Relationship between extrinsic factors and the acromio-humeral distance.

  1. Which factors the authors related the acromio-humeral distance with?
  1. Pectoralis minor length and shoulder rotation ranges.
  2. Total arc of shoulder rotation and shoulder activity levels.
  3. Scapular elevator length.
  4. Answers A, B, C are correct.
  1. Which measurement was not taken in the “scapular rotation evaluation”?
  1. Distance between the inferior angle of the scapula and the root of the spine of the scapula.
  2. Distance between the inferior angle of the scapula and the adjacent spinous process of the thoracic spine.
  3. Distance between the root of the spine of the scapula and the adjacent spinous process of the thoracic spine.
  4. Distance between the acromion process and the adjacent spinous process of the thoracic spine.
  1. Which two vertebras were marked on the skin as bony landmarks in the measure of the thoracic curve?
  1. C7-T2
  2. C7-L4/L5
  3. T12-L4/L5
  4. C7-T12
  1. Measuring of pectoralis minor length was taken:
  1. In standing position.
  2. Sitting in neutral position.
  3. In supine position.
  4. In standing with 90 degrees arm abduction.
  1. In the pectoralis minor measurement, the PALM was used to measure the distance between:
  1. The coracoid process and the ipsilateral fourth rib sternal notch.
  2. The acromial process and the most adjacent rib sternal notch.
  3. The acromial process and the ipsilateral fourth rib sternal notch.
  4. The coracoid process and the ipsilateral third rib sternal notch.
  1. Measuring of shoulder rotation range was taken in:
  1. The standing position.
  2. The supine position.
  3. Lying on the healthy side.
  4. Sitting position.
  1. The patient´s arm position in the shoulder rotation range evaluation was:
  1. 90 degrees both shoulder and elbow abduction.
  2. 90 degrees elbow flexion staying with iliac bone, doing internal-external rotation.
  3. 90 degrees shoulder abduction.
  4. None of the answers above are correct.
  1. In the US acromio-humeral distance measuring, the patient´s arm was place on:
  1. Standing neutral position
  2. Standing neutral position and 90 degrees shoulder abduction.
  3. 60 degrees shoulder abduction.
  4. Answers AC are correct.
  1. Is there a relationship between pectoral minor length, shoulder internal rotation, shoulder external rotation, total arc of shoulder, and shoulder activity levels with acromio-humeral distance?
  1. Yes. There is a strong relationship between all of them.
  2. Yes, but the mean result is a weak relationship between these extrinsic factors with acromio-humeral distance.
  3. Yes, but there is between pectoral minor index and internal rotation with acromio-humeral distance only.
  4. No. Results show us there is not a relationship between extrinsic factors and acromio-humeral distance.
  1. Following studies from different authors, a scapular upward rotation:
  1. Lift the humeral head decreasing the subacromial space.
  2. Lift the acromion for increase the subacromial space.
  3. Lift both the acromion and humeral head decreasing the subacromial space.
  4. None of the previous answers are correct.