets can be purchased from Barbara or Liz

Bring a team of up to 6 people or make up a team on the night.

All Proceeds for village hall funds.

Coffee &Cakes - Saturday September 10th - 10 - 12 noon

The Vicar, Churchwardens and Parochial Church Council of

St. Michael and All Angel’s Church are pleased to invite you to join

them for Coffee and Cakes on Saturday September 10th from

10am – noon in the church. This is the start of the funding campaign,

please do come along and join us.

Harvest Workshop - Saturday September 24th from 10am - 12.30pm in the barn.

Look out for the posters and booking forms from school or ring Rita to book your place. We will be decorating the church for Harvest Festival the next day.

Sunday September 26th - Harvest Festival - 11am,

Please come and join us for Croissants and Coffee from 10.15am.

Sunday 2nd October - Patronal Festival - 11am

Gift Fair - to be held on Saturday November 5th from 11 -4pm.

If you would like to book a table - please ring Rita a.s.a.p

Rearsby School – The Good Times And The Not So Good

Years R. to 2

The igloo with pillows inside that you could crawl through – when the fire bell went off and someone wore Miss Weston's jacket because he was half dressed getting ready for P.E. - being sick over all my own and Charlotte's worksheets – winning alien stickers – crying when Miss Barnett told us she was leaving – enjoying Golden Time -when there was a big flood and we were stuck in the mobile with no toilet – answering the office phone and getting into trouble for doing it!

Years 3 and 4

Walking along the beach and gathering shells on our trip to Skegness and filling our slush puppies 12 times – meeting Mary, my new best friend for life – learning about electricity – loads of midnight feasts when camping at Quorn Hall and canoeing, rock climbing and caving - learning about Henry 8th – Mrs Nicholls really understood me and helped me – visiting a place called Magna where there were 3 different parts, water, fire and air.

Years 5 and 6

Mrs Nicholls really understood me and helped me – enjoying the Victorian day and sketching – staying at Dukes Barn having a great time doing Britain's Got Talent, being silly and staying up all night - S.A.T.s were quite difficult and we had to work hard - going bowling at Hollywood Bowl – visiting Bradgate Park and drawing waterfalls, a meander and river banks – learning about the Titanic – playing in the girls' football tournament at Cossington Primary School and losing in the semi-final .

We are all going to Wreake Valley and hope we will enjoy it and make as many friends as we have at Rearsby.

Thank you to all the teachers and dinner ladies.

Tiagen, Fern, Daniel, Lucy, Ella

Heritage Matters !

Despite the heavy rain that fell on the morning of 16th July, it did not stop a small group of volunteers from turning out to tidy the brook banks which had become overgrown. I would like to express my thanks to them for their hard work, and it is heartening to have witnessed the spirit and good humour in which the task was completed.

In the autumn we will be organising another village-wide tidy-up, and I hope

to see as many of you as possible, as many hands etc.

Dog fouling continues to blight the footpaths and open areas in Rearsby.

Most sickening is the practice of placing the muck into a plastic bag and

then throwing bag and contents into a hedge or spinney !

The vast majority of dog owners are responsible and always clean up after their pets. However an anti-social minority still do not seem to have learnt

That you should Bag It, Tie It, Bin It.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Peter French (Heritage Warden)


Computer courses at Rearsby Village Hall


Wednesdays 9.30am – 12 noon, starts 21st Sept


Wednesdays 1.30pm - 4pm, starts 21st Sept


Mondays 7.00pm – 9.00pm, starts 19th Sept


Tuesdays 1.30pm – 4pm, starts 20th Sept

For further information see July & August edition of Rearsby Scene

or phone Lyn & Dave

To book your place phone Rita Meade

Marjorie Deadman - Queen of the Jumble Sales

After 44 years of organising jumble sales, Marjorie has decided to hang up her crown!

As a member of Rearsby Mothers Union she has worked with the rest of the group to raise money to help provide chalet holidays for deprived families giving the whole family a break. The first sale raised £26 and more recently £300 was raised at the last one for this very worthwhile charity. This event has been supported not only by members of the Mother’s Union but by many other friends in and around Rearsby. Marjorie wishes to thank everyone for their wonderful support over the years. We in turn should thank Marjorie who has worked tirelessly to organise these sales, making sure that they run smoothly and efficiently. Not only will the helpers miss them but also the customers who have attended them over the years. Marjorie wishes to emphasise that this doesn’t mean the end to fund raising for this important charity but that something less tiring and not requiring the hard work of collecting and storing of the jumble is now needed instead- (I’m sure her son John who must also be thanked for all his support will breathe a huge sigh of relief at this statement). Thank you Marjorie from us all.

Rita Meade

THE STAR INN -1744 Restaurant in Thrussington

Many Rearsby residents will be familiar with the old Star Inn situated on The Green at Thrussington which has been closed for refurbishment since the beginning of May.

The new Star Inn and the all new 1744 Restaurant with the addition of seven 4* bedrooms is reopening on the 21st August after an extensive remodelling and refurnishing by its owners, Rearsby residents Nigel and Halina Richardson.

The Star Inn will now be open 7days a week from 9am, serving Tea, Coffee and Snacks all day, Lunchtime menu is available between 12- 3pm, Evening A la Carte Menu served from 7.00 to 9.30pm and of course Sunday Lunch from 12noon until 4pm.

The popular Sunday evening Quiz night is also to resume very soon and watch out for details of the occasional music night and other special events and offers at the Star.

New Landlord Kevin Preston and his team look forward to meeting customers old and new who would like to pop in at any time for a look around, a Drink, Snack or a Meal.

Please bring along your Star Inn open week Invitation for a complimentary drink on the house.

The Star Inn


Out and about


Please come along and join us, all proceeds to ROTHERBY CHURCH.

Charity Plant Sale

The next sale will take place on Sunday 18th September, 10.00 am – 4.00 pm at numbers 63 and 65 New Zealand Lane, Queniborough. Winter bedding plants, e.g. wallflowers and pansies, biennials and perennials will be on sale. There will also be tea, coffee and raffle. All proceeds will, as usual, be divided equally between Cancer Research and Leicester M. S. Therapy Centre.