Montage I & II

Regular Session Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday, May 4, 2016, 6:30 PM

Horizon Community Center

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:34pm

Board members in attendance: Nick Arini, Ed Carl, Carol Consalvo, Chris Kolanko, and Paul Traiforos. Board Members absent were Tawny Calvet & Mike Glover

There were 4 homeowners in attendance.

Elizabeth Davey, APM Representative

Certification of Quorum

Elizabeth Davey established that a quorum has been met.


All current board members introduced themselves to the homeowners in the room.

Elizabeth Davey introduced herself as the APM Representative to the homeowners in the room

Approval of the Prior Meeting Minutes

Ed Carl motioned to accept (or ratify) the minutes of the October 13, 2015 meeting. Paul seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Financial Report

Ed Carl reported that through March there was $67,657.18 in the reserve account and $40,353.40 in the operating accounts, totaling $108,010.54. Paul asked to accept the financial report. All agreed.

Management Report

Wendy Charles, APM Title Department reported that we have 149 residential units in Montage I and II. 107 units are owner occupied (72%); 42 units are listed as offsite addresses (28.2%) and 18 of 42 offsite units are listed as rentals (12.1%).

Homeowners Forum

One homeowner asked that the board place violations on his neighbor who has not maintained their front yard and that the place is unkempt with dead trees and shrubbery. Other neighbors are equally upset with the neighbor and now with the Board of Directors for not making sure that this property is not taken care of properly.

Another homeowner complained about unfair violations concerning his garage door being open. Elizabeth had already addressed the issue and the violations had been lifted due to a clearer understanding between the management company and the homeowner. Garage doors are not be left open overnight.

Elizabeth Davey welcomed all kinds of input from board members and homeowners to report violations with correct addresses and pictures, if possible.

President’s Report

Nick nominated Paul Traiforos to fill the vacant position of Vice President due to the verbal resignations of Theresa Compici and Stewart Little in March. Carol Consalvo seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Old Business

a)  T-Mobile update – landscaping should be completed between May 18 and May 23 and construction completed by June 15th.

b)  Greenbelt Sidewalk Quotes - One bid has been submitted by Sun Country with 3 different options. One bid has been submitted by ProQual Landscaping on installing sidewalk coating to reduce slipping hazard. A meeting with Sun Country needs to be set up for May 10th at 4:00 pm for a further explanation of the options.

c)  Tree Trimming quotes – Ed suggested we get new quotes since the previous ones are outdated and there are more issues to be addressed.

d)  Pet Waste Receptacles in Greenbelt – Paul Traiforos requested Elizabeth to get quotes for a couple of systems. Once we have some quotes, an email vote can be taken and Paul will overlook the process until it is completed.

e)  Granite Replacement – Ed motioned to table discussion on this issue until we get the sidewalk and tree-trimming issues either underway or completed.

New Business

a)  Dead Tree in Greenbelt – tree on Hillery needs to be removed because it is dead and a new one should be replaced with a 15 gal or 24 box Mesquite or Palo Verde tree. All agreed.

b)  Back Flow System - Elizabeth reported that needs to be replaced. This is a city requirement. Elizabeth will acquire some quotes for us to review. An email vote will ensue.

Adjourn Meeting

Ed Carl motioned to adjourn the meeting. Chris Kolanko seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:44 pm. Tuesday, August 2nd was suggested for the next meeting. Elizabeth will contact the city for this date.

Respectfully submitted by

Carol Consalvo

Carol Consalvo

Recording Secretary – May 15, 2016.