… Continued Page 2 Sept 13, 2017

Regular Meeting of the Village of McLean held the 13th day of Sept. 2017

Present: Mayor Mark Towers, Councilors: John Dulle, Jamie Torry, Mike Trithart, Shawn McIntosh Admin. Melody Koronkiewicz

Call to Order: Mayor Towers called the meeting to order at 6:55 pm

139/2017 – Mayor Towers: Minutes- moved the minutes of the last regular meeting held August 9, 2017.



Mayor Towers requested the correspondence be presented.

140/2017 –Clr. Torry: Correspondence – moved that the correspondence was presented, and is to be filed accordingly.


Admin Report: no First Responder Report: N/A

Rec Board Report: N/A Fire Dept. Report: yes

Water report: yes Ratepayer complaints/requests: 0

Delegation #1 - Jon Schaeffer was given the floor at 7:30 to discuss several fire department matters. Mr. Schaeffer concluded at 8:00.

Delegation #2 - Cliff Ebenal was given the floor at 8:00 to discuss easement concerns. Mr. Ebenal left council chambers at 8:05.

New/Old Business:

141/2017 –Mayor Towers: Letter of Support – moved

WHEREAS the Village of McLean gives its support to the McLean Fire Department to fundraise for a Grasslands Fire Truck.

BE IT RESOLVED that the Administrator will type up a Letter of Support to fundraise for a Grasslands Fire Truck.


142/2017 – Clr. Torry: Hiring of Administrator – moved

WHEREAS the Village of McLean requires a Town Administrator with the resignation of Nadine Jensen,

BE IT RESOLVED that Melody Koronkiewicz is hired as the Acting Administrator for 3 days per week reflecting 87 hours per month with salary of $2,400.00 per month with full benefits and further, that Ms. Koronkiewicz will act as Acting Administrator until she is certified by the UMAAS Board.


143/2017 –Clr. McIntosh: Signing Authorities – moved

WHEREAS the previous signing authority has resigned,

BE IT RESOLVED that Nadine Jensen is removed as the signing authority and that the new Administrator, Melody Koronkiewicz, is given signing authority on behalf of the Village of McLean and that Ms. Koronkiewicz will complete all documentation required with the Royal Bank.


144/2017 – Mayor Towers: Hiring Administrator Mentor - moved

WHEREAS the Acting Administrator requires a mentor,

BE IT RESOLVED that Village of McLean hire Megan Macomber as Ms. Koronkiewicz’ s mentor at a rate of $50.00 per hour with $ 0.50 per km for travel.


145/2017 –Clr. Dulle: Waterworks Operator - moved

WHEREAS the Village of McLean requires a temporary Waterworks operator,

BE IT RESOLVED that Hayley Gayton is hired and will be paid $18.00 per hour per day.


Mayor Towers called for a break at 8:15 pm

Mayor Towers called the meeting back to order at 8:28 pm

146/2017 – Clr. Trithart: Accounts Payable – moved the Accounts Payable be paid as presented.

($ 34,595.07)


147/2017 – Clr. McIntosh – Accepted Road Tender – moved

WHEREAS the Village had advertised for an invitation of tenders to construct the road north of the CP tracks heading east to west, and such tenders were reviewed at today’s meeting,

BE IT RESOLVED that the tender submitted by Boyd Construction Inc. is accepted tender at a total quoted cost of $105,894.00.


Mayor Towers moved to in-camera regarding a Business Proposal @9:00

Mayor Towers called the meeting back to regular public meeting @ 9:30.

148/2017 - Mayor Towers: Consent to register title on Blk H & I – moved

WHERAS THE Village of McLean received Consent from the Provincial Mediation Board to make final application for title of Blk H, Plan No. 10214506 & Blk I, Plan No. 10214306,

BE IT RESOLVED that the Administrator will inform Taxervice to register this with ISC and serve the 30 day final notice.


Mayor Towers adjourned at 10:15 pm.


Mayor Administrator