Syllabus, Spring Semester - 2010
Religion 324 – Doctrine and Covenants
Instructor: Larry L. Thurgood Office: Hinckley Phone: 496-3957
Office hours: Monday/Wednesday/Friday 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.; Tuesday/Thursday 8:00.-9:00 a.m.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The Doctrine and Covenants is a wonderful collection of revelations and instructions given to the Prophet Joseph Smith and others. A thorough study of this great book of scripture will bless each student with an increased testimony and knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It will assist each student (along with the proper application of the other standard works and teachings of the living prophets) to resolve most, if not all, of life=s dilemmas. President Ezra Taft Benson gives a wonderful summary of the significance of the Doctrine and Covenants: “The Doctrine and Covenants is the binding link between the Book of Mormon and the continuing work of the restoration through the Prophet Joseph Smith and his successors. In the Doctrine and Covenants we learn of temple work, eternal families, the degrees of glory, Church organization, and many other great truths of the restoration. . . . The Book of Mormon brings men to Christ. The Doctrine and Covenants brings men to Christ’s kingdom. . . . The Book of Mormon is the ‘keystone’ of our religion and the Doctrine and Covenants is the ‘capstone’ - with continuing latter-day revelation. The Lord has placed His stamp of approval on both the keystone and the capstone.” (Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson, p. 41)
1. To participate in an environment of shared responsibilities for learning between student, teacher and the Spirit (BYU-Idaho Learning Model), assessed through class participation, sharing insights, questions, participation in discussion boards, and teaching others.
2. To nourish and enhance our understanding and appreciation for the teachings of the Doctrine and Covenants, assessed by worksheets, insights, reflection paper and class participation.
3. To encourage personal application of principles and doctrines through personal and classroom study and effort, assessed by insights, projects, teaching others, etc.
4. To learn and practice basic scriptural research techniques, assessed by research papers.
Completing each requirement, 1 though 8 (with no point deductions), will result in a “C” grade. Higher grades will require additional effort and quality work. (See option assignments 9 through 12.)
1.ATTENDANCE: This is NOT a home study course. Regular attendance is essential in order to receive credit. 200 points are possible for perfect attendance. 50 points will be deducted for each absence over two (These absences are primarily for illnesses). School excused (and approved) absences will not be penalized. More than 6 absences will result in a loss of credit and in failing the class (Religion Department policy).
2. PUNCTUALITY: We will begin class on time. You lose 5 points when you are not punctual, meaning in your seat for the hymn and prayer.
3. PARTICIPATION: You are to come to class each day, prepared to participate. Each day you should come to class with a) at least one observation or insight, which you could share in class,b) at least one question from your reading that you would like to have answered, and c) at least, one insight, thought or summary from what we discussed in the previous class. These insights, questions and summaries should be written in your notes, so that you can access them during class. You have the responsibility to help make this a powerful, productive class and your vocal as well as silent participation will assist us in this endeavor. You will report on your preparation and participation in class at the end of the semester. It is worth up to 200 points.
4. SCRIPTURE STUDY:Reading assignments must be completed BEFORE class. You are responsible to track your reading (and all other aspects of the class on the grading sheet). 200 points are possible. 15 points will be deducted for each assignment not completed BEFORE class. Your scripture study is not complete WITHOUT HAVING WRITTEN YOUR INSIGHTS, QUESTIONS, and SUMMARIES! Missed reading assignments cannot be made up.
5. DOCTRINE AND COVENANTS SECTION BACKGROUND PRESENTATION: You will sign up for three background presentations throughout the semester. You will summarize (in one minute) the information from the section background information and from the background information from the student manual. You will also give at least one reason why knowing about the background for the section helps you to better understand the content of that section. Additionally, you will prepare two questions that will help guide the class in their study of the section for which you will give the background. You will send these questions to the instructor via email for distribution to the rest of the class before the class session prior to your presentation. You will receive up to 25 points for each presentation based upon your preparation and delivery. This will add up to a possible 75 points total.
6.WORKSHEETS: Fourworksheets will be given. Each will be worth 50 points.
7. DOCTRINAL RESEARCH PAPERS: TWO, 2-3 page, double spaced typewritten papers are required ON OR BEFORE the due date. A doctrine, principle, phrase, verse or block of verses which you would like to better understand should be chosen. This is NOT to be written as a talk. It is a research paper. You should use cross references, footnotes, topical guide/index, bible dictionary, and extracts from General Conferences as primary sources to clarify and deepen your understanding of this topic. Secondary sources such as commentaries should be limited. You will find that a great amount of understanding can come from the scriptures themselves. These papers should include the following:
A. Student name, course (i.e. Doctrine & Covenants 324) and section number (i.e. 11 – 12:45 class; and 13 – 2:00 class).
B. A specific title for the selected topic. Do not use general or vague topics, such as “faith”. It must be specific to make the research meaningful. For example: Obtaining the Gift of Faith;, Principles of Meaningful Prayer; or The Purpose and Significance of Priesthood Authority; would be appropriate topics.
C. Inclusion of at least 7 scriptural passages, from the Standard Works,(of one or more verses each) that help you better understand the topic.
D. Inclusion of at least 5 quotations from The Brethren. You must include the NAME of the author, and cite the reference or source of the quote, including the name of the book or magazine,the title of the article and the page number where the quotation is located. (For example: Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 158; or from a magazine: Boyd K. Packer, Our Moral Environment, Ensign, April, 1992, pp. 45-46) if you cannot identify the author, or document the source of the quote, do not use it. Some electronic sources do not give the exact page number. But always look for and include the page number whenever possible.
E. A summary of the scriptures and quotations from C and D above. You are to put into your own words the information you learned from the scriptures and quotations you listed. A brief paragraph is NOT sufficient.
F. A personal application section consisting ofwhat you learned from this assignment. Include new information, your feelings, illustrations in your own life, etc.Papers are to be written in the format described above and as shown in class. (See “I Learn” for example papers.) Papers are worth 50 points each. LATE ASSIGNMENTS ARE NOT ACCEPTED!! This punctuality responsibility is true for all assignments.
8. REFLECTION PAPER: A paper of 3-4 pages, double-spaced, is to be written,containing a summary of the principles and doctrines which have impressed and impacted your life from your study of the Doctrine and Covenants this semester. There is no particular format for this paper, however long quotations are not appropriate.100 points possible.
9. TEXTBOOK AND MATERIALS: You are to have the standard works at each class. The Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual is highly recommended, but not required. It can be access online at ( or purchased at the bookstore.
The Following Assignments are optional for those seeking a grade higher than a “C”.
10. TEACHING OTHERS: You are to discuss with/teach someone else (roommates, spouse, class members, Family Home Evening group) some of the principles learned and insights gained in class, or in your preparation for class, for a minimum often minutes, on a maximum of20 occasions during the semester. 10 points are awarded for each teaching experience (for up to 200 points). This should be done, face to face, before class or after class.
11. TOPIC PAPER: You are to study and write about something that will deepen your understanding of the Doctrine and Covenants. It is worth up to 100 points. You are to pick a topic from the Doctrine and Covenants, do research on it (you may have already written a research paper about this topic and can use the information from it in writing this paper). This paper should be a minimum of 5 pages in length and demonstrate significant research effort and a clear understanding of the topic. You must avoid plagiarism, and properly cite information sources. Examples of topics you might consider are: The Role of the Joseph Smith Translation in Receiving Revelation as Demonstrated in the Doctrine and Covenants; The Kingdoms of Glory; The Plan of Salvation from a Doctrine and Covenants Perspective; Priesthood Organization and Development through the Doctrine and Covenants; Another Witness for The Book of Mormon – the Doctrine and Covenants; The Essential Role of Prophets in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; The Restoration – Prophecy and Fulfillment; etc. There could be many other topics, on which you could write, but the topic should be cleared by the instructor before you spend time writing it. You may use scriptures, Bible Dictionary, Student Manuals, General Conference Talks, Commentaries by LDS authors .
12. DOCTRINE AND COVENANTSSTUDENT MANUAL:In addition to completing the reading assignment for each class, you will receive 2 points for reading the corresponding material in the Student Manual (Up to 280 points if all extra material is read prior to class).
13. INDIVIDUAL/GROUP PROJECT:You are to do something that will deepen your understanding of the Doctrine and Covenants. It must be approved by the instructor. This could include studying footnotes, cross references, studying the topical guide on themes and issues you encounter in your reading, writing short doctrinal papers, reading commentaries, etc. Near the end of the semester you will write a one-paragraph report of what you did, how it affected you, and how it helped you better understand the Doctrine and Covenants, with the number of points you deserve. A minimum of 6 hours of study/work are required for this project to receive a possible100 points.
* Laptop Use: Students may use laptops during class in lieu of hard copy scriptures and/or for taking notes. Laptops are not to be used for any other purpose unless authorized by the teacher
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21 Apr / Introduction/Syllabus/Background / 09Jun / D&C 76:50-11923 Apr / D&C 1; 133 – Syllabus Quiz / 11 Jun / D&C 77-83
26 Apr / D&C 2; Abrahamic Article on Blackboard;
Discussion Board / 14 Jun / D&C 84 ** Begin Worksheet #3
28 Apr / D&C 3-5, 7, 10 Research Paper Explanation / 16 Jun / D&C 85-88:1-61
30 Apr / D&C 6, 8-9, 11** Project & Topic Paper Proposal Due / 18 Jun / D&C 88:62-141
03 May / D&C 12-17 ** Begin Worksheet # 1 / 21 Jun / D&C 89-92
05 May / D&C 18-19 ** Paper # 1 Due / 23 Jun / D&C 93-98
07 May / D&C 20-24 Discussion Board / 25 Jun / D&C 99-101 ** Worksheet # 3 Score Due
10 May / D&C 25-28 / 28 Jun / D&C 102-106
12 May / D&C 29-37 / 30 Jun / D&C 107
14 May / D&C 38-41 ** Worksheet # 1 Score Due / 02 Jul / D&C 108-110; 137
17 May / D&C 42 / 07 Jul / D&C 111-120
19 May / D&C 43-44 / 09 Jul / D&C 121-123 ** Begin Worksheet # 4
21 May / D&C 45 ** Paper # 2 Due / 12 Jul / D&C 124-126
24 May / D&C 46-49 / 14 Jul / D&C 127-128 ** Project Report Due
26 May / D&C 50-56** Begin Worksheet # 2 / 16 Jul / D&C 129-131 ** Summary Paper Due
28 May / D&C 57-62 / 19 Jul / D&C 132
02 Jun / D&C 63-67 / 21 Jul / D&C 134-136
04 Jun / D&C 68-75** Worksheet # 2 Score Due
Submit Grading Sheets for Midterm Grades / 23 Jul
12:45 class:
2:00 class:
10:30-noon / D&C 138; Official Declarations 1 and 2
** Worksheet # 4 Score Due; Participation Score Due; Submit Final Grading Sheet
07 Jun / D&C 76-1-49
Assignments / Points Possible / GradeRangeAttendance / 200 / A = 1505+
Participation / 200 / A- = 1433-1504
Scripture Study / 200 / B+ = 1362-1432
Background Presentations / 75 / B = 1290-1361
Research Papers / 100 / B- = 1218-1289
Worksheets / 200 / C+ =1147-1217
Reflection Paper / 100 / C =1075-1146
For those desiring more than a “C” / C- =1003-1074
Teaching Others / 200 / D+ = 932-1002
Student Manual / 280 / D = 860-931
Topic Paper / 100 / D- = 788-859
Project / 100 / F = Less than 788
Total / 1755
This syllabus may change at the discretion of the instructor.
Sexual Harassment/disabilities Statements for Course Syllabi
Preventing Sexual Harassment
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination against any participant in an education program or activity that receives federal funds, including Federal loans and grants. Title IX also covers student-to-student sexual harassment. If you encounter unlawful sexual harassment or gender based discrimination, please contact the Personnel Office at 356-1130.
Student With Disabilities
Brigham Young University-Idaho is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere which reasonably accommodates qualified persons with disabilities. If you have any disability which may impair your ability to complete this course successfully, please contact the Services for Students with Disabilities Office, 356-1158. Reasonable academic accommodations are reviewed for all students who have qualified documented disabilities. Services are coordinated with the student and instructor by this office. If you need assistance or if you feel you have been unlawfully discriminated against on the basis of disability, you may seek resolution through established grievance policy and procedures. You should contact the Personnel Office at 356-1130.
Student Honor
Your commitment to living the honor code, including appropriate dress and grooming standards will add to the spirit of the class and will contribute to the learning environment throughout this university. I am grateful for your willingness to live the honor code, in word, thought and deed.