PACT Implementation Conference
Workshop: Remediation of Failing Candidates
Friday, November 14th, 2008
Bobbie Allen,
Chris Halter,
Rachel Millstone,
What is the PACT Passing Standard?
Candidates pass the Teaching Event if they pass all five rubric categories (Planning, Instruction, Assessment, Reflection, and Academic Language) AND have no more than 2 failing scores of “1” across tasks.
To pass a category, candidates must have a majority (at least half) passing scores within the category. In Planning, 2 out of 3 scores must be a “2” or higher; in Instruction, Assessment, Reflection, and Academic Language, 1 out of 2 scores must be “2” or higher.
UCSD: Case Studies of Remediation
- When does remediation take place?
- Who does it?
- What form does it take?
Candidates complete PACTs in April and they are scored in late April. Remediation opportunity window is in May –June.
Case Study #1:
Intern/student teacher not making adequate progress to teach autonomously and was directed to complete a second year of internship/student teaching and not attempt the PACT during the first year of internship/student teaching.
Case Study #2:
Several interns/student teachers failed one task (assessment) and were counseled to review the guiding questions from the assessment task on PACT and to redo that task using the same collection of assessments as initially collected. Task was then rescored by a member of the scoring team who had not scored it initially.
Case Study #3:
Candidate failed 4 rubrics by one scorer, failed 5 by another scorer, and failed 6 rubrics by the third scorer, as follows:
PLANNING:2, 2, 2,2, 2, 22, 2, 2
INSTRUCTION:2, 12, 12, 1
ASSESSMENT:2, 22, 12, 1
REFLECTION:2, 12, 11, 1
This particular candidate was counseled by the science supervisor who did not score the intial PACT. Comments from all three scorers were compiled into a list and reviewed, but not given to, the candidate.
The candidate was then given the opportunity to either redo an entire PACT Teaching Event (ALL TASKS), or b) complete another year of internship/student teaching. This candidate chose to redo the PACT in May and it was rescored by the science supervisor after three individual meetings with the candidate, using the guiding PACT questions to facilitate a discussion over the drafts of the tasks. Below are the successful set of scores from the second PACT event for that candidate:
PLANNING:3, 3, 2,
Case Study #4
Candidate was Deaf completed the Bilingual Math PACT with accommodations. Deadlines were extended for the written portion of the PACT.
UCSD has developed a plan to provide reasonable accommodations for candidates with documented disabilities, recognized under the Americans with Disabilities Act, which mandates that test accommodations be individualized, meaning that no single type of test accommodation may be adequate or appropriate for all individuals with any given type of disability.
UCSD has credential candidates who are Deaf and require interpreters, not only for the oral English information and directions provided by our instructors, but are also in need of having interpreters in the classroom during videotaping of the implementation of lessons. Interpreters provide an "English voice over" for the the candidate’s signs to the students and an "English voice over" and/or signs for the students responding to the candidate. Interpreters provide information that is critical to ensure a fair score because the videotaping limits the scorer's ability to view both candidate and student interactions using ASL. Additionally, should there not be available scorers' who are fluent in ASL, the English voice over ensures that the scorers' can score the TE with some degree of confidence. Other accommodations for the Deaf students may include arecorder/writer of answers and/or videotaped responses of answers using ASL.