Relationship and Parenting Project

Relationship and Parenting Project

Relationship and Parenting Project


You must first decide what type of realistic relationship you would like to be involved in, either as a couple or a single individual. Couples must choose someone else in our TAG class to be paired up with.

Submit a one page journal article that describes you (and possibly your partner’s) reasoning for your RELATIONSHIP choice for this project. Include five virtues that you feel are important to you and partner in regards to a healthy relationship or single life.


During this project you will assume the role of a ‘care-giver’ (parent) for an item/possession for the period of SEVEN days. You will pretend that your item/possession is a ‘child’ under the age of one year. Your child is your responsibility and must be:

a)with you or your significant other throughout the entire day – you should have a seven day journa

b)no less than five kgs in weight

As a parent you need to determine and document the following in a photo album, scrapbook or some other form such a prezi or powerpoint:

  1. Name and Age of your child.
  1. Food and Nutrition:
  2. What should a child @ this age usually eat?
  3. How much should they usually eat?
  4. How often should they usually eat?
  5. Should they have supplements-vitamins? If so, what?
  6. Determine the cost of feeding your child for one week.
  1. Clothing:
  2. What are the clothing needs of your ‘child’?
  3. What kinds of clothing?
  4. How many of each type of clothing item?
  5. Diapers (what type and why have you chosen that type?)
  6. Determine the cost of clothing for your ‘child’ for a week.
  1. Sleep and Rest:
  2. What are the usual sleeping habits of a child the same age as your child?
  3. How often? What length of time?
  1. Safety Concerns:
  2. What are the safety concerns at home/school?
  3. What are the safety concerns you must be aware of while they are sleeping?
  4. When you are traveling?
  1. Child care:
  2. How will you ensure that you have suitable care for your ‘child’ in your absence?
  3. Determine the cost of child care for the week.
  1. Personal Reflection:
  2. It is common to make a few mistakes when you are a first time parent. Discuss them.
  3. Discuss your thoughts and feelings as a parent.


You must also create an hourly log of the activities that you and your child experienced during the seven day period. This should be included in your photo album, scrapbook or other form. Include realistic sleeping and feeding patterns, bathing routines, play time, and any other activities that you experienced during this period. This section must reflect the number of children you have. (ie: two children, two hourly logs, etc.)

You will be given some work time both in the classroom and computer lab to complete the outlined criteria. Presentations on your project will follow.


1. Photo Album, Scrapbook, Other form including:

Virtues of Parenting Journal10 marks

Parenting Section 70 marks (10 marks/section)

Daily Log and Activities70 marks (10 marks/day)

Esthetics, Creativity, Organization, Neatness, etc.25 marks

Total 175 MARKS