Regular Session Minutes

Council On Aging Board

Regular Session Minutes - Council On Aging Board Meeting

Fitch Room, Town Center

January 9, 2018

PRESENT:Allan Morgan, Chair; Lew Putney, Emily Pruyn, Rosemary Dyer, Gene Kalb, Sandra Hackman, Roberta Ennis, Council On Aging (COA) Director Alison Cservenschi.


ABSENT:Lenore Dichard, Rick Rosen

The meeting was called to order at 11:06am.

  1. Welcome

Chair Morgan thanked everyone for coming.

  1. Approval Of Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on November 14, 2017 were distributed by mail. No amendments or changes were suggested.

The minutes were approved (6-0-1; Morgan abstained since he was not present at that meeting).

  1. Chair’s Remarks

a. Chair Morgan thanked R. Dyer for conducting the November meeting in his absence.

b. Chair Morgan officially welcomed Sandra Hackman to the board as a new member. Hackman has been a town representative to the Metropolitan Area Planning Commission. She will act as the Board liaison on planning issues.

c. Chair indicated that a guest speaker from Neighbor Brigade in Bedford has been invited to make a presentation at a special Board meeting to be held on February 13. The Director will confirm the speaker’s availability.

d. Rosen & Morgan are reviewing the March 2016 Board operating procedures. If Board members wish to suggest any changes, notify either Rosen or Morgan.

e. The Board operating procedures establish a Finance Committee. Chair Morgan indicated Rosen has been appointed to that Committee. Anyone else interested in being on that Committee should let the Chair know.

  1. Director’s Remarks

a. Town Assessment: about 25% of the surveys were returned according to UMass. UMass will now tabulate the results & also prepare 2 or 3 focus groups. If Board members have any suggestions of groups or individuals who might participate in a focus group, notify the Director or Chair asap.

b. The Memory Café, which is a specialized program planned and run by Cooperative Elders, is funded for 9 months programming, and will run the 4th Tuesday of the month, starting January 23, 2018. The FBCOA helped fundraise and provided a donation along with Carleton Willard Village and the Bedford Rotary. Volunteers are being gathered and Cooperative Elders is providing an orientation. The Director provided the Board with a Q+A sheet on the Memory Café in response to questions from the Board Chair.

c. The Dash Program has extended its morning hours to include 11am. The service runs now from 11am to 6pm and the 11am hour has been very popular.

d. Many phone calls requesting help with snow removal have been received. While the COA cannot recommend commercial vendors, a list of vendors and volunteers could be prepared that might be helpful.

e. The State formula grant has been received. Bedford received $9.70 per senior. That’s a reduction of $980 from last year.

  1. Reports
  1. Housing

L. Putney reported that there are 8 units available, and a new garage was built at Ashby Place for their equipment. The Coast Guard housing zoning article will come up again at Town Meeting in March. Concerns were raised about the additional housing planned on this lot and the condition of the existing units. L. Putney voiced his concern for the small size of the houses related to their cost as well as the condo fee. The Director informed the Board of the public hearing scheduled on the 10th for those interested to discuss the planned changes.

  1. Transportation

R. Dyer expressed concern that the current BLT van cannot navigate many driveways. That means some seniors must walk from their homes to the curb in order to use the service. She suggested the town should purchase of a new mini-van that would be able to negotiate all driveways.

  1. Corresponding Secretary

E. Pruyn reported sending 10 sympathy cards and 13 January birthday cards in December.

  1. Minuteman Senior Services

Minuteman Senior Services is unable to accommodate the additional 2 day congregate lunch program planned with Carleton Willard Village. Due to increased demands on the Meals on Wheels program Minuteman moved to a new kitchen facility costing Minuteman more in rental space. Since the Bedford lunch program is not under Minuteman’s state Bateman contract, the usual state funding applied for these programs cannot be applied. At this time the plan for 5 day lunches is postponed indefinitely.

  1. FBCOA Liaison

No report

  1. Selectmen Liaison

No report.

  1. Unfinished Business


  1. New Business


  1. Visitors

Robert Smith & Roger Collins expressed concern about property taxes in Bedford & their impact on older residents with limited income. Smith & Collins serve as volunteer income tax preparers & have heard some residents indicate that in order to pay their taxes they must forgo other expenses such as medication. They asked that a committee be formed to research property tax relief options in Bedford & surrounding towns. Chair Morgan thanked them for expressing their concerns. The Board has had some discussion of this issue & will likely continue to do so following completion of the current town assessment conducted by UMass Boston.

Next Meeting: February 13, 2018. L. Putney made a motion to adjourn. The motion passed & the meeting adjourned at 12:20pm.