Official Board Minutes 02-16-20101.


February 16, 2010

Stanton Town Hall

31186 40th Avenue Way, Cannon Falls, MN 55009

Attending: Board Chair, Vince Cockriel; Vice Chair, Bob Benson; Supervisor, John Miller; Treasurer, Ken Ebert; Clerk, Laura Pederson.

Vince Cockriel called meeting to order at 7 pm.

Pledge of allegiance was recited.

Vince Cockriel called to reveal any conflicts of interest.

None were heard.

Approval of Agenda:

Audit, Levy, Budget added under New Business

Bob Benson made motion to approve agenda with additions.

Vince Cockriel seconded the motion.

Motion passed 3/0

Approval of January 19, 2010 Minutes:

Bob Benson made motion to accept minutes

John Miller seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/0.

Building Permits:


Public to Speak:

1. Joe Lopez and Michelle Sandstrom (Penfield)

-voicing concern over CapX 2020 proposed route with the needed 150 ft. right-of-way

-Utility companies do not have to give “fair market value” for property under current regs

-Proposed bill currently in committee to change when “fair market value” is given

-Board encouraged homeowners to contact legislators. Board has no jurisdiction in this area.

-Board members agreed to contact legislatures also.

-another concern is the dumping of snow onto Ryan Rounds property and the eventual melt:

this has been addressed in the new ordinance that is ‘almost’ in place

-Bob Benson to visit Ryan Rounds to tell him that “no import’ is permitted in township

2. Joe Vandenheuvel, Jr. (5419-312th Street)

-voicing concerns over road maintenance- snow removal and also the monies spent on

dust control

3. Ian Brown (3260-310th Street)

-voicing concern over winter road maintenance and the timeliness of the morning plowing

4. Brian Neehouse ( 5389-312th St)

-voicing similar concerns on winter road maintenance

5. Dale Anderson ( 5425 -311th Street)

-same concerns over winter road plowing and maintenance

6. Curt Rauvola-

-Curt would like the map that he was given to be explained a little more

-John Krantz and Curt had planned to walk the roads so that specific placement of gravel

could be shown. Curt to contact John again to reschedule this walk and talk.

-Curt contacted Randy, the logger, who was going to contact the truckers to find out

when and how many trucks loads were taken out

-Vince Cockriel reiterated it did not matter how many loads were hauled, but the fact that the

road was damaged.

Treasurer’s Report:

Ken Ebert reported:

Funds/Accounts / Amount / Notes
Current Investments / $ 51,462.93
Receipts / $ 3,575.00
Disbursements / $ 7,774.26
Ending Balance / $ 190,307.40 / Cash Available

2009 books are not closed out until this evening’s audit and report transmittal to the state.

Bob Benson made motion to accept treasurer’s report.

Vince Cockriel seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/0.

Clerk’s Report:

Laura Pederson reported:

1. Irene Bright – coming to work with clerk and treasurer on March 12/13

-will be doing claims together on new system so all claims need to be in by March 11

2. All election/annual meeting postings and publishings done

Absentee voting – Saturday, March 6 from 10 AM to noon

Planning Commission – Monday, March 8 at 7 pm

3. Draft copy of Ordinance is available at the library. Anyone requesting an electronic copy will

be sent at no cost and those requesting a paper copy the cost is $5.00 for paper/ink

4. Short Course – March 16, 2010 in Rochester at the Airport location

Road Report:

-new cutting edges are in for the plow and wing

-need to now be put on—Corey Franklin has done this in the past

-Tom Kurtz to get this scheduled

-need fuel ordered

-plow truck stuck in Penfield yesterday and Siewerts had to be called to get it out

Meetings Attended:

Vince Cockriel – 1/12, 1/19. GHC 1/29, 2/6

Bob Benson – 1/12,1/19

John Miller – 1/12, 1/19, 2/6

Laura Pederson – 1/27 GHC septic

Old Business

1. Annexation Cost Report – presented by Cheryle Peters

-total costs to township of $8,250.73

-itemized report filed with clerk

New Business:

1. Dances used to be held at the old townhall. Still have some monies and they

wish to be donated to current townhall. Board decided to use this money toward

a new flag when needed.

2. Chuck Rademacher will be giving a report at the Annual Meeting for the Hospital Board

3. Note the MAT Newspaper for Annual Meeting Format/Requirements

4. Financial information ready that has been requested by Joe Vandenheuvel email

5. Treasurers Annual Report:

Vince Cockriel made motion to have clerk read the interim financial report by object code,

which will be highlighted, at the annual meeting so that all information is shared with 2

copies to be made. Bob Benson seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/0

John Miller made motion to have clerk share information on Schedule 5 with 25 copies

to be made.

Bob Benson seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/0

Schedule 1 will also be shared, as required by law, with 25 copies to be made.

6. Board of Audit:

Board of Audit completed and signed by supervisors

7.. Budget/Levy:

General / $ 50,000.00
Road & Bridge / 120,000.00
Fire / 35,000.00
Building / 13,000.00 / *amount into General for GHC
TOTAL / $218,000.00 / Same amount as 2010 levy

Bob Benson made motion for Board to recommend support of 2011 levy as proposed .

John Miller seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/0.

Upcoming Meetings:

1. Ordinance Meeting – February 23rd, 2010, at 7 pm

2. Planning Commission – Monday, March 8, 2010, at 7 pm

3. Annual Meeting – Tuesday, March 9th after the polls close


Vince Cockriel made motion to open mail.

Bob Benson seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/0


Bob Benson made motion to pay claims.

Vince Cockriel seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/0.

Bob Benson made motion to adjourn the meeting.

John Miller seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/0

Meeting adjourned at 10:35 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Laura Pederson


Stanton Township Clerk