Class Plan
Title / AgeGreat Peace Warrior / MegaBugs 5-7 Years
Additional Resources
Music: Song with a high energy beat for the sun salutation warm up.
Game: Feathers and signs to stick with blue tack to walls - North –East – South - West
Introduction: 3mins
Tick people off the register as they enter, get children to take shoes and socks off and sit down in a circle.
Warm Up: 5 mins
Today MegaBugs we are going on anexciting adventure, but before we do we need to warm up, let’s put some music on and get ready:
As you play the music you should do: Hello Sun, Hello Earth, Roadrunner (beep beep), snake (hiss) Dog (woof) Hello Earth, Hello Sun.
Repeat this three times for a high energy warm up.
Well done, I think we are ready now!
Adventure: 22 mins
Once upon a time in a far away land called America, long ago at a time when the land was as free as the people who lived there, there was a little boy (Hero pose) who had not been given a name when he was a baby. Because he was little and because nobody had thought of any name for him, the people of his tribe called him:Little No-Name.
One morning when Little No-name woke up (Stretch and Yawn), he came out of his wigwam/teepee (Tent pose with arms above head crossed at the elbows) and he said good morning to the Sun, (Sun Salutations, instead of woof woof dog could have a howling coyote).
Then he went to gather nuts, seeds and berries for his breakfast. (Walking and stopping forforward bends and squats)
He was thinking that he would like to find a guardian animal or Bird from whom he could take a name, when suddenly a horned desertFrog hopped in front of him (Frog jumps witharms up and palms together for a horn) and he said “I wish I could jump so high that I may touch a Star in the sky”Little No-Name forgot all about his name, dropped the seed he was about to eat and decided that the Frog had given him a great idea. He started to jump as high as he could (Standing jumps reaching up really high), but he noticed there were no stars in the Sky.
A great Bear came walking by the Bear told him he could stay up all night with the howling coyotes (Dog pose with loud howls), and travel far to the north to find the biggest brightest star and make a wish on it. Little No-Name packed his Bows and his arrows (Mountainpose with arms out in arrow shape) and got on his little Horse and rode off in to the night heading north to find the star.
Move towards the north or star and wind sign.
The north wind blew very cold (Deep belly breaths in through nose and blowing out stronglythrough mouth). Brrrrr, it’s much too cold with that wind (Hugs and shivers). Little no name decided to wish away the cold wind and wish for lots of warm sunshine on the North Star. He asked the star where the sun was, the star told him that the sun lives in the east. He decided to go and find the sun and get nice and warm.
(Move towards the East or moon sign).
When Little No-Name reached Sunrisemountain in the East he found the moon instead of the sun. “Where is the sun” he asked the moon. The moon replied “He got up very early and is already high in the sky on his way to Sunset valley where he goes to sleep, I will stay here until he gets back”.
(Move towards the west and sun signs).
Little No-Name travelled across the desert from east to west, (Deep sand walking).He watched the tumble weeds rolling around (Upside down child pose/kidney massage).
They were crying out for the wind to carry them so that they could be free to fly around their desert home. He saw some cacti (Spiky pointy pose) and they seemed to be pointing to the west.
A scorpion (Don’t do scorpion pose for the children – instead use grasshopper or locust pose), the scorpion told him that today was very strange with the sun staying up in the sky for too long and no wind to blow little rainclouds to them. The scorpion went to hide under a rock for shelter (Child pose). When Little No-Name reached the west he was too hot and very thirsty but the west was in darkness. Little No-Name asked a little Spider (Spider stretch) what had happened and the spider told him that the sun was stuck in the sky and they needed rain to cool everyone down and have a drink of water and to make the sun go to bed. She told him to follow the dancing Snake and go south to where the water is and do a raindance.
(Move to the south and water signs).
Little No-Name went south following the dancing Snake(Snake pose raise legs up and down to dance).Then he did a rain dance of his own…
(Play some fast Native American Indian Music for children to dance to).
The hot sun had made lots of water float up into the sky to make big clouds.(Child pose)Little No-name blew the clouds towards the desert.(More belly breaths and blowing) Then he shot the clouds with his bow and arrows.(Warrior 1 & 2 poses) There was a great storm (stamp feet, thunder and lightning and then puddles), When the storm was finished the sun made a beautiful rainbow before deciding he was tired and wanted to go off to bed. Little No-Name climbed up onto the rainbow and slid all the way home.(Plank or bridge).
Something magical had happened. The seed that Little No-name had dropped did not get blown away because there was no wind, and with lots of sun and rain it grew into a great tree.(child/seed to Tree pose).The tree had grown huge great roots, one to the north, one to the East, one to the west and one to the south. (Lay on the floor stretching out onelimb in each direction).The great roots united all the people and the animals of the world to live in peace. Herds of buffalo and the people of Little No-Name’s tribe came to shelter under its long leaves and they called it the Great Peace Tree.They were very pleased with him and decided to give him a name, “You are very brave and a great warrior, we will call you ‘Great Peace Warrior’ and your job will be to teach all the people to look after each other and the land. They gave him a beautiful head-dress to wear made of bluebird feathers,
Relaxation and Visualisation: 5 mins
Relax to some slow Native American Music.End with Peace Breath
Sit cross legged. Deep breath in through nose, breath out slowly saying the word ‘peace’Suggested follow on Games and Activities: 10 mins
Game:Put up signs in the room for North –East – South - West. Also put pictures of the wind, star, sun, water and moon (just the pictures if children are too little to read)
Play games with feathers, make up rain and sun dances, play drums or body drumming, make Native American Style names for each other using their favourite yoga poses. E.g. ‘Big chief bendy body’, ‘Great lion roaring’, ‘little rabbit hopping’, ‘little peaceful om’ etc.
Great Peace Warrior Class Plan