

Faculty Board
Ingrid Elam - Dean
+46 (0)70 965 54 03
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29-05-2012 / Reg.nr V 2013/498

Regulations for the Registration of Research and Artistic Works in the University of Gothenburg’s Open Access Databases

Background and Aim

An indicator based on the increase in the percentage of external funding received and the increase in the number of publications forms the basis for the allocation of research funding at the University of Gothenburg. The Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts has had its own quality indicator since 2011, i.e. a point system for publications that also includes the publication/the making public of artistic works. The indicator is also a part of the Faculty’s internal allocation system.

The point systemis as follows1:

1. Book (or the equivalent of a book), published at a national or international publishers

5 points

2. Artistic Work, peer-reviewed 5 points

3. Article, peer-reviewed (scholarly/artistic) 3points

4. Conference Contribution (scholarly/artistic), peer-reviewed

2 points

5. Article (scholarly/artistic) 1 point

6. Summary of Research Activities 1 point

7. Chapter in a book (or the equivalent), published at a national or international publishers. The editorshipof a book 1 point

8. Artistic Work 1 point

For points to be counted, research projects and artistic works must be registered in the University of Gothenburg’s open access databases: GUP(Gothenburg University Publications)or GUPEA (Gothenburg University Publications Electronic Archive – full text)) under one of the categories mentioned above,inthe January after the year of publication – at the latest – and also by a date decided upon by the University Management each year. Published works should be registered as soon as possible in GUP and GUPEA so as to avoid an overload of work at the end of each calendar year.When copyright makes full-text publication (or the equivalent)impossible, references and metadata must be entered in the GUPEA database.

Which works can be registered in GUPEA?

The main rule is that works entered in GUPEA must have come into being with the support of Faculty funding, other departmental resources, or external R&D funding that has been allocated to the department where the artist is engaged as a teacher/researcher. This also means that works produced as part of work time allocated to staff professional development can and should be registered.

Teachers and researchers at the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts also pursue research, artistic work and artistic development work (which in many cases can be research per se and/or artistic practice) outside their employment at the University of Gothenburg. This work constitutes, de facto, a significant part of their artistic work, research and artistic development work, and, hence,a significant part of the research environments at our departments. This kind of work, which, correspondingly, is connected to department activities, should therefore, after the approval of the person concerned, be registered as a part of an employee’s research, artistic activities and development work. This applies in particular to positions that are 20% of a full-time equivalent position or more.

All kinds of artistic works, as well as hybrids, can be presentedin GUPEA, where there is no set categorisation system. However, entries must maintain an acceptable level of quality, have sufficient documentation, and include metadata that enables anyone wishing to study the work by way of the database to be able to form a picture of the intention behind the workas well as of its quality.

Co-authors of articles usually divide the bibliometrical points connected to a publication between them. In the case of artistic works and artistic research, a number of different approaches should be made possible. This means that the translator of a novel, a photographer in a film production, a soloist performing a work etc.should have the possibility to be awarded full bibliometrical points in relation to a given publication.

Some copyright questions related to making artistic works accessible in open access databases still remain to be solved. In cases where there is any doubt, we recommend extracts from works or explanatory/illustrative documentations that are not in conflict with copyright laws being presented. If the artist owns the copyright, the greater the possibility will be for this work to be represented in its entire form.

Question of Responsibility

Department Management Groups have the main responsibility for publications being registered in the University of Gothenburg’s databases.

Scholary/scientific works published/made public(and artistic research documents in accordance with the above point system table) are to be registered in GUP by researchers themselves – in accordance with the principles that apply at the University of Gothenburg as a whole (the Head of Department is responsible for registrationstaking place; support in the entering of the full-text document in GUPEA or the uploading of pdf files in GUP is given by Department Librarians and by the University Library).

There is a special routine that needs to be followed with regard to artistic works The Head of Department is responsible for informing all teachers and researchers of registration procedures, ensuring that teachers and researchers receive adequate support to be able to carry out registrations of good quality, as well as regularly checking what the current situation is regardingdepartment registrations. Subject Representatives should also have sound knowledge of procedures regarding registration,and support members of staff with questions related to quality.

At each department there should be working groups available from September each year who check the quality of the registrations, and by delegation from the Head of Department determine which artistic works should be awarded 5 points (for ‘Artistic Work, peer-reviewed’). Published works/works made public andcreated by teachers and researchers at the Faculty’s departments can as a whole be considered to maintain such a sufficient standard that they should be awarded 1 point, provided registrations meet the requirements stipulated.

In September each year a Faculty GUPEA Group that meets in October to organise the year’s work and communicate dates and routines to the working groups at each respective department is set up. From 2013 the GUPEA Group is also responsible for checking the quality of all registrations in GUP (random checks) and GUPEA (i.e. inspecting the quality of‘Artistic Works’as well as of‘Artistic Works – peer-reviewed’).

Departments must deliver a summary report of department registrations, with links to GUPEA, to the Faculty’s GUPEA Group by the 10th of December each year so that evaluation work can start and so that there is the possibility to raise the quality of the registrations. Registrations of works that have been published/made public in the month of December are evaluated, and, without delay, sent in after this has been done.

Registrations (for 1 point and 5 points) that do not maintain sufficient quality will be eliminated.

The Faculty GUPEA Group reports to the Dean. The group’s work is complete in January each year on a deadline date for the reporting of the previous year’s production results –decided upon by the University of Gothenburg Management Group.

When andHowshould the artistic works be registered?

Awork (scholarly/scientific or an artistic work)should be registered as soon as possible after it has been published/made public. Additional material in the form of images, sound and text (reviews, for example) can be attached at a later date.

The registration of artistic works is to be carried out in a way similar to the registration of research. The works are to be described and contextualised in a trustworthy manner.

Works to be registered. under the headings ‘Artistic Works, peer-reviewed’, and ‘Artistic Works’are registered in GUPEA, and then moved to ‘Artistic Work peer-reviewed’, and ‘Artistic Work’ respectively, by librarians, after the GUPEA Group has given them the OK.

When registering works, the aspects listed below should be included, and entered in the fields provided in GUPEA for metadata:

The question/issue/problem that gave rise to the work’s coming into being

The context, the work’s relation to - dialogue with, distance from/to- other relevant artisticworks

The context, place of publication/where the work has been made public

We recommend the following amount of text to be used:

Summaries: 200 characters

Project Descriptions: 2000-4000 characters

Names and descriptions of parts of works included: 500 characters

In attached pdf files you should include:

Documentations of works (artistic works that are part of an exhibition, a musical performance, or a design productionetc.)

Documentation of the publication/making public of works (e.g. pictures from the location/environment where the exhibition was shown.)

Documentation of reactions to the work (e.g. critical reviews, articles, debates etc.)

Other relevant material

It is important for the evaluation that the attached pdf files have pedagogical as well as artistic relevance and that sufficient information is included in the documentations.

How will the works be evaluated?

The main criterion used in this quality evaluation is: a high level of artistic excellence internationally and/or that the work can be said to be an original contribution to the artistic field.Works that fulfil these criteria can, with all good reason, be valued higher than other works.

The working method here is based on the assumption that certain works might be considered as having been peer reviewed in the artistic field they belong to, i.e. via the committees and juries that evaluate musical works, visual art, design etc. Other cutting-edge works that question norms and standards,and, for this reason, have not established themselves in the official contexts of artistic fields may be evaluated by the evaluation group, and if this group lacks the competence required, an external expert can be called in.

Bad quality regarding registrationresults in works of high quality being awarded lower points, or alternatively, being eliminated.

Doctoral research

Doctoral research makes up an important part of the research conducted at the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts. Therefore, doctoral research in the form of artistic research projects and conference reports, articles and works should be registered in relevant sections of the University of Gothenburg’s databases: GUP and GUPEA.

Languages used in entered material

The material entered in the University’s databases should be presented in Swedish and English, or in English only.

Quality Assurance

The work that is carried out by the Faculty’s Evaluation Group to award points must, in its turn, be checked by independent external experts outside the Faculty. It would be appropriate to build up a national network that could deal with questions of this kind in order to progress the mutual recognition of quality.

Ingrid Elam, Dean

This document is a translation of the Swedish original for reference purposes only. In the event of anydiscrepancy between this translated document and the Swedish original, the original shall prevail.The Faculty assumes no responsibility for this translation or for direct, indirect or any other forms of damages arising from the translation.