Relief and Contour Maps (web-based learning tool)

User Guide

Relief and Contour Maps (web-based learning tool)

Front Page

  1. Resource "Teacher & Self-learning Version" learning can be used in classrooms and "Student Version" may be used for assessment purpose.
  2. "Teacher & Self-learning Version" can show answers and "Student Version" cannot show answers.
  3. Teachers can choose "Teacher & Self-learning Version" in the classroom to support the learning of relief features and contour maps, calculate slope gradient from a contour map, construct cross-section and calculate its vertical exaggeration.

Application of Contour Maps

  1. Learning Relief Features

  1. Click on different "Contour Maps"to support students in identifying the different relief features on contour maps
  2. Click on "Display ALL Relief Features" to show all the names of relief features or click on "+" to show the name of individual relief feature
  3. Click on "Contour Map #1" and "Contour Map #2" at the end to consolidate students ' understanding of the different relief features

  1. Click on "Contour Maps", shift A or B point to show different relief features

  1. Click on any one of the "Contour Maps", slope gradient, cross-section and its vertical exaggeration can be shown

  1. Calculate Slope Gradient
  2. Click on any one of the"Contour Maps",teach students slope gradient or guide students to use "Slope Gradient Calculator" to calculate slope gradient (Noted that slope gradient should be used to calculate along one single slope only)
  1. Construct Cross-section
  2. Click on "Sketch" in cross-section, select tools, such as paper, ruler or pen to construct cross-section
  3. Click and shift Paperon the contour map, select Pencil to mark the contour lines on the paper, then, put the paper on the cross-section, select Add Line, Add Cross and Add Text to construct cross-section
  4. Clickon "System" to display thesamplecross-section by default
  1. Calculate Vertical Exaggeration
  2. Click on any one of the"Contour Maps", click on "System" in cross-section, teachstudents vertical exaggeration or guide students to use "Vertical Exaggeration Calculator" to show the calculation of vertical exaggeration, click on "123", full mathematics calculation can be shown

Create a New Contour Map

  1. Clickon "New Map" to create a new contour map
  2. Select map scale, vertical interval of contour lines, the lowest and the highest level of the contour map
  1. Choosedifferent colour in each contour map layer
  1. Use the"Shapes / Map Items" to draw a new contour map

5.Or click on "Import an Image", insert a prepared contour map as a base map to assist drawing a new contour map

6.After finished, click on "View Contour Map", the contour map can be viewed and used for calculating slope gradient, constructing cross-section and calculating vertical exaggeration

7.Click on "Export as an Image", the contour map can be saved as image file (.jpg). Or click on "Save Contour Map File", the contour map can be saved as map file (.clamp) and can be exportedfor students to calculate slope gradient, construct cross-section and calculate vertical exaggeration

8. Click on “Browse File”, the saved map file (.clamp) can be viewed again