
MARCH 2006


If at first you do succeed, try something harder!!

Upcoming Events

If you love the Academy Awards, let me tell you about our sister agency ARC/Solano’s upcoming event on March 5th. It is an evening at the Academy Awards. You can come in “black tie” or as your favorite movie or movie star. It is $60.00 per person and includes your dinner, watching the Academy Awards on a huge screen and it is going to be at the Antique Car Museum in Vallejo. For more information call 707/552-2935.


  SAINT PATRICK’S DAY (March 17th))…Once again, not a day off but a terrific day for celebrating. This is the one day a year that everyone is Irish, so Faith & Begorra… May the wind be at your back and the road rise to meet your feet!

  March 24…The annual Legislative Forum will be at the Petaluma Civic Center. For more information call the office at 707/644-4491

March 28, 29 and 30th…BRC’s in-service mandatory training for all Respite Care Providers. We have 3 sessions each day; 9AM, 1:30pm and 4:40pm. The training is on back safety and how to use a hoyer lift. Call now to sign up!!!


I  Check out our new web site! It is awesome. The CPR/FA schedules are on it as well as information for Respite Care Providers and families


J  Send your E-mail addresses to . We are trying to get everyone’s E-mail so we can keep in better contact with you and you with us!

J  If you have ideas for incentive bonuses, please submit them to the Service Coordination Department at BRC!

RCP of the MONTH

Rob Pevahouse

Rob came to work for BRC right after he turned 18 years old…he was still in high school! Boy, what a great addition to the BRC workforce. He has been an amazing Respite Care Provider. He started immediately with a long time client in the east bay and has become a part of their family. He has continued to take on several more clients and never misses a day or a booking and is never late!! To top it all off, Rob is continuing his education - we are so happy he found us at the job fair. He is one in a million!! Congratulations Rob for being a great student & a terrific Respite Care Provider.

Gourmet Guide to Grazing

Pick of the Month

Cabbage Ramen Salad

(A great idea for left over cabbage from St. Pat’s Day)


½ large head cabbage, shredded

2 tbsp., toasted sesame seeds

½ cup almond slivers, toasted

3 green onions, chopped

1 pkg. Oriental flavor Ramen noodles (uncooked), crushed


2 tbsp. Sugar

3 tbsp. vinegar

½ cup salad oil

½ tsp. salt

¼ tsp. pepper

Flavor packet from noodles

Stir together cabbage, onions, sesame seeds and almonds. Let stand in refrigerator. Mix dressing and pour over salad, add crushed Ramen noodles just before serving! For a main dish, add 2 cups of chicken or shrimp!

Want more yummy recipes like this one? Come in and ask for your very own cookbook…

Gourmet Guide to Grazing

RCP Policy/Procedure of the Month

For your safety, the safety of the client and the safety of your fellow RCPs, it is critical that you inform a Service Coordinator by the next working day if you encounter any conditions while providing respite which you feel are unsafe or unhealthy. This policy also applies if a parent or other family member asks you to break BRC policies or procedures. Remember call us, we are here for you!


þ  We are repeating this reminder for all of you who missed it…It can save you a lot of time and money. You can have BRC added as an “interested party” on your car insurance and we will automatically receive current renewal information. This way you will not have to worry about losing your mileage because you forgot to mail us your current renewal statement.

þ  Home Safety tips: (You can pass these on to your client families!!)

Safety features in a home include:

1.  Handrails and good lighting for stairways

2.  Handgrips in the bathtub or shower and nonskid strips in the bottom of the tub or shower

3.  Good lighting, including night lights in halls and bathrooms

4.  Safety release locks on interior and bathroom doors that allow them to be opened from either side

5.  Secure screening for windows and doors

6.  A safety screen in front of any fireplace

7.  Keep sharp or dangerous tools, medications and dangerous cleaning substances in a safe place

8.  Keep knives and sharp implements in a special rack, out of the reach of small children

9.  Do not allow toys or other items to clutter heavily traveled areas

10.  Avoid the use of loose scatter rugs…tape them to the floor or use non-skid or rubber backing

11.  Keep drawers & cupboard doors closed

12.  Keep curtains or other flammable items away from stoves, candles, or other open flames

13.  Turn pot handles inward while cooking so that pots are not likely to be bumped or pulled over

14.  Disconnect electrical appliances when not in use

15.  Cover unused electrical outlets if children are present
