Medical Student Orientation for Rehabilitation Medicine Rotation

Updated September 2016


1.  You will have lectures on the first Monday of your rotation.

2.  On the first Tuesday of your rotation, be at the 4W residents’ room at Harborview at 10AM. You will receive a brief orientation from your attending that day.


1.  Give a brief presentation (15-20 minutes) the last week of the rotation to your attending and resident. Please discuss with your attending early in your rotation what an appropriate topic should be.

2.  Conduct at least one visit to a patient’s home or extended care/hospice facility

-Submit a written report to your attending and resident

3.  Use a manual wheelchair for one day during the rotation

4.  Observe physical, occupational, and speech therapy sessions on your patients

-if possible observe swallow evaluation, orthotic/splint casting, wheelchair fitting, etc

5.  Optional outing with recreational therapy with your patient

6.  Observe a rehab psychology session with your patient’s consent

7.  Talk with the social worker about disposition, attend sessions b/w SW & patient


1.  Dress appropriately for the professional setting. This communicates to patients that you take yourself and their care seriously. Men: button down shirt and slacks. Women: blouse, slacks, knee length or longer skirts. All: close-toed dress shoes. If you are uncertain, ask your resident or the attending.

2.  If you will be late or absent, you should discuss this with your resident or the attending.

3.  You are expected to have no more than 2 unexcused absences during your rotation.


1.  Admit patients with core rehab diagnoses

2.  Write orders for your patients with signature/review from the resident

-Includes day-to-day orders, admit orders, discharge orders, outpatient therapy orders, follow-up visits, discharge medications

3.  Discuss medical issues during team huddles

-Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00-9:15 (green), 9:15-9:30 (blue), 9:30-9:45 (orange)

4.  Call consultants on your patients

5.  Call PCP before discharge


1.  Lectures are held every Tuesday morning at UW from 7:30am to 9:20am and Thursday morning from 7:30am/8:30am to 9:50am. Check with your resident about which lectures will be the most useful for you to attend and the exact times of the lectures.


1.  Green team conferences are Tuesdays 1pm-3:30pm (4WH73, code1-2-3-4).

2.  Blue team conferences are Wednesdays 1pm-3:30pm (4WH73, code1-2-3-4).

3.  Orange team conferences are Thursdays 1pm-3:30pm (4WH73, code1-2-3-4).

4.  Discuss with your resident when you should attend conferences vs engaging in alternative activities


1.  Spinal Cord Injury

2.  Traumatic Brain Injury

3.  Stroke

4.  SAH/AVMs

5.  CNS Tumors

6.  Burns

7.  Amputations

8.  Post-flap

9.  Polytrauma

10.  Deconditioning (cancer, transplant, post-MI, etc)

11.  Multiple Sclerosis


1.  Autonomic dysreflexia

2.  ASIA spinal cord examination/classification

3.  Neurogenic bowel and bladder

4.  Neurogenic skin

5.  Neuropathic pain

6.  Orthostatic hypotension

7.  Ventilator management

8.  Immobility hypercalcemia

9.  DVT prophylaxis

10.  Spinal fractures

11.  Stroke subtypes

12.  Dysphagia

13.  Aphasias

14.  Spasticity

15.  TBI agitation

16.  Diffuse axonal injury

17.  Post-traumatic seizures

18.  Glasgow coma scale

19.  Autonomic storming after TBI

20.  Cerebral salt wasting, SIADH, Diabetes insipidus

21.  Heterotopic ossification

22.  Neuropsychological testing

23.  Critical illness neuropathy/myopathy

24.  Orthotic prescriptions

25.  Prosthetic prescriptions

26.  Wheelchair prescriptions

27.  Home modifications (ramps, bathroom equipment, etc)

28.  Physical modalities (TENS, E-Stim, U/S, paraffin, etc)

29.  Therapy functional terminology (SBA, CGA, MinA, independent, etc)

30.  Functional independence measure (FIM scores)

31.  Gait abnormalities

32.  Neuropathies (diffuse vs focal)