Releasing time to Care– realising the benefits

AVON WARD - case study

Avon ward began implementing releasing time to care in January 2011.

Over a 6 month period, the releasing time to care programme has enabled the benefits and potential to staff and patients having implemented the three foundation modules, shift handovers and nursing procedures, with a particular focus on the older person in a care setting.

Increasing Direct care time

Our baseline direct care time in January 2011 has risen from 46% for the Staff Nurse and 50 % for the Clinical support worker to 70% for the Staff Nurse and 87% for the Clinical support Worker in July 2011. The increased care time was successful due to using the nursing procedures and staff handovers module. Both highlighted areas of duplication and time waste. In particular with a reduced handover of 50% nurse time and using a Well Organised Ward model for team allocation nurse time was made available that would allow for patient interventional therapy & activities. This has promoted nurse time with the patient and promoted the patient well being and experiences.

Improving patient safety & reliability of care and support

This released time has contributed towards improved clinical care for patients.

Using the Clinical Quality Indicators, we have improved our processes in order to enhance the assessment, prevention and treatment of Falls and Pressure Area Care and meet Food,Fluid & Nutrition standards of care for the older person in hospital care.


Improving patient experience / person centred care

We have been using our ‘Getting to Know You & Getting to know Me’ tools to enhance staff knowledge and care planning that reflects the personal needs of our patients and their respective families/carers. With these we have been able to enhancea person centred approach that recognises the need to involve the extended family thus obtain relevant and specific information that supports clinical and interventional care planning thus enhance socialisation and memory prompts.

Improving staff well being

We have been using the RTC staff morale thermometer, and we have seen varied improvements. Despite the fluctuation during such an eventful period, staff morale has been sustained with OK days continuing to increase and the Bad day eliminate.


Whilst the initial RTC programme was provided with facilitative support, this was carried out opportunistically for staff, as no funded ‘time out’ was agreed. Staff did however identify themselves with areas of particular interest, having been given the opportunity to share their frustrations and concerns and the opportunity to introduce improvements methods. Ongoing sustainability has been achieved in view of staff personal interest, and in view that successes can be achieved without the need for added resources such as staff and finance, but with a guiding hand and RTC toolkit.