Grade 6 Overview of Term Three

Dear Parents,

The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the key concepts that will be taught in Grade 6 during the third term of the school year.

Religion: Christ Our Life Program, Units 3 - 5:

- God Guides the Chosen People (Exodus, 10 Commandments, Entering the promised land)

- God Leads the Chosen People (The Period of Judges, The Kings of Israel, David & Solomon)

- Prophets Prepare the Way of the Lord (Elijah, Amos, Isaiah)

Language Arts:

-Interactive stories

-Literacy Place: sequencing, making connections, predicting, inferring, evaluating, synthesizing

-Research strategies for non-fiction

-Essay writing, creative writing, informational writing

-Independent novel study activities and digital poster


-Style & Structure


  • Glogster: Independent Novel
  • Weebly: Interactive Stories
  • Microsoft Word & Power Point

Mathematics: Math Makes Sense program, covering units on:

- Patterns, tables, & graphs

- Collecting, graphing, and analyzing data

- Integers

- Variables & Equations

- Order of Operations [excluding exponents]

- Perimeter of polygons, area of rectangles, & volume of right rectangular prisms

- Transformations: translations, rotations, & reflections

- Probability

Social Studies: Global Studies

-Cultural Fair + Power Point

-Research strategies

-Canada: culture, government, economy

-Water Management

-Settlement patterns & population distribution

Science: Extreme Environments

- Places where human survival is difficult or impossible (outer space, polar regions, deserts, volcanos, deep oceans)

- Technology allows us to explore Earth’s extreme environments and outer space

- Costs and benefits of exploring extreme environments

Health & Career Education:

- Healthy Living

- Substance Misuse Prevention

- Career Development

French: Aventures program:

- Unit C: Au Travail!

- vocabulary

- oral pronunciation

- class participation


- Intro to Ukuleles

- History and appreciation of Romantic era composers

Fine Arts:

-Art gallery project: 2-D and 3-D images, minimizing, gala and display, lighting

-Watercolour and mixed mediums

-Landscapes: space, rhythm, and balance

-Colour, line, shape, value, balance, and texture

Physical Education:

- Track and Field

We look forward to an exciting third term. Please do not hesitate to contact us at the school if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your continued cooperation and support. Please note there is a parent support meeting on Tuesday, May 6th on Human Growth and Development, from 7 – 9pm. The meeting is for parents of students in grades 4, 6, & 7, and will feature guest speakers from Signal Hill who will be talking about sexuality. This is a mandatory meeting for at least one parent for each student, so please mark your calendars. We look forward to seeing you all there!


Mr. Sudar and Mrs. Small

Gr. 6 Teachers